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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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1 minute ago, twa said:


I'm curious

Do you think this meeting was done in official Russian fashion of facilitating info exchange and cooperation?


Jr and company may be that stupid but the Russians are usually not.


I think we're all pretty curious about the meeting(s) and would welcome your broadly acknowledged expertise in these matters.


What do you think happened in the meeting and in the multiple other meetings that have yet to be made public?

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i can see it now

putin: i mean it's unfair, your intelligence agencies thing we did $insane_idea_no_one_thinks and it's just not true!

trump: nah, they don't say that, they say you did $thing_that's_actually_true and you know what i think they might be right because they got it from $source

*putin writes in notebook*

*rinse and repeat*


(feel free to replace trump with any one from his admin because apparently EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS TALKING TO RUSSIA @*#($&@U#()$*#@$@#)$#@$)(8I@#$ )

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22 minutes ago, tshile said:


I was someone who laughed at the russia stuff during the campaign. there was never any real evidence - forget hard evidence, just something of substance.


The whole 'secrete server in trump tower' thing turned out to be credit card stealing stuff (which is not far off my original guess of phishing attempts.)


But... things started getting bad after the issue with Flynn. And it just kept getting worse like a snowball slowly rolling down the hill. Now Jr's email....


And it's just lie, after lie, after lie. You cannot trust someone who just lies. People who lie like that do so because they have something to hide. We've seen it before.


I'm not willing to go full-fledge he must be impeached now, because I think we need more information, but damn if doesn't get harder every day to try to see any way this wasn't what everyone else was saying it was all along...


and now the gop leadership stuff?


holy ****... i'm not kidding when i say I wasn't expecting that, I would have argued against anyone suggesting such a thing and done so vigorously, and it has caused me to be very concerned....


i'm hoping we get something better than plausible deniability out of the GOP leadership. god i hope so...


Maybe you'll think twice before laughing folks off in the future? 


Personally the RNC sealed the deal for me. Them changing their policy RE Russia and the Ukraine.  There wasn't a single innocent explanation for that. Then the smoke around Manafort. Lots of other pieces. I thought it was obvious the something was seriously wrong.


I absolutely despise conspiratards. I've spent a lot of time with them over the years. And I despise them. They were my public enemy #1 before the rise of Trump and his merry band of alt right ****stains (curiously enough, you often find the same folks in both groups.) So I'm the last person to show my ass on something like this.


Just going through everything though, namely the characters involved and really the lack of feasible, logical and INNOCENT explanations for a lot of it, it just really made it obvious.


It's like the process of elimination. You see the evidence and then you just work through it. If you get stuck on something innocent and feasible then the theory is most likely bull****. And then character matters big time. So on all of this I wasn't getting stuck anywhere good. And Trump and Co were obviously horrible, horrible people who would have no qualms about doing literally anything for power and personal glory. Here we are. 


Just way too much smoke and nobody brought a smoke machine. I didn't know what happened exactly but I knew something happened. And for the sake of the Republic, we needed to find out. 


I thought it was ridiculous that people, such as myself, were being treated like chicken littles. We scoff at, flatly reject and denounce stupid conspiratards 99.999% of the time, you'd think the one time we said "whoa wait a second" that people would hear us out. It's kind of insulting in a way that anyone would think we'd sell out our principles and standards over simple politics.


I'm not taking it personal though. It's just the nature of the world we live in. That's where the whole false equivalency thing comes in though. You think everyone is equally a partisan hack then not only are the real hacks (or traitors in this case) going to be let off the hook (what they're doing is just normal right? Not worth raising a stink over it.) but the honest people with the honest concerns and honest allegations are going to be dismissed off the bat and the actual bad ones get away with it again. It's a legitimate tactic and it's something we desperately need to fix. 


Btw Oswald acted alone. 100%, not a doubt in my mind. 

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You know what's ****ed up about the CNN report that there were EIGHT people in that (originally 4 person) meeting? You can't ****ing say with a straight face that it's even improbable anymore. 


This **** is gonna crush this administration. Hopefully the GOP with it. 

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Another shoe drops. New Republic article by Craig Unger, "Trump's Russian Laundromat".




Arctic opens with a graphic. Illuminating.


Edited by LadySkinsFan
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20 minutes ago, Llevron said:

You know what's ****ed up about the CNN report that there were EIGHT people in that (originally 4 person) meeting? You can't ****ing say with a straight face that it's even improbable anymore. 


This **** is gonna crush this administration. Hopefully the GOP with it. 


Careful what you wish for...The Kid Rock/Guy Fieri-led Flavortown Party may well rise up to replace it.

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28 minutes ago, Llevron said:

You know what's ****ed up about the CNN report that there were EIGHT people in that (originally 4 person) meeting? You can't ****ing say with a straight face that it's even improbable anymore. 


This **** is gonna crush this administration. Hopefully the GOP with it. 


Preibus was totally there. 

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At any point since last weekend, an administration that was either (not both) (1) competent or (2) had nothing to hide - would have gotten out in front of this story, put the President in front of the cameras, had him explain what happened and why it was a reasonable thing to do and not as bad as it looks, offered some ****ing contrition just because things look bad, taken questions from reporters and tried to regain some semblance of control of this out-of-control ****storm.


As it stands, the Trump administration appears to have opted to let the press put the pieces together on their own.  Seems like a bad strategy.  

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any of you watch VEEP?


that's pretty much what i imagine is going on right now


bunch of clueless people running around constantly dealing with fires each other have set


i just don't know which one jona is


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I've said it for awhile now that I love the way the journos are doing this, slowly piece-mealing the news and forcing the Administration to respond to the latest discovery then they drop another piece and force them to try and reconcile that with their previous lies. This forces the Administration into a long continual series of contradictory lies, and with every new revelation they look worse and worse because they haven't been honest about a damned thing. 


Oh and I love that Conway is back, she has zero shame.

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3 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

I've said it for awhile now that I love the way the journos are doing this, slowly piece-mealing the news and forcing the Administration to respond to the latest discovery then they drop another piece and force them to try and reconcile that with their previous lies. This forces the Administration into a long continual series of contradictory lies, and with every new revelation they look worse and worse because they haven't been honest about a damned thing. 


Oh and I love that Conway is back, she has zero shame.


It's what good investigators do, it's how they catch people in lies.

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