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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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On 7/7/2022 at 12:16 PM, Bang said:

The "really brutal stuff" regarding Walker is not nearly enough to sway the GOP voter. Nothing is. "There is no bottom" means there is no bottom. If he were real and he ran on the GOP ticket, they'd elect Satan himself on a campaign platform to burn them all in eternal hellfire and destroy the earth the first chance he could.
And while the planet is burning and their God abandons them to the deal they made, they will blame the democrats.



Not so you Democrat commie mole. Doug Jones’ election proved that if an R is a child molester, a Dem can possibly, just maybe, barely eke out the slimmest of wins against him/her. So please stop maligning the party of family values.


On 7/7/2022 at 12:21 PM, Llevron said:


The fact that he's black and has these problems I bet is enough to keep some of them at home though. And in this case I'm totally fine with that as ****ed up at that is to say 

As the response to this post pointed out, the far right loves these kinds of so-called “black” people because it gives them tokens to point to as proof they’re not racists. There have always been Toms, coons, and other house negroes for hire willing to fill that role for them.


On 7/7/2022 at 7:59 PM, mistertim said:


Yep. And then those same assholes who literally had commercials of themselves talking about fraud and shooting the opposition will act all surprised and shocked when more violence comes.


I can't really think of any male right wing pundits who don't clearly have very serious issues with women in general, especially powerful and influential ones. And they wonder why so many women dislike them?


Though to be honest, the real mystery to me is that any women at all vote for and support them.

I think them resorting to major violence is probably their undoing. It should massively sway public opinion against them. That said, this is ‘Muricuh where Tя☭mp was somehow elected and Jan. 6th was merely a blip on the radar so I’m probably wrong on that.

As for the women, it’s a mystery to me that any women will date or marry them.

Edited by The Sisko
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4 hours ago, The Sisko said:

Not so you Democrat commie mole. Doug Jones’ election proved that if an R is a child molester, a Dem can possibly, just maybe, barely eke out the slimmest of wins against him/her. So please stop maligning the party of family values.

Alabama voters' issue with Roy Moore was not that he was molesting teenagers; it was that the teenagers he molested were not blood related.

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5 hours ago, The Sisko said:

I think them resorting to major violence is probably their undoing. It should massively sway public opinion against them. That said, this is ‘Muricuh where Tя☭mp was somehow elected and Jan. 6th was merely a blip on the radar so I’m probably wrong on that.

As for the women, it’s a mystery to me that any women will date or marry them.


I think resorting to violence could be their undoing, but it has to overcome the right wing media machine and Republican politicians would have to grow spines.


In the immediate aftermath of Jan 6th, it looked like things were very much turning south for Trump and his ilk. Most Americans were appalled by what they saw, Republican lawmakers were speaking out, denouncing it, and saying Trump was responsible. Some were apparently even privately suggesting Trump should resign. Even a lot of right wing media was relatively mum on the subject.


But then the MAGA machine mobilized, right wing media began to fall back into lockstep, and those same Republican politicians changed their tune, tucked their tail between their legs, and went crawling back to Trump with hat in hand.


I honestly have no clue what it would take for everything to truly change. A mass casualty terrorist attack by right wing MAGA militants? But if that happened you know the right would probably go down the path of denying the people involved were actual MAGAs and suggesting it was actually a left wing false flag.

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Public opinion is about as massively against them as it's going to get.

If a person is still on that train they want to be on that train and agree with every bit of it.

I don't think violence will sway them, because they WILL believe the story that insert violent act of war here will be caused and committed by the Democrats or Soros himself or Nancy Pelosi's alien boob implants or "the pot" or whatever, and it won't make any difference if the perps actually confess they did it specifically to destroy America and restore Donald Trump's power, they will believe what they are told no matter how outrageously obvious the lie is.

And even if they do not, they will go along with it ANYWAY.



Edited by Bang
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1 hour ago, mistertim said:

Trump and his ilk. Most Americans were appalled by what they saw, Republican lawmakers were speaking out, denouncing it, and saying Trump was responsible. Some were apparently even privately suggesting Trump should resign. Even a lot of right wing media was relatively mum on the subject

For a few days. And then the polling data said that no, attempting to overthrow the concept of democracy wasn't a line that would cost them power. 

At which time they suddenly, unanimously decided that they had no problem with it. 

(Yes, there were, and are, a couple of exceptions. Who the entire rest of the party has actively turned on.)


Which, in turn, tells me that no, none of them ever had a moral problem to begin with. What they had was a "this might cost us power" problem. 

Edited by Larry
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So she's kept her husband's name after the divorce? It's always weird to me when that happens.


Buddy of mines current and ex wife have the same first n last name because of such a thing. It's confusing as all hell considering I went to high school with his ex wife and know her family. 

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4 hours ago, Captain Wiggles said:

So she's kept her husband's name after the divorce? It's always weird to me when that happens.


Buddy of mines current and ex wife have the same first n last name because of such a thing. It's confusing as all hell considering I went to high school with his ex wife and know her family. 


I'm sure it was purely for political reasons. Everyone knows who Sarah Palin is. Nobody would know who the **** Sarah Heath is.


And you know how easily confused and insane MAGAs are. Within 2 days there would be conspiracy theories floating around online about how the Clintons and George Soros murdered the real Sarah Palin and ANTIFA replaced her with a body double who's going by the name of Sarah Heath now.


She'd probably be getting death threats from QAnon believers within a week.


1 minute ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

Which families?



The Kochs probably.

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28 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:



"You can't even talk about this, or else you're engaged in conspiracy theories"


Yes, Ron, you are. And nobody is saying you can't talk about it. They're just saying your a ****ing moronic conspiracy theorist for talking about it.

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5 minutes ago, mistertim said:


"You can't even talk about this, or else you're engaged in conspiracy theories"


Yes, Ron, you are. And nobody is saying you can't talk about it. They're just saying your a ****ing moronic conspiracy theorist for talking about it.

I think making criminal accusations that turn out to be false…. Is criminal in itself. And should be punishable the same as the crime itself.


And for a political party that LOVES to engage in ‘conspiracy theories’…. they seem awfully disinterested/apathetic to a the real life one unfolding with the Jan. 6th hearings. They should be an aphrodisiac for the ‘Stop the steal.’ activists.



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12 minutes ago, Die Hard said:

I think making criminal accusations that turn out to be false…. Is criminal in itself. And should be punishable the same as the crime itself.


And for a political party that LOVES to engage in ‘conspiracy theories’…. they seem awfully disinterested/apathetic to a the real life one unfolding with the Jan. 6th hearings. They should be an aphrodisiac for the ‘Stop the steal.’ activists.




Yeah that's true. He basically directly accused Facebook and Zuck himself of a federal felony. I doubt it's actually punishable criminally unless they can prove that Ron knows it's false. He obviously does know it's false and we all know he knows it, but it's probably going to be very hard to prove it in court.


However that sort of defamation is essentially what Dominion is suing Fox News and others over for $1.5 billion. So Facebook and Zuck could go that route. That would be awesome of they sued Ron Johnson took every penny he has. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. 

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18 minutes ago, Die Hard said:

I think making criminal accusations that turn out to be false…. Is criminal in itself. And should be punishable the same as the crime itself.


And for a political party that LOVES to engage in ‘conspiracy theories’…. they seem awfully disinterested/apathetic to a the real life one unfolding with the Jan. 6th hearings. They should be an aphrodisiac for the ‘Stop the steal.’ activists.



Agreed. If I'm running ads against him. I'm using this clip with a voice at the end telling him to prove it, or admit he's lying. 

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