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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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19 minutes ago, Tarpon75 said:

Do you really believe that?


No. I'm sure that virtually the entire GOP senate is cool with lifting sanctions on Russian gangsters for perfectly innocent reasons. 


No doubt some local fisherman out for a pleasure cruise, at night, in eel infested waters. 



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i just noticed from that poll... 92% of people that voted for trump say they either somewhat approve or strongly approve of the job he is doing.... the idea that there are all these dis-satisfied Trump voters that have turned on him.... appears to be crap


this means that the massive majority of people that dislike the job he is doing either voted against him already or didn't vote at all last time.       History doesn't give a high probability of a whole bunch of people that don't normally vote suddenly deciding to show up at the polls....


... The key to getting rid of Trump in the next election is to getting those deadbeats to the damned polls.   (and republicans obviously understand that THEIR key to victory is voter suppression... and they are clearly (and disgustingly) acting on that imperative.)    

On 1/22/2019 at 3:22 PM, mcsluggo said:






and.....  finally....  82% of Republicans approve of the job Donald Trump has done as President 






Edit.... THIS poll ^^^

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4 minutes ago, mcsluggo said:

i just noticed from that poll... 92% of people that voted for trump say they either somewhat approve or strongly approve of the job he is doing.... the idea that there are all these dis-satisfied Trump voters that have turned on him.... appears to be crap



Note:  that's 92% of people who admit that they voted for Trump. 

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3 hours ago, superozman said:


For me, I am one for open & free markets, limited government interaction, strong families & values, and individual/personal responsibility.  High level.  


its funny... because Trump is the single worst example of ALL of those that has been seen in a politician in a generation.   


... but i realize that it just doesn't matter.... 

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3 hours ago, superozman said:


For me, I am one for open & free markets, limited government interaction, strong families & values, and individual/personal responsibility.  High level.  


Do you currently oppose the GOP in its current form? If so, what would you like to see happen to get back to the items you listed?

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11 hours ago, superozman said:


For me, I am one for open & free markets, limited government interaction, strong families & values, and individual/personal responsibility.  High level.  

There are a few of us here but it is a lefty dominated forum. Most of us don't post much; I don't feel like having drawn out arguments where both sides can find "proof" to back up their opinions. It's a waste of time and you won't be convincing most of the people here despite a good argument. 

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16 hours ago, JCB said:

So . . . Incredibly vague slogans? Cool!


I'm assuming this is to my post.  I will go into more detail here and if you want to discuss pros/cons i'm all for it, but I didn't want to go into length and be picked apart when i might just get bashed no matter how i phrase it.  Open/Free market - I believe this is where a lot of things that people all over the place use come from, the benefit of an open and free market.  Every single one of us has the opportunity to go into any field, invent anything, take any amount of risk and put something out there that can change the landscape of any field.


I enjoy limited government interaction - I don't want to pay the government money for them to spread around to everyone for various aspects of life, when everyone has the opportunity to make their own choices.  I am, however, happy to pay into for services that help those that are less fortunate, social security, etc.


I am big on indivuals face certain choices and that can and will shape their future.   And you need to take responsibility for poor choices.  Also families is huge to me.  I dont care how that family is shaped (IE - Dad/Mom, Dad/Dad, Mom/Mom) but just that the family structure is  there for kids. 


15 hours ago, mcsluggo said:


its funny... because Trump is the single worst example of ALL of those that has been seen in a politician in a generation.   


... but i realize that it just doesn't matter.... 

I don't agree with a lot that Trump says or does, I did not vote for him.  However, there are some things that i think is awesome that he's done.



15 hours ago, Hersh said:


Do you currently oppose the GOP in its current form? If so, what would you like to see happen to get back to the items you listed?

Do you mean Trump, or do you think the GOP has strayed from those core values in total (IE - most R's are too far right or something?)


7 hours ago, sportjunkie07 said:

There are a few of us here but it is a lefty dominated forum. Most of us don't post much; I don't feel like having drawn out arguments where both sides can find "proof" to back up their opinions. It's a waste of time and you won't be convincing most of the people here despite a good argument. 

I see that LOL.  I'm always up for good convo.  I really started getting into politics in my early 30's (35 now), but I feel that most places is left leaning dominant - and every person who says they are to the right it's like a curse LOL.  But if my convo here turns into a **** show, then i'll step away.  


Edited by superozman
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23 minutes ago, Hersh said:

Some of the things you said you believe in are the opposite of what the GOP has become. For the record the GOP=Trump. They are indistinguishable.


I agree.   But while Trump is in office and people are working for a narcissistic leader in Trump, the GOP folks in government will most likely pander to Trump.  Trump will pander to the base.  If Dems win in 2020, you will hear about what we heard when Romney ran against Obama "We need to look at ourselves, what the party truly means, etc.".


I could probably be more Libertarian (Which is who I voted for last election), but majority of the time people speak right/left.

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Thanks for the clarification, Oz. My apologies if I came across as overly snarky. My opinion is that the Republicans have for decades gotten away with shady **** because of the manipulability of "freedom" and "family," etc. Dems just SUCK at branding.


Hope you find a party that represents your values better than the GOP.

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18 minutes ago, JCB said:

Thanks for the clarification, Oz. My apologies if I came across as overly snarky. My opinion is that the Republicans have for decades gotten away with shady **** because of the manipulability of "freedom" and "family," etc. Dems just SUCK at branding.


Hope you find a party that represents your values better than the GOP.


Ha, not gonna lie - I rolled my eyes seeing the post.  LOL, thank you for responding though.  


I agree Rs have gotten away with things, no matter the guise they've hid behind.  Doesn't mean citizens like me can hope that there are some good politicians out there (Good enough) that uphold values.  


In the meantime, we have who we have and hopefully the ship can get corrected.  With someone new.  And as I stated in a different thread, with a Republican people can get behind.

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