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USA Today: Billy Graham, America's pastor, has died


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So when I came here to ask this I realized the thread sort of blew up, and was thinking huh weird.


And now I see.


So, keeping in mind I didn't even read whatever that was....



Was he actually a good dude and we're sad he's gone?


Or was he a bad dude we pretend wasn't so bad when they die and that others were really worse and/or the problem?


I honestly am clueless on the TV preacher scene.


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6 minutes ago, Popeman38 said:

I don’t either. But for the most part it’s all rosy and RIP in rock death threads. No one how in there and flames on the first page. One day, all of us are going to die. And that person(s) we have wronged willl have a chance to open both barrels on us. Wouldn’t we all prefer if everyone took the “don’t speak I’ll of the dead” approach to MOST people? I’m not suggesting Manson or Hitler or murderers. But most humans. 


I agree. I really don't go in RIP threads anynore, because so think they are largely overdone. I think and reflect on their passing in my own way, but I respect others wanting to honor their memory. 


I do think there is a time and place for everything, but I dunno, we're all a bit on edge, I guess. I knew it had potential to go south when the thread was posted. Maybe we all need to take a step back for a minute.

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4 minutes ago, tshile said:


Was he actually a good dude and we're sad he's gone?


Or was he a bad dude we pretend wasn't so bad when they die and that others were really worse and/or the problem?


I honestly am clueless on the TV preacher scene.




I think he was a well intentioned dude (with flaws), probably better than just about any other TV preacher, but he threw the first snowball at the top of that mountain and now Christian conservative identity politics has turned into...



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4 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

You know, I sort of defended thinwhiteduke in a previous thread.  I take it back.

Your point? What did I do that was wrong or insulting  to another man? The correct answer  is, I didnt. I'm defending mankind. I'm defending truth,reality and logic while others choose to think with emotion and false assumptions 

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4 minutes ago, thinwhiteduke said:

Your point? What did I do that was wrong or insulting  to another man? The correct answer  is, I didnt. I'm defending mankind. I'm defending truth,reality and logic while others choose to think with emotion and false assumptions 


I'd rather you not talk to me.

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28 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


I'd rather you not talk to me.

I'd  rather someone had something intelligent  to say,instead of childish jokes because  they don't like someone who can think outside their limited conditioned logic. 

 You are doing exactly  what you were trained to do- not think. That's why and how they are able send guys to go die in wars like good little slaves. That's why and how they are able to make you go to church and read meaningless words.(well, meaningless in that you have no clue the actual agenda or meaning of the bible) What's even funnier is people  believing god and war make sense combined lol 

You mock me and not a single one of you can prove anything in the media actually naturally,organically happened. You approach media the same way you approach god..you think believing is enough to prove it real. 


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1 minute ago, thinwhiteduke said:

I'd  rather someone had something intelligent  to say,instead of childish jokes because  they don't like someone who can think outside their limited conditioned logic. 

 You are doing exactly  what you were trained to do- not think. That's why and how they are able send guys to go die in wars like good little slaves. That's why and how they are able to make you go to church and read meaningless words.(well, meaningless in that you have no clue the actual agenda or meaning of the bible) What's even funnier is people  believing god and war make sense combined lol 

You mock me and not a single one of you can prove anything in the media actually naturally,organically happened. You approach media the same way you approach god..you think believing is enough to prove it real. 



You sort of went off in the other thread, and I just sort of watched.


But why don't you try and put some reasoning behind some of your claims?  Why don't you tell us what you think is naturally, organically happening and why you think that's the case?


Or what you think the Bible means and its agenda is and how you came about that belief?


Instead of just insulting people and throwing around insinuations, why don't you start trying to put some post together that actually make sense?


You're so smart educate us.


(And just so you know, I don't think you or I can prove the sun is yellow. I choose to believe it.)

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43 minutes ago, thinwhiteduke said:

I'd  rather someone had something intelligent  to say,instead of childish jokes because  they don't like someone who can think outside their limited conditioned logic. 

 You are doing exactly  what you were trained to do- not think.



I say this with all sincerity.  **** you.

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3 hours ago, tshile said:


Was he actually a good dude and we're sad he's gone?


Or was he a bad dude we pretend wasn't so bad when they die and that others were really worse and/or the problem?


I honestly am clueless on the TV preacher scene.


It really depends on a lot of factors - especially religious affiliation, political leanings, and sexual orientation. Graham pitched a relatively wide tent and his circle of friends included Martin Luther King, Jr. and Richard Nixon (and maybe even Kim Il-Sung but the jury's out on that one). But as folks have mentioned in this thread, he was pretty gung-ho about Vietnam and he really didn't like the LGBTQIA+ community (apparently his ministry paid big money to get the word out to vote for Amendment 1 in North Carolina back in 2012).


As far as how he compares to the TV Preachers, safe to say he out-classed all of them and preceded them - the Benny Hinn's and Jerry Fallwell's were the generation after Graham. Despite his more conservative brand of Christianity, he thought the "Moral Majority" and 700 Club set were too much.


Overall, Graham's legacy is mixed but his influence is undeniable.

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32 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


I say this with all sincerity.  **** you.

