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"Israel is for Jewish people only" - Netanyahu

Bozo the kKklown

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Israeli troops have crossed into the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military said early Friday, as artillery, tanks and war planes joined in a withering assault on the Palestinian enclave, and the Israeli military readied at least three brigades of troops for action, raising the prospect of an all-out ground invasion.


Just after midnight, the Israeli military announced that air and ground forces had joined in an attack on Gaza, but a military spokeswoman did not detail the number or type of troops that had crossed the border.


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Bennett rules out ‘change gov’t’ due to Gaza unrest, renews talks with Likud


Yamina party leader Naftali Bennett has taken “off the table” the option of forming a government without Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud, due to the ongoing military conflict with Gaza terrorists, a political source says.


Bennett has renewed his negotiations with Likud due to the emergency situation, and teams from both parties met today, the source says on condition of anonymity.


That is a major U-turn for Bennett, who was reportedly already set to announce the formation of a so-called “change government” headed by himself and Yesh Atid chief Yair Lapid, when the round of conflict began.


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US pulls 120 military personnel from Israel, urges Americans not to travel


The United States has withdrawn 120 military personnel from Israel and is advising Americans to reconsider any travel plans to the region amid an escalating bloody conflict involving thousands of rocket exchanges and ground troops.


News of the personnel removal and the travel advisory came late Thursday, after the Israel Defense Forces announced that it had deployed ground forces near the Gaza Strip four days into a deadly conflict with Hamas and Palestinian militia groups.


The US staffers, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters Thursday, were from US Central Command and US European Command. The group was flown out on a C-17 military transport jet to Ramstein Air Base in Germany.


“We made this decision to remove these individuals in coordination with our Israeli counterparts,” Kirby said.


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I'm sure I'm going to disagree with many people on this thread because the US has always protected Israel from criticism and accountability for it's actions, and I understand the support for Israel is far stronger in the USA than it is here in the UK, but I cannot understand how anybody could legitimately support the behaviour of the Israeli government.


From the outset, I will be very clear. My Grandfather was in a concentration camp for 2.5 years (Political prisoner) and suffered some horrific treatment, including having a nail hammered through his stomach and an attempt to blow all the prisoners up in a cave before the guards fled as it was clear that the US army was days away from the camp. His dad and 2 of his brothers were murdered by the Nazis, literally lined up against a wall and shot for no reason. Another brother was in the Polish army and murdered at Katyn.


If anyone should be able to sympathise with Israel, it's me. Literally half my family were murdered by the Nazis and my grandfather was tortured by them.... but how the **** do you sympathise with a country that was founded because of the horrors of concentration camps, who then proceed to turn Gaza into the biggest concentration camp in history? The way the Israelis treat the Palestinians is no better than the way the Nazis treated the Jewish people. How on Earth does them historically having suffered enable them to commit genocide with no accountability at all?!


They have committed various war crimes in the past, including the use of white phosphorous on civilian population centres. Today they bombed the **** out of a ****ing refugee camp. That's beyond wrong, it's ****ing disgusting. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9581639/Five-month-old-baby-boy-pulled-ALIVE-rubble-Israeli-air-strike-Gaza-refugee-camp.html


If I was Palestinian, then you're damn right I would be firing rockets into Israel. What other route do the people there have? Stand by and watch Israel systematically murder an entire ethnic group of people? Israel has been building settlements that are illegal in the eyes of international law for decades.... If you're not clear about why they are doing that, it's exclusively to prevent Palestine ever having a future state. Thats why the settlements are so disparate and not connected to each other.... Divide up the map so any kind of two state solution is not viable.... Israel don't want peace, they never have. They routinely abuse human rights, they murder indiscriminately and whenever anybody gets vocal about it, they cry anti-semitism. It's not anti-semitic to be anti-Israel, and it's incredibly ironic for them to play the racism card when they are literally commiting a race-based genocide and are possibly the single most racist country on Earth.


I don't deny Israel's right to exist, I do deny their right to commit unsolicited mass murder and the world watch on apathetically though.


How does any rightminded person support a country where the army glorify murdering children on tshirts? ( https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israeli-t-shirts-joke-about-killing-arabs/ )


Sorry, but **** them. The world should be going to war over this, there is no "two sides to every story" here, there is right and wrong.




Edited by UKskins
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1 hour ago, UKskins said:

I'm sure I'm going to disagree with many people on this thread because the US has always protected Israel from criticism and accountability for it's actions, and I understand the support for Israel is far stronger in the USA than it is here in the UK, but I cannot understand how anybody could legitimately support the behaviour of the Israeli government.


From the outset, I will be very clear. My Grandfather was in a concentration camp for 2.5 years (Political prisoner) and suffered some horrific treatment, including having a nail hammered through his stomach and an attempt to blow all the prisoners up in a cave before the guards fled as it was clear that the US army was days away from the camp. His dad and 2 of his brothers were murdered by the Nazis, literally lined up against a wall and shot for no reason. Another brother was in the Polish army and murdered at Katyn.


If anyone should be able to sympathise with Israel, it's me. Literally half my family were murdered by the Nazis and my grandfather was tortured by them.... but how the **** do you sympathise with a country that was founded because of the horrors of concentration camps, who then proceed to turn Gaza into the biggest concentration camp in history? The way the Israelis treat the Palestinians is no better than the way the Nazis treated the Jewish people. How on Earth does them historically having suffered enable them to commit genocide with no accountability at all?!


