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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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BTW, while everyone is finding reasons to assume Buttigieg did something selfless and wonderful by dropping out now, you might want to gander at the polling. I guarantee you a large part of the reason he dropped out is because he wanted to avoid the embarrassment of possibly getting zero delegates on Super Tuesday.

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4 minutes ago, Rufus T Firefly said:

BTW, while everyone is finding reasons to assume Buttigieg did something selfless and wonderful by dropping out now, you might want to gander at the polling. I guarantee you a large part of the reason he dropped out is because he wanted to avoid the embarrassment of possibly getting zero delegates on Super Tuesday.


Oh, I certainly assume that was a factor.  

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1 hour ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


I get it.  And if Biden gets the nomination, I'd vote for him.  


But man, I'm tired of seeing old fartknockers run and get far because they're a familiar face.  


My dad went to college with Biden at UD.  He was a year or two younger than Biden.  Whenever they'd roughhouse in the dorms and wrestle around, Biden would go "WATCH THE TEETH, WATCH THE TEETH" because he, from the very start, knew he wanted to be in politics and be POTUS and didn't want anyone ****ing up his face.


My dad turns 75 in April.  He's been retired for a number of years.  He farts around the house in his underwear, looks at birds with his binoculars and forgets stuff since he doesn't work and doesn't do anything to really keep himself sharp.  He's a ****ing hazard out on the road, I'm terrified to drive with him.  His filter is practically gone, he's liable to say inappropriate **** anytime, anywhere.  And while it's got a potential to be hysterical, it's also got the potential to be as terrifying as his driving.  He, in many ways, is far removed from being the man who raised me.  


I can't imagine someone at that age (or older) being President.  Granted, Biden has stayed active in politics and has stayed sharp (debatable) due to the nature of the job, so the comparison to my dad isn't really legit.  That said, I look at my dad and think "Jesus Christ, you're losing it," and can't imagine anyone his age being the POTUS.  Yeah, yeah, I know Trump is 73, I'm not happy about it either.


We've already had one President with known Alzheimer's, I don't think it's in our best interest to be electing officials that, quite frankly, are old and might not be far from losing it.  That goes for you too, Bernie.  Go yell about soup or how you're feeling a draft.  


Not sorry at all that it's agist.  




My dad at 75 was helping me cut felled tree with a chain saw in my back yard, flirting with waitresses with his best dad joke material ( Dad: "Did you hear the one about the calculator?" Waitress: "No" Dad: "It figures.") and, behind the wheel, cursing all the assholes in front of him who didn't know how to drive.  He also thought the best of people and truly had a heart of gold, much like Joe Biden.  So, yeah, it sucks that Joe is 97 years old and has slowed down.  But unlike the debate format, decisions made in the Oval Office don't require split second timing.  It's not like Jeopardy where you have to be quick on the buzzer.  Good judgement is more important than speed.  And thinking about other people... you know, the people you serve, instead of yourself... is a key to a good leader.  That will be refreshing to have back in the White House.


Besides, now that Mayor Pete dropped out, Joe is the youngest man left in the race to challenge that dotard Donald Trump.

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3 minutes ago, Dan T. said:



My dad at 75 helping me cut felled tree with a chain saw in my back yard, flirting with waitresses with his best dad joke material ( Dad: "Did you hear the one about the calculator?" Waitress: "No" Dad: "It figures.") and, behind the wheel, cursing all the assholes in front of him who didn't know how to drive.  He also thought the best of people and truly had a heart of gold, much like Joe Biden.  So, yeah, it sucks that Joe is 97 years old and has slowed down.  But unlike the debate format, decisions made in the Oval Office don't require split second timing.  It's not like Jeopardy where you have to be quick on the buzzer.  Good judgement is more important than speed.  And thinking about other people... you know, the people you serve, instead of yourself... is a key to a good leader.  That will be refreshing to have back in the Presidency.


Besides, now that Mayor Pete dropped out, Joe is the youngest man left in the race to challenge that dotard Donald Trump.


Your dad sounds like quite a character.  And I agree that the decisions made in the Oval Office don't require split second decisions.  But they gotta get through the debates to get there.


We'll have to agree to disagree that Biden has a heart of gold.  He certainly gives the warm fuzzies better than some but I don't believe anyone who's a career politician has a heart of gold.  I'm sorry, but I just think people place way too much faith into elected officials and their intentions.  That's a very jaded view but I can't help it.  


That said, yes, way better than the doucheloaf we have in office.

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Hell, why not Bernie as the running mate? it would blow the minds of frustrated Bernie Bros forced to pull the trigger for Biden to avoid abandoning their guy, keep Larry David gainfully employed for the next four years, and shine the spotlight on his populist rants against the billionaire class for awhile longer.

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1 minute ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

Good luck people. If this doesn’t scream “clueless” I don’t know what does. But damn some online trolls



These guys just say whatever they want to say and whatever sounds good in the moment.  No way Biden would do that.  

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2 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


These guys just say whatever they want to say and whatever sounds good in the moment.  No way Biden would do that.  

The fact that he's even saying it indicates a level of cluelessness. It also indicates that he thinks the issue in this election is winning back Republican voters, which is just antiquated and wrong.

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12 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

Good luck people. If this doesn’t scream “clueless” I don’t know what does. But damn some online trolls


I think that's just lip service lol. Biden is trying to appeal to those Never-Trumpers and Independents out there that gave the Democrats the House in 2018. And those are the voters Bernie won't get.

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1 minute ago, Rufus T Firefly said:

You're no fun to fight with. 


I can't fight when I see that girl in your sig humping the yoga ball.  Kinda distracting.


I'm no strategist, I don't know how this **** works.  I can see where you're coming from when you say that the notion of winning back some Republican voters is antiquated.  I'd sit out this election if it were Trump/Bernie.  Not sorry if that upsets anyone but for me, the election can't be that binary.  I don't like Trump but I'm not going to vote for the other person just because.  But I'd vote Biden regardless on whether or not he's trying to win back some Republicans or not.  Sure he sounds clueless but all of these people have sounded clueless at one point or another.


So I'd vote for Biden if he were running despite the fact that he's so old that MLB hadn't integrated when he was born.  

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If party affiliation so irretrievably stains a person to be disqualified as a decent human being worthy of being considered for a VP pick (even those who broke with party against the party's nominee), why are we bothering with the political process at all?  Why not just take to the streets and see which side can eliminate the other?


Paging @TheGreatBuzz (Are you a good shot?  Any low level staff positions available on Team Buzz?)


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Just now, AJ* said:


I think that's just lip service lol. Biden is trying to appeal to those Never-Trumpers and Independents out there that gave the Democrats the House in 2018. And those are the voters Bernie won't get.

And Biden isn’t going to get a lot of voters Bernie does. 

do we think turnout is going to be significantly higher for Biden than Hillary? Why simply for anti-trump turnout?


Nominating Biden, that’s all you can really bank on. 

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So, I don't think Markos Moulitsas (the founder of DailyKos, for those who don't know) is a particularly great prognosticator or pundit. He certainly overrates himself. He founded an influential blog, but that doesn't make him an expert. 


However, I think he really nails Bernie and his issues here. This feels pretty damend spot-on:



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