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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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2 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:



This policy of full cooperation.  


Was it before or after you fired the head of the FBI for refusing to promise that he would see to it that his ongoing counterespionage investigation would keep any mention of Trump's staff out of the report?  




1 hour ago, visionary said:





They also print his name as Random Paul.  :) 

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1 hour ago, visionary said:

These tweets say soooo much. One thing it says is, "America has a president who writes things like "soooo much" with four ****ing o's. Thomas Jefferson, he ain't.


I'm sorry Republicans (not being facetious, I genuinely feel bad for actual republicans). Your party is never coming back from this.


I totally get why the GOP still defends him though. They've been able to pursue all of those important aspects of the conservative agenda like... uh... passing a tax cut for the super wealthy and uh.... let's see what else. Oh, ****ing over the environment in order to benefit the super wealthy. And... That's... that's pretty much it I guess.


edit: Nope, nope. Thought of two more... ****ing over the healthcare system to benefit the super wealthy and stacking the courts with ideologically approved judges who will rule in favor of the super wealthy at the expense of everyone else for years to come!!


double edit: Oh and how could I forget the crown jewell of ****ting on a bunch of immigrants and ripping brown children away from their parents with no ****s given as to how or if they would ever be reunited. AMERICA BABY!!!



Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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15 minutes ago, visionary said:

What the actual ****?





Grab Mueller by the ****?


When you're President the Republicans let you.



Btw, Bolton probably should double-wash his mustache, in case he's still got a little Butina on it.


Also Bolton's time in the cannon is coming.

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On 8/19/2018 at 8:00 PM, visionary said:



Man, I mean, I get Ukraine's stance like that, but really wish we could do stuff like that and it not seem like a total betrayal.  Idk, maybe I'm looking at it from the lense of wishing some female head of state got married, invited Obama, and danced with them.  That pic is pretty cool.  Sometimes I wish we really could put politics aside, just for one second.  Putin is still a POS, do I need to confirm if she is, too?

Edited by Renegade7
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Microsoft says it has found a Russian operation targeting U.S. political institutions


SAN FRANCISCO — A group affiliated with the Russian government created phony versions of six websites — including some related to public policy and to the U.S. Senate — with the apparent goal of hacking into the computers of people who were tricked into visiting, according to Microsoft, which said Monday night that it discovered and disabled the fake sites.


The effort by the notorious APT28 hacking group, which has been publicly linked to a Russian intelligence agency and actively interfered in the 2016 presidential election, underscores the aggressive role that Russian operatives are playing ahead of the midterm elections in the United States. U.S. officials have repeatedly warned that the November vote is a major focus for interference efforts. Microsoft said the sites were created over the past several months and that the company was able to catch them early, as they were being set up. It did not go into more specifics.


Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit, which is responsible for the company’s response to email phishing schemes, took the lead role in finding and disabling the sites, and the company is launching an effort to provide expanded cybersecurity protection for campaigns and election agencies that use Microsoft products.


Among those targeted were the Hudson Institute, a conservative Washington think tank active in investigations of corruption in Russia, and the International Republican Institute (IRI), a nonprofit group that promotes democracy worldwide. Three other fake sites were crafted to appear as though they were affiliated with the Senate, and one nonpolitical site spoofed Microsoft’s own online products.


The Senate did not immediately respond to requests for comment late Monday.


Click on the link for the full article

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