They have committed various war crimes in the past, including the use of white phosphorous on civilian population centres. Today they bombed the **** out of a ****ing refugee camp. That's beyond wrong, it's ****ing disgusting. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9581639/Five-month-old-baby-boy-pulled-ALIVE-rubble-Israeli-air-strike-Gaza-refugee-camp.html


If I was Palestinian, then you're damn right I would be firing rockets into Israel. What other route do the people there have? Stand by and watch Israel systematically murder an entire ethnic group of people? Israel has been building settlements that are illegal in the eyes of international law for decades.... If you're not clear about why they are doing that, it's exclusively to prevent Palestine ever having a future state. Thats why the settlements are so disparate and not connected to each other.... Divide up the map so any kind of two state solution is not viable.... Israel don't want peace, they never have. They routinely abuse human rights, they murder indiscriminately and whenever anybody gets vocal about it, they cry anti-semitism. It's not anti-semitic to be anti-Israel, and it's incredibly ironic for them to play the racism card when they are literally commiting a race-based genocide and are possibly the single most racist country on Earth.


I don't deny Israel's right to exist, I do deny their right to commit unsolicited mass murder and the world watch on apathetically though.


How does any rightminded person support a country where the army glorify murdering children on tshirts? ( https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israeli-t-shirts-joke-about-killing-arabs/ )


Sorry, but **** them. The world should be going to war over this, there is no "two sides to every story" here, there is right and wrong.

Given the way this thread has been going, I think you're in pretty good company here.

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Let's not rush to make Israel the only villain, here,  though.  


For example, I've read (and believe) that Hamas knows that they are a frequent Israeli target.  And so they have a deliberate policy of placing all of their ioffices on the ground floor of multi-story apartment buildings.  So that any Israeli attack against Hamas will cause the collapse of a building full of civilians.  


Yes, Israel has been systematically committing war crimes, pretty much since the day they were founded.  They're just not the only villain in the fight.  


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56 minutes ago, Larry said:

Let's not rush to make Israel the only villain, here,  though.  


For example, I've read (and believe) that Hamas knows that they are a frequent Israeli target.  And so they have a deliberate policy of placing all of their ioffices on the ground floor of multi-story apartment buildings.  So that any Israeli attack against Hamas will cause the collapse of a building full of civilians.  


Yes, Israel has been systematically committing war crimes, pretty much since the day they were founded.  They're just not the only villain in the fight.  



It’s a war between a nuclear power backed by the US military and a defenseless population with barely an army, no navy and no Air Force. 

Drawing any kind of equivalencies here is pretty ridiculous. Hamas gains legitimacy in Gaza because its people are pretty much living in an open air prison.

People who are afforded zero dignity and barely any international support turning to an extremist group offering protection is sadly not surprising. 

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I hate a lot of what Israel is doing, and I understand the feelings of wanting to strike back or lash out at them via rockets or some other method. I don’t think the random Israeli citizen who voted against and does not support their policies deserves to be blasted with rockets or be terrified every day though.  


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1 hour ago, visionary said:

I hate a lot of what Israel is doing, and I understand the feelings of wanting to strike back or lash out at them via rockets or some other method. I don’t think the random Israeli citizen who voted against and does not support their policies deserves to be blasted with rockets or be terrified every day though.  


To put some perspective on this, 10 Israelis have been killed by Palestinian rockets since last Moday. 41 Palestinian CHILDREN and 104 others have been killed by Israeli bombs in the same time frame. A Palestinian child is currently 4 times more likely to die than any Israeli citizen. When the death toll is skewed 10 to 1 in favour of one side, it's pretty hard to sell me that we should be concerned for the oppressor, complicit in genocide by choosing to live in an apartheid state that abuses human rights, rather than the oppressed people.


Theyve collectively voted in far right extremists for years. There is mandatory military service. Vast Majority of Israelis are complicit in one way or another. Maybe if they stopped voting in extremist lunatics and started treating Palestinians and Arabs with dignity, and abolished their racist, segregationist apartheid policies, they might find less rockets get fired.


If youre not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Zero sympathy for anybody who chooses to live in a racist country. Plenty move because they disagree with the activities of the Israeli state and don't want to be associated with genocide.


Edited by UKskins
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I have a hard time not blaming both sides here.  From the beginning, during the last stages of British occupation and shortly after its withdrawal, two state solution has been the most sensible answer.  Yet, throughout the last century, whenever they get close, one of the two sides decides to hand over reins to hardliners and break off further discussion of a two state solution.  So fine.  The two sides have apparently decided that continued violence is preferable to a diplomatic solution. Have at it.  After a 100 years of this BS, the international community just want to throw up their hands. 


Maybe if Palestine hadn't rejected the original UN two state solution, or if Isreal hadn't collapsed post Taba Summit talks by voting out Barak for Sharon, or if Palestinians hadn't handed over power to Hamas in some territories, or if Isreal hadn't escalated and entrenched more Isreali settlements....  The longer this parade of idiocy goes on while the most reasonable and peaceful solution stares at them in the face, the harder it will be to remember what they were fighting over in the first place.

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3 hours ago, UKskins said:

If youre not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Zero sympathy for anybody who chooses to live in a racist country. Plenty move because they disagree with the activities of the Israeli state and don't want to be associated with genocide.

That is not how the world works.

Also from what I gather elections are a lot more complicated in recent years than you make them sound.  

Bibi has barely been holding on through schemes, and power sharing tricks.









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15 hours ago, Larry said:

Let's not rush to make Israel the only villain, here,  though.  


For example, I've read (and believe) that Hamas knows that they are a frequent Israeli target.  And so they have a deliberate policy of placing all of their ioffices on the ground floor of multi-story apartment buildings.  So that any Israeli attack against Hamas will cause the collapse of a building full of civilians.  


Yes, Israel has been systematically committing war crimes, pretty much since the day they were founded.  They're just not the only villain in the fight. 


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