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Let's organize a protest at/near Redskins Park - I mean, we have nothing to lose!


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Maybe it might seem like too much, but it is OUR responsibility as fans to do something when the front office takes such a suicidal approach.


What ownership/management has messed up royally with:

-Keeping Allen over McLoughan. Sure, Allen is great at the business part, but he sucks at the football part.

-We've now lost our Quarterback. He's made it clear that he doesn't want to be here.


What we want:

-Allen gone and McLoughan promoted. Allen is a cancer to this organization, and could cost us our elite GM and great QB. 


I don't know what good it would do, but worst case scenario we hang out on a sunny saturday by Redskins Park, maybe play a little touch football. Who knows!?


Oh yeah, and don't renew your season tickets. Hit Snyder where it hurts.

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I think stuff like this is important, even if it's only for the fanbase's psyche. It at least lets the rest of the world know that the fans still have an emotional stake in all this and are not blindly jumping on the Oblivion Bandwagon. I hope the turnout is huge. 

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7 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Burgundy Lives Matter.

Please no.

4 minutes ago, PartyPosse said:

The best protests would be NOT showing up at games.

We're not renewing our season tickets.

5 minutes ago, justice98 said:

I'm all for voicing displeasure to the powers that be about current events, but expending the effort to stand out there physically protesting the football team is where I draw the line on "how much do I REALLY care".


Eh, for me it's either that sitting around bored so why not


7 minutes ago, RichmondRedskin88 said:

mmmmm it's a facebook event. It's either hit or miss whether people actually show up.

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I am 50 years old on Monday 13th of March, I will gladly let all you fellow Skins club together to pay for me a plane ticket and hotel and I will personally wait for however long it takes and force Allen to tell me what the ---- is he doing to our team. By the way I'm from Bolton, England so it won't cost that much . Fingers crossed ?

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53 minutes ago, PartyPosse said:

This is the best way to get your message to Dan.




Team still gets their cut of Rev Sharing. Yeah, bad gate is a big deal. But this picture doesn't show the people who paid for tickets in the spring. Their money is already banked.

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Can't y'all just mail back the fan cards you all made up and mailed in during Fassalgate?


I mean, that was really affective and important and I'm sure they mailed them back to you because they took it serious.


I hope everyone who actually does protest the team, dresses like clowns.

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Stop going to games!! What are you rooting for??? There is NO HOPE with Dan Snyder at the helm.  None.  Zilch.  Nada.  Forget about it *mafia voice* Paying that slime bucket Snyder to attend games to watch the horse**** he feeds us is asinine!  Buying merchandise is asinine.  Being a "fan" at this point is asinine.  Asinine, I tell ya!

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