Exactly,You prove my point emphatically. Lol.  Fear of the unknown leads to childish insults. I've

 Done nothing but present ideas, yet you insult me? You are thoroughly confused as to who the bad guy is here, or what the actual negative is.

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9 hours ago, Renegade7 said:

It wouldn't matter if you had a desktop.


Shouldn't matter at all. I only come here on my phone and never have a problem.


Id 10-T error if you ask me.


Back on topic..BG isn't one I'd gleefully stomp on their grave. Pat Robertson. Jerry Falwell. Yep. Yep. But then again, I'm a heathen. What's your excuse? 

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10 hours ago, Renegade7 said:

I'll admit, I used to confuse him with Pat Robertson I knew so little about him, glad for the clarification. Apparently he bailed MLK, jr out of jail one time, but he's still just as divisive as Pat, maybe even more.  I hope he's in Heaven, too.

This is one of the reasons why my take on Graham and his legacy is a darker shade of gray. I really don't like the impact he had on American Christianity, putting everything apart from conservative, fundamentalism firmly in the "irrelevant" bin, and I certainly don't like most of his political ideals (especially the homophobia and red batting). But I can't completely toss him aside because he took some pretty bold stances on integration early in his career when he could have just gotten along to get along. His friendship with MLK shouldn't be under-estimated, either. Dr. King wasn't exactly everybody's favorite and that, too, could have killed Graham's rising star. 


Does that absolve him from the homophobia, antisemitism, and reactionary ideology in my book? Absolutely not but with folks like Graham, I try to look at the whole picture. I felt the same way about Hefner.

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On 2/23/2018 at 10:13 AM, thebluefood said:

This is one of the reasons why my take on Graham and his legacy is a darker shade of gray. I really don't like the impact he had on American Christianity, putting everything apart from conservative, fundamentalism firmly in the "irrelevant" bin, and I certainly don't like most of his political ideals (especially the homophobia and red batting). But I can't completely toss him aside because he took some pretty bold stances on integration early in his career when he could have just gotten along to get along. His friendship with MLK shouldn't be under-estimated, either. Dr. King wasn't exactly everybody's favorite and that, too, could have killed Graham's rising star. 


Does that absolve him from the homophobia, antisemitism, and reactionary ideology in my book? Absolutely not but with folks like Graham, I try to look at the whole picture. I felt the same way about Hefner.

Billy Graham later apologized to Jews for what was said to Nixon. He was also one of the prominent people who called out his own denomination on racism in its ranks.

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1 hour ago, Zguy28 said:

Billy Graham later apologized to Jews for what was said to Nixon. He was also one of the prominent people who called out his own denomination on racism in its ranks.

He also supported Nelson Mandela while he was still in prison. I'm not taking any of that away from him. But I'm also not forgetting his support for using nuclear bombs to destroy North Vietnamese dams (something even Henry Kissenger couldn't support) and his support of anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation like Amendment One.


And I co-sign on Dr. Barth's assessment of his preaching style and theological bent (referenced on the last page). 


Now, ff my assessment of Rev. Graham has been harsh, then so be it. I lean more toward the side of Dorothy Day, Father Tom Haggerty, and Archbishop Oscar Romero than Rev. Graham (it's a wonder I'm still Episcopalian) so it is hard for me to not vehemently oppose him and large parts of his legacy, even as I give him tribute for his accomplishments. And I know Christ warned us: 



Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. 


I am aware of that warning but I fully expect to be judged by humanity and God for the times I have fallen short of supporting humanity's complete and irreversible liberation (on which I base my theology and political ideology) so that life on Earth is as it is in Heaven (or at least as close as we can get to it). I can't pass judgement on Graham in total and I especially cannot judge the fate of his Immortal Soul (should the Immortal Soul exist) but I can assess his actions based on what's available and I cannot give a glowing commendation to his overall legacy - even as I do my best to give him his just due. 

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16 hours ago, thebluefood said:

He also supported Nelson Mandela while he was still in prison. I'm not taking any of that away from him. But I'm also not forgetting his support for using nuclear bombs to destroy North Vietnamese dams (something even Henry Kissenger couldn't support) and his support of anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation like Amendment One.


And I co-sign on Dr. Barth's assessment of his preaching style and theological bent (referenced on the last page). 


Now, ff my assessment of Rev. Graham has been harsh, then so be it. I lean more toward the side of Dorothy Day, Father Tom Haggerty, and Archbishop Oscar Romero than Rev. Graham (it's a wonder I'm still Episcopalian) so it is hard for me to not vehemently oppose him and large parts of his legacy, even as I give him tribute for his accomplishments. And I know Christ warned us: 



I am aware of that warning but I fully expect to be judged by humanity and God for the times I have fallen short of supporting humanity's complete and irreversible liberation (on which I base my theology and political ideology) so that life on Earth is as it is in Heaven (or at least as close as we can get to it). I can't pass judgement on Graham in total and I especially cannot judge the fate of his Immortal Soul (should the Immortal Soul exist) but I can assess his actions based on what's available and I cannot give a glowing commendation to his overall legacy - even as I do my best to give him his just due. 

You don't believe that the soul is everlasting? Neo-orthodoxy is notoriously ambiguous. How do you know anything with that system?


Regarding preaching: Have you ever listened to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones? From the same era, but I much prefer him.




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