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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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5 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

Shut up. No one with a brain cell left is gonna respond to your nonsense. If you can bring a real argument to the debate table, great.


If you can't, WALK. 


There isn’t anything to debate. It’s an observable fact that the “good of society” has zero role in our decisions.









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23 hours ago, Springfield said:

Fairfax County only saw 44 new cases of Covid today, only 2 hospitalizations and 1 death. I don't really have faith that weekend numbers indicate anything specific but I hope we keep trending this way.


Well, there it goes...


Fairfax County got a new high score on cases today. 493 new cases today, besting the previous high score of 417 set on 5/21 and 308 cases on 5/11. A bright side, if there is such a thing, is that there are *only* 24 new hospitalizations today which seems to be about average and the hospital case load seems to be about level. Also, only 4 new deaths today. Most days deaths are in the single digits in Fairfax County so perhaps we are getting better at treating those who are affected.


I understand that as we test more and more people that we will get more and more positive test results, but damn if it doesn't make me uneasy still. Also, as test numbers increase the percent positive decreases which I suppose to be a good sign.

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23 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

HOLY ****...that is both funny and terrible. I don't know how you do it, Dan, but keep it up if it saves one life. 

Don't stop. Seriously. 



A friend sent that to me.  A version of it was on Rick Wilson's Twitter feed.


I do not begrudge a President getting away from the stress of the job in whatever way he or she sees fit.  But the blatant hypocrisy of Trump is beyond the pale, for two reasons.  First, he slammed Obama over and over again for golfing.  Second, during Trump's campaign, more than once at his stupid rallies or in debates, he promised repeatedly that he would not play golf... that he'd be too busy in the White House to play golf.


He's been to golf courses 251 times since his inauguration, with direct evidence of him playing at least 119 times.  Pro golfers would be jealous of his time on the links. **** him.



Edited by Dan T.
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4 minutes ago, Dan T. said:



A friend sent that to me.  A version of it was on Rick Wilson's Twitter feed.


I do not begrudge a President getting away from the stress of the job in whatever way he or she sees fit.  But the blatant hypocrisy of Trump is beyond the pale, for two reasons.  First, he slammed Obama over and over again for golfing.  Second, during Trump's campaign, more than once at his stupid rallies or in debates, he promised repeatedly that he would not play golf... that he'd be too busy in the White House to play golf.


He's been to golf courses 251 times since his inauguration, with direct evidence of him playing at least 119 times.  Pro golfers would be jealous of his time on the links. **** him.



I know. He's such a hypocritical asshole. It's just stunning. I'm still in shock that the last 4 years have even happened. 

(And I'm a YUGE "Farenheit 9/11" fan! )

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21 hours ago, Mr. Sinister said:

No clue why people are so fine with getting this. I'm more certain than ever that I had it, and I was miserable (and I'm not an at risk person). These people are insane


I suspect that I got it too in March, but I can't be sure, so I've been operating on the assumption that I didn't and don't have immunity and could be contagious.  I got pneumonia symptoms, but I never really got a fever and definitely not a high fever.  I've had viral pneumonia before though, and was never really feverish through that, so I don't take it as a given that the disease would cause me to have one.


If I had it, the way it played out for me was four or five days of feeling fairly ill, then several weeks of having more difficulty breathing and getting sinus infections twice in the two months since.  Kind of go through a period of feeling good for a week or two, then a sinus infection happens and I feel ill for a few days again, and then it's several more days before I get back to normal.  The course reminds me of when I had pneumonia when I was young.  That put me out of school for weeks as I was pretty symptomatic for about six weeks and that was not a severe case at all.


So assuming I had a very mild case of it, it was still pretty disruptive and my respiratory capacity definitely feels diminished.  Pretty much have gotten used to feeling permanently congested and fatigued and having occasional aches.  Mostly headaches.  I'm only now starting to be able to walk a couple of miles or do physical work without getting winded.  If my experience is representative of the best likely scenario for 30 something people who become infected, then even if you don't spread it to someone else it makes very very ill, then it still makes it very difficult to work in basically any kind of service position.  That alone argues for doing everything recommended to avoid the disease, particularly since wearing a mask in public and social distancing when you don't need to be out for work are not burdensome measures to take.  I'm a painter so, admittedly, I'm accustomed to wearing n95 masks and respirators for working.  It doesn't feel good, but it's something basically anyone can get used to.  And those masks and respirators are way more restrictive that the loose fitting masks that most people are wearing since they don't have to keep particulate out of your nose and mouth.  A lot of the people whining about wearing masks are just being babies, and the people clustering up for recreational activity just because they are bored are fools.  It's pretty pathetic.  I bet a lot of people intentionally exposing themselves and others like that will end up killing their parents or grandparents.

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1 minute ago, Larry said:

edited that for you. 

From Rick Reilly's book "Commander in Cheat":


Once, Trump hosted three famous ESPN football announcers — Mike Tirico (now with NBC), Jon Gruden (now the Raiders coach), and Ron (Jaws) Jaworski, the old Eagles quarterback — at one of his courses. Trump loves to show off his courses to celebrities, and the more celebrated you are, the more he wants you to see them and the more he wants his members to see you. Trump arrived as the other three were warming up and he picked the teams immediately. “It’s gonna be me and Gruden, ’cause I like winners.”


Off they went. At one point, they were playing a blind par 5, and Tirico, who’s a 12.3 handicap, had 230 yards into the green.


