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Harvey Weinstein, Fired Amongst Sexual Harassment Allegations

Spaceman Spiff

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2 hours ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:

The problem with his apology is twofold.


1. He's a great writer so anything he writes will read well.

2. He flat-out denied these accusations in a print interview less than a month ago.


More than just a reckoning for celebrities, this is a reckoning for our relationships with celebrities.


I like Louis CK and want him to produce more stuff I like. I don't particularly like Bryan Singer or Charlie Sheen or even Kevin Spacey at this point. And I certainly don't like Roy Moore.


So, I don't know how I'll feel about the Louis CK comeback tour in 2019. I don't think he necessarily deserves to lose his career, but - at the same time - I don't think these five people are the end of it. And I would be screaming at the comeback tour of someone I don't like.

Because it’s well written doesn’t make it insincere. I’ll concede we don’t know what lies in the heart so Of men-how many others have even coming close to copping to the accusations. 


No, it probably didn’t stop with these 5. But, again, it’s more than any others have done.


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I read every single one of the accounts in that thread, my heart shattering with every word. I hate these ****ing rapists, I reject every single bit of weakness and predatory pleasure they take in destroying the lives of people we care about. We need to pull back the curtain on this ****, this is completely unacceptable and all too long has been kept under wraps with lies and threats and a culture that shames our most vulnerable when they come out to speak their truth. And these guys who do this **** are the WEAKEST ****ing people on the planet. While the women who pull themselves up from this horrible **** done to them, who face the assholes who try to blame them or call them liars, they are some of the strongest, most beautiful souls I've ever had the pleasure to meet.

I don't know if other guys know what it's like to work with a loved one for years to heal from rape and abuse. The painstaking trust that must be forged, the self-control and empathy and heart you have to have just to support someone as they go through healing something so monumental... like many people on that thread her sexual abuse also started at 3 and happened many other times after that... these women and men fight everyday just to be healed enough to have a normal day. To be able to go through a single ****ing day without being reminded of these traumas, to have a normal feeling of safety that so many take for granted. To have an intimate relationship that isn't tainted by what these weak ****s have done to them.

And the thing is, I still haven't heard all the stories... Just the day before she told me about another one while she worked at CNN years ago that included repeated sexual abuse and my heart clenched with pain and rage, all the while doing everything I could to balance those feelings and not make it about what I was feeling, but instead to support her and let her know that it wasn't her fault. We fight those feelings of shame with every accounting, because of so many ignorant people who have no idea what these people are going through try to put them in this impossible situation of somehow fighting off a person twice your size, twice your weight, and twice your rank.

We're going to change this ****. Educate and train men so they can control their appetites and actually communicate with women rather then treat them as objects or opportunities for predation. To put women in positions of power so our culture and our government doesn't have this shadow side where victims can be marginalized and robbed of voice and protection. 

**** these ****ing assholes. All of them.

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Yes Mom, There is Something Wrong

From victim to survivor.

When I was 14 years old, my mother opened the door for me to answer honestly about the rumors she had heard about Gary Goddard — who was my mentor, teacher and friend — being a pedophile. I denied it through tears of complete panic. To face that truth was not an option as my sense of self was completely enmeshed in my gang of five friends who were all led by this sick father figure. I met Goddard when I was 12, and he quickly became a dominant force in my life. He taught me about the value of acting, respect for friendship, and the importance of studying. Pedophiles prey on the weak. My father, who suffered from undiagnosed PTSD from WWII, was not emotionally available. Everyone has the need to bond, and I was no exception. My vulnerability was exploited. I was molested by Goddard, my best friend was raped by him — and this went on for years. The group of us, the gang, stayed quiet.





I was five and denied it to the police, I still stop by his grave to piss on it from time to time.


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Roy Moore's alleged pursuit of a young girl is the symptom of a larger problem in evangelical circles


We need to talk about the segment of American culture that probably doesn’t think the allegations against Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore are particularly damning, the segment that will blanch at only two accusations in the Washington Post expose: He pursued a 14-year-old-girl without first getting her parents’ permission, and he initiated sexual contact outside of marriage. That segment is evangelicalism. In that world, which Moore travels in and I grew up in, 14-year-old girls courting adult men isn’t uncommon.


