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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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On 6/18/2022 at 11:09 PM, mojo said:

Kill all gay people? Really?  Can you cite that?because that is complete bull****.

Meanwhile you have the Speaker of the House performing in a drag show.  You tell me who is using their position of power to push agendas.


<<tweet of nancy pelosi doing..... nothing particularly noteworthy>>>>




I know the fella has been banned from the tailgate..so this is pointless kicking of a dead horse.....   but i couldn't resist





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5 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:


Pretty rich coming from a racist turd that has no idea what it is like being a slave. 


As someone that has many mental challenges and was abused from a young age, I have thought about abortion as well.

If I was told prior to being born that people who raised me didn't like me and I would grow up with lots of issues because of it, I would have asked not to be born. Guess what? I wouldn't have known any better. I don't care about the sunrises and sunsets. 

I have had one great year in the last 24. That was last year and now I'm back to feeling like crap. I've done everything asked of me the last 3 years. Eating well, not drinking, and getting plenty of exercise. 

I never want to have a kid for this reason alone. I know my father has mental issues and I guess he passed that on to me. I don't want to pass it to anyone. 

Kids should be care free, healthy and in a stimulating environment that is wrapped in love. If you cannot provide that, then please don't have a kid....thanks!!!


All you racist assholes that hate the LGBT...crowd can all find the highest cliff and dive. 



Also, this is not meant as a woe is me post. Just trying to make a point. 

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7 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


Normal human being response: take the stick away.

Crazy liberal response: if the kid is a minority, charge the stick remover with a hate crime.

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34 minutes ago, mojo said:

Normal human being response: take the stick away.

Crazy liberal response: if the kid is a minority, charge the stick remover with a hate crime.


The funniest part about this post is that someone thinks it's super clever or a some "got ya" post. "I'll show those ****ing libtards!!! Hey everyone, you should see what I posted anonymously on this website. I totally got those losers."




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3 hours ago, mojo said:

Normal human being response: take the stick away.

Crazy liberal response: if the kid is a minority, charge the stick remover with a hate crime.

Weren’t you consigned to the Stadium? You’re not smart or interesting. You’re just uncomfortable and trying to figure it out on the internet. Embarrassing. 

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1 hour ago, TheDoyler23 said:

Gym Jordan's getting to the key issues of the day when questioning Goodell.


He's asking about Dave Portnoy, and Jack Del Rio being fined. 


He's also (probably intentionally) calling the team the Redskins.




You ever seen a movie called Deep Rising? It's a monster movie, and the true fate old smelly Gym Jordan deserves is the same fate old smelly Billy gets in this clip.


By the way, highly recommend this movie. Warning in the clip for gore and possibly some language?



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I know being a Penn State fan comes with its own set of issues to some in the Tailgate, but if I was in Congress, I feel like I'd want to constantly bring up the 1983 Sugar Bowl anytime Herschel Walker was around.  And if I happened to be near Jim Jordan, to talk loudly about Penn State wrestling.


For those that don't know why, a lot of Jordans (sons or nephews) have wrestled for Ohio State or Wisconsin and Penn State wrestlers have frequently beaten the piss out of his gene pool.  Pain starts around 1:25.  There's a lot more of these and I love every one of them.



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On 6/20/2022 at 10:44 AM, Bang said:

I sincerely hope y'all have been getting ready.
They are straight up telling us what they are going to do.




On 6/20/2022 at 12:56 PM, China said:


Navy: Eric Greitens is no longer with the Navy Reserve or the Department of the Navy


In a fundraising video for his U.S. Senate campaign released Monday, former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens held a pump-action shotgun and introduced himself as a Navy SEAL. The video then showed him joining a group of men in tactical gear who broke into an empty house to hunt members of his own political party.


But Greitens is no longer a Navy SEAL. He has also not been affiliated with the Navy Reserve or the Department of the Navy for more than a year, according to a Navy Reserve spokesperson.


Greitens resigned his commission in the Navy Reserve on May 1, 2021, just two months after he launched his campaign for U.S. Senate, according to officials at the Navy. He was an active member of the Navy Reserve for around two years.


Throughout his political career, Greitens has leaned on his credential as a former SEAL to propel himself to prominence. He created an image of the principled veteran — and despite some warnings from his fellow SEALs — penned three books and toured the speaking circuit giving talks about ethics and leadership.


But that curated image came crashing down amid a bevy of scandals during his brief tenure in the governor’s mansion. Allegations of sexual abuse and campaign finance violations forced him to resign June 1, 2018. He served less than half his term.


As he attempted to build himself back up after his resignation, Greitens asked to be reinstated into active duty in the Naval Reserve in January 2019. He had been moved to inactive status while he served as governor, which allowed him to retain his commission. Initially, he met resistance. Neither the SEALs nor the Navy wanted him back.


It was only after Greitens received support from Vice President Mike Pence that Navy officials allowed him to return to military service in a reserve role. But he was denied the designation of SEAL when he returned as a general unrestricted line officer, a classification used for reservists who typically perform office duties and lack a warfare classification.


The Navy’s decision to return him to active status sparked an investigation into how the Navy handles misconduct cases.



Click on the link for the full article


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2 hours ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

Totally nailed it on the Subaru Outback tho!


I went to an Indigo Girls concert a few years ago at Wolf Trap.  I never saw so many Subaru Outbacks in my life.  Come to think of it, I was driving a Subaru Outback at the time.  So was the car influencing my musical tastes?

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