He hit the 3-wood of his life. “Oh my god!” his caddy said, open- mouthed. The thing had the flag covered from the start. It crested the hill perfectly and was going to be tight to the pin. Shocked at his sudden skill, Tirico high-fived his caddie and strode toward the green, his shoes barely touching the grass.


But, somehow, when they got there, the ball wasn’t near the pin. It wasn’t even on the green. It was 50 feet left of the pin, in the bunker. Unless it hit a drone and ricocheted sideways, there was no physical way it could’ve ended up there.


“Lousy break,” Trump said to Tirico, who checked the marking on the ball to be sure it was his. It was. Befuddled, it took Tirico two swipes to escape the bunker on the way to a 7.


“Afterwards,” Tirico remembers, “Trump’s caddy came up to me and said, ‘You know that shot you hit on the par 5? It was about 10 feet from the hole. Trump threw it into the bunker. I watched him do it.’”

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46 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

See? He's an asshole to everyone, EVEN PEOPLE HE'S TRYING TO IMPRESS. 


There aren't enough curse words in the vocabulary for what I feel. 



It's a small window into what a despicable person he is.  Any normal human being would have congratulated Tirico on a great shot.  Not the sociopath though. 

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17 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:


I am well aware that spreading can and will occur beyond this.  I was just trying to grade out the direct impact of the pool party.




In related news...


A cluster of coronavirus cases was reported in Arkansas after a swim party


Several people who attended a high school swim party in Arkansas have contracted Covid-19, Gov. Asa Hutchinson told reporters on Saturday.


"A high school swim party that I'm sure everybody thought was harmless. They're young, they're swimming, they're just having activity and positive cases resulted from that," Hutchinson said.

The governor declined to provide further details on the swim party but noted the incident was "just an encouragement for us to be disciplined in our activities."


Click on the link for the full article

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4 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:


There isn’t anything to debate. It’s an observable fact that the “good of society” has zero role in our decisions.










I can't tell where you stand (tough to read sarcasm)...but I really hope that everyone who won't leave their home for months for this virus treat the next emergency similarly. I am NOT discounting the tragedy of any singular death, but it's bizarre to me how COVID deaths are met with people punching a hole in their hats but we don't seem to react this way when the day-to-day things are happening. Should we all lock down this coming winter to avoid even one flu death? Isn't one too many for anyone to selfishly go skiing, head to work, or take their son to his basketball game? 

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4 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:


I can't tell where you stand (tough to read sarcasm)...but I really hope that everyone who won't leave their home for months for this virus treat the next emergency similarly. I am NOT discounting the tragedy of any singular death, but it's bizarre to me how COVID deaths are met with people punching a hole in their hats but we don't seem to react this way when the day-to-day things are happening. Should we all lock down this coming winter to avoid even one flu death? Isn't one too many for anyone to selfishly go skiing, head to work, or take their son to his basketball game? 


There are about 300+ prior posts that could be copied and pasted as a response to what you just wrote here. My only thought is that either you've yet to understand the source of people's concern, or you just don't want to. Not sure what else could be said that would make you (or anyone) say "Oh, ok, I get it now."

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24 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:


I can't tell where you stand (tough to read sarcasm)...but I really hope that everyone who won't leave their home for months for this virus treat the next emergency similarly. I am NOT discounting the tragedy of any singular death, but it's bizarre to me how COVID deaths are met with people punching a hole in their hats but we don't seem to react this way when the day-to-day things are happening. Should we all lock down this coming winter to avoid even one flu death? Isn't one too many for anyone to selfishly go skiing, head to work, or take their son to his basketball game? 

How do you not get that this is something different?  Personally I think people tend to be pretty careless and selfish about spreading around the flu and the cold but it’s not at all the same thing. On the other hand, if this country has done things like a lot of others have, we wouldn’t be anywhere near as bad off as we are now.  The more people, the states, and this country half ass it, the longer this takes and a lot more people die than needed to.

Edited by visionary
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WHO pauses trial of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 patients due to safety concerns




GENEVA, May 25 (Reuters) - The World Health Organization has suspended testing the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 patients due to safety concerns, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Monday.


"The executive group has implemented a temporary pause of the hydroxychloroquine arm within the Solidarity trial while the safety data is reviewed by the data safety monitoring board," Tedros told an online briefing.


He said the other arms of the trial - a major international initiative to hold clinical tests of potential treatments for the virus - were continuing.


The WHO has previously recommended against using hydroxychloroquine to treat or prevent coronavirus infections, except as part of clinical trials.


Dr. Mike Ryan, head of the WHO emergencies program, said the decision to suspend trials of hydroxychloroquine had been taken out of "an abundance of caution."







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48 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:


I can't tell where you stand (tough to read sarcasm)...but I really hope that everyone who won't leave their home for months for this virus treat the next emergency similarly.


Emergency? Not any emergency. Not all emergencies can be contained by staying home. A pandemic like this can though. Personally I think we have stayed home enough to flatten the curve, and now we can start to reopen some things, but we all need to wear masks.  My point with my post was that people will not do the small small things that will have a huge impact. Because a stupid you ain’t the boss of me mentality.


48 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:


I am NOT discounting the tragedy of any singular death, but it's bizarre to me how COVID deaths are met with people punching a hole in their hats but we don't seem to react this way when the day-to-day things are happening. Should we all lock down this coming winter to avoid even one flu death?


the flu is under control, this is not. We had more deaths from it that the flu despite punching our hat. We acted insane and still, we had more deaths that the flu.


48 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:



Isn't one too many for anyone to selfishly go skiing, head to work, or take their son to his basketball game? 


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