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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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38 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

This will go no where, they didn’t write it, they were just reporting what was written.

Got to give right wing media and base something to talk about. Can't make the argument the the dossier was a partisan document that started this investigation anymore.

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Here are two reasons why Senator Grassley may not have wanted the transcripts of testimony from the Fusion GPS people released:


- In the released transcripts, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS testified that nothing in the dossier has been proven wrong other than the location of a meeting and the spelling of a bank mentioned.


- Simpson also testified that they didn't start the assignment looking for Russia stuff, but the more they looked at Trump's business activities, the more weird things about Russia started popping up.  So they brought in Russia expert Christopher Steele, who eventually became so alarmed by what he was finding that he felt compelled to inform the FBI about a potential "active crime in progress" and the apparent blackmailing of a candidate for the United States of America, Donald J. Trump.



Edited by Dan T.
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I thought Seth Abramson had some interesting points about it too. Especially about attempting to show the Republican strategy of conflating Fusion and Christopher Steele with it's contractors,so they can label Fusion as working for/with Russia, and attempt to discredit the dossier as a whole. Something like that.



John Schindler has some interesting thoughts on the dossier also that he wrote about in October, but is retweeting the article again today. Basically, he says there is definitely some disinfo in it, reminding that it's a lot of raw human intelligence, some of it supplied/planted to make the true parts less credible. I'd link to it, but I think there's some bad ads/malware on that site if you get the wrong ad in the rotation.

Edited by SoulSkin
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4 minutes ago, Llevron said:

Jim Jordan is a conspiracy theorist and clearly an idiot. That or hes complicit. It really cant be anything else. 


He's trash. Jordan couldn't care less about justice. He is nothing more than a Trump henchman. John Boehner called him a "legislative terrorist" and had no issue saying "**** Jordan" on the record to Politico: 



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14 minutes ago, Llevron said:

Jim Jordan is a conspiracy theorist and clearly an idiot. That or hes complicit. It really cant be anything else. 


He's not stupid.  He is a true believer in the righteousness of his extreme conservative viewpoint, and he probably is the most powerful individual in the entire House of Reps.

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