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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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22 minutes ago, tshile said:

I found the best part of the Milo video to be when they begrudgingly entered a conversation about how, as a business, they cannot offer payment plans for their 80$ piece of plastic. 

But soon they will be able to! Soon! They hope. 


It's great because it is strongly implied that they do offer payment plans on all of the rest of the junk they sell, just not on the specific garbage that Milo is selling.

6 minutes ago, tshile said:

Obviously this is a failure of parenting. 

You need to teach her how to gouge consumers correctly. 


Oh, without a doubt.  I'm looking for Jesus molds as I type this.  

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Trump allies pressed Defense Department to help overturn election, new book says


In the aftermath of the 2020 election, some of Donald Trump's closest allies embarked on an unprecedented effort to get the Department of Defense to chase down outlandish voter fraud conspiracy theories in hopes of helping Trump retain power, ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl writes in his new book.


In "Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show," scheduled to be released today, Karl reports that former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn and former Trump attorney Sidney Powell tried to enlist a Pentagon official to help overturn the election.


According to the book, Flynn -- who had just received an unconditional pardon from President Trump after pleading guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI during the Russia probe -- made a frantic phone call to a senior Trump intelligence official named Ezra Cohen (sometimes referred to as Ezra Cohen-Watnick), who previously worked under Flynn at both the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the National Security Council.


"Where are you?" Flynn asked the DoD official, who said he was traveling in the Middle East.


"Flynn told him to cut his trip short and get back to the United States immediately because there were big things about to happen," according to the book. Karl writes that Flynn told Cohen, "We need you," and told the DoD official that "there was going to be an epic showdown over the election results."


Flynn, according to the book, urged Cohen that "he needed to get orders signed, that ballots needed to be seized, and that extraordinary measures needed to be taken to stop Democrats from stealing the election."


"As Flynn ranted about the election fight, [Cohen] felt his old boss sounded manic," Karl writes in the book. "He didn't sound like the same guy he had worked for."


"Sir, the election is over," Cohen told Flynn, according to the book. "It's time to move on."


Flynn, according to Karl, fired back: "You're a quitter! This is not over! Don't be a quitter!"


Karl writes that after a heated few minutes, Flynn hung up the phone -- and that was the last time the two men talked.


Click on the link for the full article

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8 hours ago, clietas said:

So cancel culture is only ok when conservatives do it. Got it. 🤭


Also the reason Big Bird sounds different is because Caroll Spinney is dead ya dip****. And Big Birds not a drug dealer. If anything he's a drug pusher. 



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2 hours ago, Llevron said:

I wish he would have told him that this is why all this is happening to them and that he deserves it. Clearly he doesn’t care about his family. 


I agree that in general, the GOP bending to Trump and his base got them here , but I gotta disagree on the latter. It could be that he knows if he says something that his family will receive more threats. It's gotta tough to be on an island in that state. 

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27 minutes ago, Hersh said:


I agree that in general, the GOP bending to Trump and his base got them here , but I gotta disagree on the latter. It could be that he knows if he says something that his family will receive more threats. It's gotta tough to be on an island in that state. 


Yea that's right. I didn't think about how violent they are now. He could very well be saying it that way to protect his family from more threats. 

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'm sure his supporters will eat this up, and BONUS! not too many of those pesky words requirin' fancy readin':


Trump's first post-presidency book is a photo book for which he wrote the captions


Trump's first post-presidency book is a $75 photo book of his time in office.


His website said he "handpicked" the photos and that some of the captions were "handwritten" by him.


His son also said Trump "wrote all the captions, including some by hand."


Donald Trump is publishing his first book since the end of his presidency — and it's a book of photos.


Trump's website now has the book, "Our Journey Together," available for preorder. An unsigned version costs $75, while a signed version is $230.


The website called the book "a beautiful photo book which covers President Donald J. Trump's successful time in the White House."


"Every photograph has been handpicked by the President, as has every caption in the book, including those that are handwritten by him," it said.

The coffee-table book consists of more than 300 official White House photographs, Axios reported.


Click on he link for the full article

Edited by China
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10 minutes ago, China said:

An unsigned version costs $75, while a signed version is $230.

Assuming these are actual signatures rather than a stamp, but if I was a billionaire I don’t think I would spend my time signing books even at $155 a pop, and likely much less after costs.

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OAN asks judge to drop the company's executives from Dominion's defamation lawsuit — but leave employees on the hook


The far-right media organization One America News (OAN) asked a judge to dismiss a defamation lawsuit brought by Dominion Voting Systems over election conspiracy theories — or, failing that, to at least let the company's executives off the hook.


"The allegations related to OAN, Charles Herring, and Robert Herring, Sr. demonstrate that they have insufficient contacts with this jurisdiction to hale them into court here," Blaine C. Kimrey, an attorney representing all the defendants in the lawsuit, wrote in a motion filed to court Thursday night.


But the judge can leave two the OAN employees named in the lawsuit as defendants, Kimrey wrote. On-air talent Chanel Rion is already embroiled in a similar lawsuit in Colorado, he argued. Correspondent Christina Bobb would benefit from moving it to Colorado as well, Kimrey wrote, because courts there move faster than the ones in Washington, DC.


Click on the link for the full article

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Right-Wingers Turn on Glenn Youngkin Over His LGBTQ Staffer and Vaccine Rules



A severe case of buyer’s remorse appears to have set in among some conservatives over electing Glenn Youngkin as the next Republican governor of Virginia.

Over the past week, outrage has bubbled over among right-wingers and TrumpWorld allies alike, who are under the impression Youngkin has insufficient MAGA loyalty, citing his hiring of an LGBTQ staffer and his refusal to block COVID-related local mandates.

The hits started pouring in against the fleece-clad governor-elect earlier this week after he declared he would not attempt to block local vaccine and mask mandates across the Old Dominion—a break from more hardcore Republican governors like Florida’s Ron DeSantis.


Haha! I called it, I ****ing called it. Now, its way too early to say this actually means anything, but I saw this coming a mile away. Youngkin wanted to play the "moderate conservative" crowd and the "Maga Moron" crowd, these are two completely different types of people, you can't play both.

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Somehow the Guy Who Tried to Steal Arizona for Trump Is Now Broke


Everyone thought the Cyber Ninjas were in it for the money.


The Republican-controlled Arizona Senate picked the Florida-based company to run the sham recount of votes in Maricopa County earlier this year, despite their having zero experience running election audits.


The company’s efforts were so amateurish that even the Republican-led Maricopa Board of Supervisors labeled them a bunch of “grifters and con artists.”


But it turns out that even though a variety of conspiracy-loving groups raised almost $6 million to fund the audit, that money hasn’t made its way to the Cyber Ninjas.


This week the company’s CEO Doug Logan said that rather than making him rich, the sham Maricopa County recount left him $2 million in debt.


Click on the link for the full article

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