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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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8 hours ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

The only reason you’re saying this is because you know full well that your usual motto “Still better than Hillary” will get you laughed off the stage.

You voted for this damned fool.

You broke it, you bought it.

Now get to fixin’ it.

Come on, you know better than this. Republicans are always breaking things. Healthcare, Education, National Security. The Economy. In addition, they're buying stuff on IOUs. 




They never fix anything they break and they most certainly never pay for anything.

Edited by Burgold
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6 hours ago, twa said:


They were obviously tired of the status quo....which was Hillary




So now they have a (probably) corrupt President who is definitely soaking money from the American taxpayer for his lavish away-from-white-house lifestyle...

They have policy being written by and for the sole benefit of their lobbyist buddies and elite-level CEO class friends.

we have cabinet posts filled by billionaire buddies who have no experience in their new position, and in many cases are doing nothing but spending money on nothing. When they DO things, they are for the benefit of their rich friends.  it's not even up for debate,, we watch this bunch do this all day every day. 

Just the expense of his golf outings should be enough... and then to pile on that HE is profiting because HIS clubs are billing us for HIS day of golf..  how does a 'conservative' support this?

The white House is a revolving door of scandal and disgrace, with people being forced out by either their own actions, or the realization that this president is an incompetent con man. and we're a year in.

In fact, practically everything about him is the 'status quo" they are so angry about. Every single boogieman they have been told is the 'left' is in the White House right now. They are being ripped off, ignored and shoved around by Washington and their big money friends. 


So by 'tired of the status quo" even you in your uncanny ability to see the opposite of reality realize that you are in fact pointing out how gullible and idiotic they (you) not only were to be sold this bill of goods, but continue to BE sold by saying things like they (you) were tired of a status quo that has now been amplified tenfold.


It's one thing to cheer for team, everybody wants their guy to succeed  ..  Everyone does that.

But there has to come a time when reality has to step up. If the status quo is what they (you) didn't want, why defend what is so painfully obvious? This is SWAMP.. nothing BUT,,  how is it these supporters see it the exact opposite when what they are doing is exactly what they screamed they did not want? 

Even if we leave out the possible treasonous activity..  just the obvious money-grab should be enough to send any 'conservative' into conniption fits.


It is impossible to fathom why they (you) have not.


~Bang (me)

Edited by Bang
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6 hours ago, twa said:

Still better than Hillary.


You going to pay me to fix it?...I don't live on hopes and dreams.

You mean like getting Mexico to pay for the wall? Nah, you’re a Republican, you don’t believe in paying for anything. You’ll just level a sales tax, gas tax, or cigarette tax si the poor can pay for your toys.


And I love that your troll gene forces you to recite “Still better than Hillary” right in the middle of this ****show. Only a fool would truly believe such a thing. So, are you the clever magician acting the fool or are you just a fool?

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1 hour ago, Bang said:



So by 'tired of the status quo" even you in your uncanny ability to see the opposite of reality realize that you are in fact pointing out how gullible and idiotic they (you) not only were to be sold this bill of goods, but continue to BE sold by saying things like they (you) were tired of a status quo that has now been amplified tenfold.


~Bang (me)

One of the great ironies is that the biggest "status quo" of the past 20 years has been hyper partisanship and obstruction. So, in effect, by voting GOP straight ticket or voting for Trump, these people voted for the biggest "status quo" out there.


I mean other than the tax money grab, I mean tax reform bill, the Republican party is still acting like the party of obstruction. The only difference is now they are obstructing their own policies and Trump's policies.

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Awwwww, maybe Flynn can get a fundraising campaign going like Roy Moore............ hell, get one going WITH Roy Moore.... and Gates and Manafort and Papadoppapoulus and Cohen and Hope and the whole crew


The Venal Depravity Tour 2018! We won't take you guns, we're after your checkbook!

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7 minutes ago, LD0506 said:

Awwwww, maybe Flynn can get a fundraising campaign going like Roy Moore............ hell, get one going WITH Roy Moore.... and Gates and Manafort and Papadoppapoulus and Cohen and Hope and the whole crew


The Venal Depravity Tour 2018! We won't take you guns, we're after your checkbook!

Hmmm... How about we each donate five bucks per each confession or guilty plea? Ten dollars each bit of condemning evidence he kept that implicate higher ups. etc.

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I do sometimes wonder at those who support for asset forfeiture laws...I mean why do they think it won't impact them.  Personally, I think there is a huge karmic warning sign being missed here for a party with so many members being investigated.

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1 minute ago, Burgold said:

Hmmm... How about we each donate five bucks per each confession or guilty plea? Ten dollars each bit of condemning evidence he kept that implicate higher ups. etc.


How about we drop 'em all in an industrial woodchipper, spray their graymeat residue out over the Arizona desert and invite interested Mexican ag workers in to farm it into a garden spot?


See, THIS is why we need due process because none of y'all would ever want me callin' the shots

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33 minutes ago, Burgold said:

One of the great ironies is that the biggest "status quo" of the past 20 years has been hyper partisanship and obstruction. So, in effect, by voting GOP straight ticket or voting for Trump, these people voted for the biggest "status quo" out there.


