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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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So anyone have any new thoughts on whether there will be more indictments coming from other places?   If Mueller specifically declined to charge Jr, does that make it more or less likely that someone else does?

Edited by visionary
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3 minutes ago, Llevron said:

Simply put, IMO, if we don’t hold this guy accountable for any of this we will never be able to trust another President ever again. Ever. And that trickles down to his congress and our government. 


This is where I am. I have pretty much lost all faith in our institutions if this is how we continue.

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11 minutes ago, visionary said:

So anyone have any new thoughts on whether there will be more indictments coming from other places?   If Mueller specifically declined to charge Jr, does that make it more or less likely that someone else does?

I think there were 14 other matters farmed out, and we know of two of them, I think.  I think those were Stone and Assange, so there are 12 others we don't know of out there somewhere.

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Two things: 1. Mueller should've subpoenaed Trump to be interviewed. That was a major mistake. 2. Dems in the House need to move to impeach Trump and Barr. It's their duty and it's independent of the Senate. For all the good Pelosi has done, this will be her legacy if she blocks attempts at impeachment proceedings. 


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1 hour ago, Llevron said:

Simply put, IMO, if we don’t hold this guy accountable for any of this we will never be able to trust another President ever again. Ever. And that trickles down to his congress and our government. 

Im going to say it again, the Constitution is done. Its going to be a long fight but a new system will need to emerge because the Constitution clearly does not work.


This will shake most of your worldview but the Republicans are corrupt and Dem leadership is interested in politics, not upholding their constitutional duty. Then you have a President who is openly breaking the law.  Its done.

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The constitution did work for a long time but only recently (several decades) have we realized that that it’s only been held together simply by the reliance of people continuing to act in good faith and with an actual moral center.


Without that, it completely falls apart and there is nothing to stop the fast track to tyranny it sought to avoid 

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This squirming over impeachment is so gross. The House can impeach Trump.  Impeach him and make Republicans either stand for the country or their party. Hold them accountable. House Dems are passing bills that have no chance of making it to vote on the Senate floor, yet won't do this. The Democratic Party is lost. No backbone because they are shook of Republicans. Scared to look at their own shadow. This constitution is done. 

1 minute ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

The constitution did work for a long time but only recently (several decades) have we realized that that it’s only been held together simply by the reliance of people continuing to act in good faith and with an actual moral center.

If it was relying on good character, and not strong structures then it was never that strong. We see it with the electoral college farce, we see it with money in politics, and now we see it here. Its done.

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1 hour ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

If it was relying on good character, and not strong structures then it was never that strong. We see it with the electoral college farce, we see it with money in politics, and now we see it here. Its done.


I agree, it’s been a facade and we are really seeing it’s crippling limitations and inherent weaknesses with trump and current GOP pushing it beyond what anybody has tried or thought possible before 

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Perfectly fine with impeachment even if it won’t get past the Senate.  The next 18 months should be every bit of scrutiny that can be applied...and then more.  Redress and exhaust every rule of law available without relent...and leak almost everything.


And get out the vote!

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The Dems need to start impeachment proceedings for sure. Of course they’ll get no traction in the Senate, but it’s a statement to history. And this is a moment of galvanization for younger, progressive voices. Defiance of a thoroughly debased president and party is meaningful.


Its just sickening that people voted for this loathsome **** because all this crap was out in the open and you a-holes thought it was worth putting the country through this to get your tax cut and lock up lady parts.

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1 hour ago, CjSuAvE22 said:

What are you trying to say?? Hes Going to win whether we like it or not...hes not getting impeached either, the circus can continue but it will do zero good. 


Pretty much this is where I've been at for some time. There's no stopping Trump at this point. 


Who's going to stand up to him? Certainly no Republican in any real position of power and that's what's truly needed.


Democrats seem to now be banking on the 2020 election. That's a losing strategy which is typical from the leadership in place. Pelosi, Hoyer, Schumer are weak and team Trump knows it. He'll be President for life before we know it.



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He's not getting removed from office, so the best route is to do whatever's possible to establish the validity and scale of the evidence in the report so that it can be cited as common knowledge in 2020. Leak everything, fight tooth and nail to bring the facts to light. Make it an enormous challenge for Trump to brush it off in debate. Anyone who is on the fence about voting for Trump will have their conscience dragging them the entire way. 


Failed impeachment proceedings run the risk of delegitimizing the report, so even though I'd love to make the next 18 months a living hell for Trump, it's undoubtedly a risk. I'm not sure what they should do, but circumstances make November 2020 the only realistic opportunity to end Trump. 

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