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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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I love that the idiotic "Let's Go, Brandon" phrase to insult Biden has lead to some seriously great Dark Brandon memes lol...didn't someone here say that "Let's Go, Brandon" was energizing the republican base and didn't see an end to it anytime soon? I think Dark Brandon--which would have never happened without it--is energizing the democratic base even more. So thanks, GOP 👍...

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A Second Constitutional Convention? Some Republicans Want to Force One


Rep. Jodey Arrington, a conservative Texas Republican, believes it is well past time for something the nation has not experienced for more than two centuries: a debate over rewriting the Constitution.


“I think the states are due a convention,” said Arrington, who in July introduced legislation to direct the archivist of the United States to tally applications for a convention from state legislatures and compel Congress to schedule a gathering when enough states have petitioned for one. “It is time to rally the states and rein in Washington responsibly.”


To Russ Feingold, the former Democratic senator from Wisconsin and president of the American Constitution Society, a liberal judicial group, that is a terrible idea. Feingold sees the prospect of a constitutional convention as an exceptionally dangerous threat from the right and suggests it is closer to reality than most people realize as Republicans push to retake control of Congress in November’s midterm elections.


“We are very concerned that the Congress, if it becomes Republican, will call a convention,” said Feingold, the co-author of a new book warning of the risks of a convention called “The Constitution in Jeopardy.”


“This could gut our Constitution,” Feingold said in an interview. “There needs to be real concern and attention about what they might do. We are putting out the alert.”


While the rise of election deniers, new voting restrictions and other electoral maneuvering get most of the attention, Feingold rates the prospect of a second constitutional convention as just as grave a threat to democratic governance.


“If you think this is democracy’s moment of truth, this is one of those things,” he said.


Click on the link for the full article


I have questions.  How does a Constitutional Convention work.  What authority does it have.  Doesn't amending the Constitution require 2/3rds approval of the Congress and 3/4th of the state legislatures to ratify?  Does the author really think that this is that likely to happen?  Or that the ERA and abortion right won't be equally likely to pass under such a Convention?



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GOP donor pool unexpectedly shrinks as midterms near


The number of online donors to the Republican Party unexpectedly dropped in the first half of 2022, according to a POLITICO analysis of campaign finance data — one in a series of setbacks that have tempered expectations of a red wave in November.


Online fundraising usually ramps up dramatically and predictably over the course of an election cycle. But campaign finance data show that in the first half of this year, the number of people giving federal contributions to Republican candidates and committees through WinRed — the GOP’s widely used donation processing platform — fell to around 913,000 down from roughly 956,000 contributors during the six months prior.


The surprising dip illustrates broader fundraising difficulties that have plagued GOP candidates in key races across the country this summer, even amid hopes that the party could retake control of Congress. It reflects the party’s long-standing challenges in building donor lists to power its campaigns.


Click on the link for the full article

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