I mean other than the tax money grab, I mean tax reform bill, the Republican party is still acting like the party of obstruction. The only difference is now they are obstructing their own policies and Trump's policies.


ALL the boogiemen.

Higher taxes are assigned to the left.
every think tank there is says this new tax policy will result in higher taxes on the lower and middle classes. Trump tosses out the idea of a raise on gas taxes to pay for a wall.  A higher tax that will again raise prices on everything..  to spend on something we were promised we would not buy. 


Gun confiscation is a longtime monster that is the left.

Trump says a potential solution to mass shootings is to confiscate guns from people the government deem dangerous and worry about due process second. The literal definition of the gun grab they are so terrified every liberal wants to do. They spent the last 8 years buying more guns than have ever been sold because of the fear that Obama was going to take their guns. Wayne LaPierre even screamed before Obama's second election to not be fooled, as soon as he's re-elected the confiscations would begin. Last week the President mused that confiscation without due process was stated as a possibility.


The government intruding.. well,, see above. 


the left is weak on national security.

Trumps refuses to not only sanction Russia for what every single person in his government knows is real.. when was the last time we ever saw a resolution passed so heavily? almost 100% voted to sanction Russia for meddling. Not only does he flat out refuse, he also has refused to make any moves to making our elections more secure. Every single agency affiliated with intelligence and with elections has stated as fact that the Russians attempt to defraud our elections, and he has made it a point to quash any activity to tighten security. This country is more vulnerable than ever, because we have a president who not only won't fight our enemy, but in fact appears to be aiding them in fighting US.


Gay marriage and other liberal ideals of common humanity will destroy the fabric of this country.
Trump pays off porn stars for affairs he has while his third wife is pregnant. He brags about his sexism, he relishes it, he is possibly a pedophile based on reports of his behavior at his pageants. He in no way espouses any sort of family values. His behavior is directly against the 'fabric of this country' and it's "Judeo Christian values".


Take pretty much ANY Big Scary Leftist Things That Will Rot Our Country and look objectively at who is actually DOING it....  it's unbelievable.

You really have to be a special kind of stupid to believe any of what the right tells you. In fact, practically every complaint you hear about leftists on Fox or anywhere else in the echo chamber,,,   it is being done by the right.


They love the ****ing RUSSIANS for crying out loud. 



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4 hours ago, Bang said:


So now they have a (probably) corrupt President who is definitely soaking money from the American taxpayer for his lavish away-from-white-house lifestyle...

They have policy being written by and for the sole benefit of their lobbyist buddies and elite-level CEO class friends.

we have cabinet posts filled by billionaire buddies who have no experience in their new position, and in many cases are doing nothing but spending money on nothing. When they DO things, they are for the benefit of their rich friends.  it's not even up for debate,, we watch this bunch do this all day every day. 

Just the expense of his golf outings should be enough... and then to pile on that HE is profiting because HIS clubs are billing us for HIS day of golf..  how does a 'conservative' support this?

The white House is a revolving door of scandal and disgrace, with people being forced out by either their own actions, or the realization that this president is an incompetent con man. and we're a year in.

In fact, practically everything about him is the 'status quo" they are so angry about. Every single boogieman they have been told is the 'left' is in the White House right now. They are being ripped off, ignored and shoved around by Washington and their big money friends. 


So by 'tired of the status quo" even you in your uncanny ability to see the opposite of reality realize that you are in fact pointing out how gullible and idiotic they (you) not only were to be sold this bill of goods, but continue to BE sold by saying things like they (you) were tired of a status quo that has now been amplified tenfold.


It's one thing to cheer for team, everybody wants their guy to succeed  ..  Everyone does that.

But there has to come a time when reality has to step up. If the status quo is what they (you) didn't want, why defend what is so painfully obvious? This is SWAMP.. nothing BUT,,  how is it these supporters see it the exact opposite when what they are doing is exactly what they screamed they did not want? 

Even if we leave out the possible treasonous activity..  just the obvious money-grab should be enough to send any 'conservative' into conniption fits.


It is impossible to fathom why they (you) have not.


~Bang (me)


They were just as corrupt...right?


That’s the farce that is the modern GOP voter, they will accept an absolutely corrupt President and Executive Branch in order to get their SCOTUS pick.


****ing hypocrites. 


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29 minutes ago, FanboyOf91 said:


So Nunberg got the subpoena and got so scared he went on a bender and then proceeded to call up every news network completely thrashed and lose his mind on national TV...repeatedly.

Trump only hires the best people.

But appatently this is all still better than Hillary, because corruption, incompetence, and public drunkeness are all assets in GOPer-land.

26 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

Roger Stone is ****ed, then.


I bet Sam's attorney nearly lost his mind.

In one of the interviews Nunberg even mentioned that his attorney would probably drop him after yesterday’s escapade.

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2 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:

Roger Stone is ****ed, then.


I bet Sam's attorney nearly lost his mind.


Roger Stone is doing a 5 PM interview with Chuck Todd on MSNBC today.


This collection of bottom feeders is really something.


Only the best people. Very stable geniuses.

Edited by No Excuses
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