I use the phrase “14-year-old girls courting adult men,” rather than “adult men courting 14-year-old girls,” for a reason: Evangelicals routinely frame these relationships in those terms. That’s how I was introduced to these relationships as a home-schooled teenager in the 1990s, and it’s the language that my friends and I would use to discuss girls we knew who were in parent-sanctioned relationships with older men.


One popular courtship story that was told and retold in home-school circles during the 1990s was that of Matthew and Maranatha Chapman, who turned their history into a successful career promoting young marriage. Most audiences, however, didn’t realize just how young the Chapmans had in mind until the site Homeschoolers Anonymous and the blogger Libby Anne revealed that Matthew was 27 and Maranatha was 15 when they married. Libby Anne also drew mainstream attention to Matthew Chapman’s writings, in which he argued that parents should consider marriage for their daughters in their “middle-teens.” At that point the Chapmans stopped receiving quite so many speaking invitations.




“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson advocated for adult men to marry 15- and 16-year-old girls and deemed age 20 too old because “you wait until they get to be 20 years old, the only picking that’s going to take place is your pocket.” Home-school leader Kevin Swanson, whose 2015 convention was attended by several Republican presidential candidatesdefended Robertson on his radio show after the story broke.Advocating for child marriage hasn’t slowed down Robertson’s career. He just got a new show on the conservative digital network CRTV.




Much of the sexual abuse that takes place in Independent Fundamentalist Baptist, or IFB, churches involves adult men targeting 14- to 16-year-old girls. If caught, the teenage victim may be forced to repent the “sin” of having seduced an adult man. Former IFB megachurch pastor Jack Schaap argued that he should be released from prison after being convicted of molesting a 16-year-old girl, asserting that the “aggressiveness” of his victim “inhibited [his] impulse control.” In the wake of the Schaap case, numerous other stories emerged of sexual abuse cover-ups involving teenage girls at IFB churches. In another high-profile case, pregnant 15-year-old Tina Anderson, who was raped by a church deacon twice her age, was forced to confess her “sin” to the congregation.


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3 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


It's interesting that there hasn't been any damning coverage of this.  Maybe because these stories are coming out faster than anyone can keep up but it's interesting as to who's getting a lot of attention and who isn't.  


Because an isolated, uncorroborated incident between two adults at a Hollywood party 36 years ago doesn't carry much weight compared to allegations that are corroborated and show a pattern of abuse?  See Louis CK.


Also, George Takei is a beloved figure in this country and has earned his goodwill.  Something Weinstein, Ratner, Moore, etc surely have not earned.

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Just now, TryTheBeal! said:


Because an isolated, uncorroborated incident between two adults at a Hollywood party 36 years ago doesn't carry much weight compared to allegations that are corroborated and show a pattern of abuse?  See Louis CK.


Also, George Takei is a beloved figure in this country and has earned his goodwill.  Something Weinstein, Ratner, Moore, etc surely have not earned.


You bring up a good point about favoritism and goodwill.  


But everyone jumped all over Kevin Spacey when the first accuser came out (well before any other accusers, before any patterns showed up).  Kevin Spacey was a beloved figure in this country and had earned goodwill.  A little known actor with a similar accusation towards Spacey makes a similar accusation that came out against Takei and it gets widespread coverage.  Maybe because the guy was 14 at the time, making the claims more lecherous and salacious?  Maybe because Spacey's apology was bull****?   


Weinstein, with his liberal ideologies and hefty donation history, arguably had a lot of goodwill, too.  However, there's a pattern there, multiple offenses.  Same with Ratner, same with Moore.  If there's a pattern with Takei, what then?


But you bring up a point about favoritism and goodwill.  Now Richard Dreyfuss is refuting claims that he exposed himself to someone and he denies it.  Uncorroborated between two adults in a trailer 30+ years ago, right? 

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6 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


You bring up a good point about favoritism and goodwill.  


But everyone jumped all over Kevin Spacey when the first accuser came out (well before any other accusers, before any patterns showed up).  Kevin Spacey was a beloved figure in this country and had earned goodwill.  A little known actor with a similar accusation towards Spacey makes a similar accusation that came out against Takei and it gets widespread coverage.  Maybe because the guy was 14 at the time, making the claims more lecherous and salacious?  Maybe because Spacey's apology was bull****?   


Weinstein, with his liberal ideologies and hefty donation history, arguably had a lot of goodwill, too.  However, there's a pattern there, multiple offenses.  Same with Ratner, same with Moore.  If there's a pattern with Takei, what then?


But you bring up a point about favoritism and goodwill.  Now Richard Dreyfuss is refuting claims that he exposed himself to someone and he denies it.  Uncorroborated between two adults in a trailer 30+ years ago, right? 


Youre trying to make a stealth point about liberalism or something...but it's not really working because you're answering all the questions you're asking.  It's blatantly obvious why Takei isn't receiving the same scrutiny as Weinstein.  And then you go into a gallop of whataboutism.


Ill leave you to twa on this...

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Just now, TryTheBeal! said:


Youre trying to make a stealth point about liberalism or something...but it's not really working because you're answering all the questions you're asking.  It's blatantly obvious why Takei isn't receiving the same scrutiny as Weinstein.  And then you go into a gallop of whataboutism.


Ill leave you to twa on this...


I'm actually really not.  Leave it to you to bring liberalism into this, didn't see that one coming.  :deadhorse:


I mean, Dustin Hoffman isn't receiving the same scrutiny, either.   I guess that makes me hate liberals or something.  

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13 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


I'm actually really not.  Leave it to you to bring liberalism into this, didn't see that one coming.  :deadhorse:


I mean, Dustin Hoffman isn't receiving the same scrutiny, either.   I guess that makes me hate liberals or something.  


Dude, you brought up Weinstein's "liberal ideologies".  Try to stay focused...

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2 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:


Dude, you brought Weinstein's "liberal ideologies".  Try to stay focused...


Right, how else do you think he earned that goodwill?  In addition to owning the biggest studio in Hollywood, that is what he was known for.  He donated a lot of money to those causes he campaigned for and politicians.   


People can say "liberal ideologies" without it being a criticism or a hit piece.  **** man, lighten up.

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1 minute ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


Right, how else do you think he earned that goodwill?  In addition to owning the biggest studio in Hollywood, that is what he was known for.  He donated a lot of money to those causes he campaigned for and politicians.   


People can say "liberal ideologies" without it being a criticism or a hit piece.  **** man, lighten up.


He didn't earn any goodwill.  Weinstein maintained his position via ham-fisted coercion and wealth-splashing.  He was and is a massive asshole and folks are coming out of the woodwork to pile on and destroy his legacy.  He has literally nothing in common with George Takei...unless you have an axe to grind.

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Just now, TryTheBeal! said:


He didn't earn any goodwill.  Weinstein maintained his position via ham-fisted coercion and wealth-splashing.  He was and is a massive asshole and folks are coming out of the woodwork to pile on and destroy his legacy.  He has literally nothing in common with George Takei...unless you have an axe to grind.


I never said there was anything in common with them, other than the fact that they all had goodwill.  We can agree to disagree that Weinstein about goodwill then.    I was more pointing out Kevin Spacey's FIRST accuser and Takei's accuser, how they both happened over 30 years ago, etc.


Let's rewind:


When Spacey's accuser came out, it was earth shattering.  People took it and ran with it, even before any other accusers popped up and accused him.  It was a salacious story because, I think, the guy was underage at the time.  I, personally, think that Spacey did himself no favors and threw gas on the fire by fumbling through a poorly written apology, saying he must have been drunk and then using it as a way to come out of the closet, which lumped being gay in with being a pedophile, something that the gay community has been spending years to fight.  And then the other accusers quickly followed.  But if you isolate the first accuser, it's interesting how the media and the court of public opinion took it and ran.


Then you have Takei, who is beloved by everyone, who has an accuser.  Takei is beloved, and for good reason.  He denies it by saying he doesn't even remember the guy.  Hollywood Reporter ran with the story after talking to 4 of the guys friends who they talked to, apparently that's enough to carry a story forward and make claims.  The media doesn't take this story very far.  


Both happened a long time ago, both were isolated incidents (again, focusing on Spacey's FIRST accuser) with no other witnesses, yet one is treated as truth and the other is hardly mentioned.   Both involved well known and well liked actors.  I do think Spacey helped quicken his fall from grace with his apology.  

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You will absolutely see Takei take more heat if more accusers come out. I don’t want to call it a given, but it seems for people of that stature and position that anyone who would do those things absolutely did it to more than one person. So the more accusers the more likely it’s true. 


George has one, time will tell if he has others. 

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