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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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12 minutes ago, Hersh said:


How far does the swamp expand to because there are a lot of choices these days. 


Man made release of swamp gas is not responsible for the rise in global swamp levels.  




Edited by Larry
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Out of all the pulsating hemorrhoids fermenting on the foul anus that is Trumps Presidency, the one that needs to be popped the most is Kellyanne ****ing Conway.


Just watching that nightmare creature speak makes me queasy. 

Edited by ExoDus84
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6 hours ago, visionary said:

(Just noticed Predicto is reading the thread.)


What if Predicto got put on read only without anyone knowing like that one guy from years ago, and he's been posting this whole time?  Wondering why no one is responding to him any more.  Wondering how he slipped into his solipsistic Hell.

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20 minutes ago, RedskinsFan44 said:
  • Conway will come to regret that "no follow up" statement I suspect.

Are you kidding? She's been shilling for months on the subject. Now we get an email, subject line "Russia - Clinton - private and confidential", that could not have been any more clear about the Russian government's efforts and Junior's willingness (actually gleeful eagerness) to work with them. A day later she's on TV saying, "Boy, you really gotta admire Lil' Donnie. What a stand up guy. So refreshing. Not like Hillary. No collusion. Just delusions and illusions. Did I mention Hillary?"


She's your standard run of the mill GOP shill. They cut shame out of the platform a long, long time ago.


So basically, she ain't gonna regret ****

Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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Kellyanne Conway... quite possibly the worst thing ever to come out of Camden, New Jersey and that's really saying something. I would never ever, under any circumstances, strike a woman. I could see a scenario wherein I might DDT her though.

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27 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:


What if Predicto got put on read only without anyone knowing like that one guy from years ago, and he's been posting this whole time?  Wondering why no one is responding to him any more.  Wondering how he slipped into his solipsistic Hell.


Navy Dave.


I assume Predicto slipped into a catatonic state on election night and was just unable to snap out of it.  Remember feeling dumbstruck at the lunacy of the American public electing an unequipped, narcissistic, boorish, reality TV star as President? It was an awful thing. 


God willing, 2020 will be - to borrow a phrase - Morning in America, regardless of whether a Democrat, Republican challenger to the incumbent, or independent wins.  (That someone else is President before then is too optimistic for me to hope for, news this week not withstanding.)

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5 hours ago, twa said:

ya'll should cheer up, impeachment was filed today...and I expect you to force your congresscritter to support it.


I read that last night and sighed


Need more ammo than this, otherwise you look like the gop did under obama.


5 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:

Predicto is secretly James Comey.


No wonder they didn't charge clinton!

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40 minutes ago, tshile said:


I read that last night and sighed


Need more ammo than this, otherwise you look like the gop did under obama.


No wonder they didn't charge clinton!

I think you could make a strong argument that there is way more for the Ds to work with already than the Rs ever had on O. Also, the notiion that the story ends with Jr's "it was nothing" explanation seems unlikely given events to date.


add: I agree the articles of impeachment are premature. Plenty of time for that in the coming months.

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Who for one second believes Donald trump had no knowledge of what was going on during his campaign in regards to the Russian collusion, and even if you do what does that say about his leadership capabilities?


How can you call yourself a leader and be ignorant to what everybody else on your team are apparently all aware of?


Either way this is inexcusable for the president of the united states.

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6 minutes ago, RedskinsFan44 said:

hypothetical: How damaged would the Trump campaign have been if th email setting up the meeting had been released to the press immediately afyer the meeting?

No effect. This is before the DNC hacks became public. Trump would have been going on about "Wouldn't it be nice if we actually got along with Russia?" Might have looked more suspect after the hacks. I still think people would vote for Trump. It wasn't like Russia preferring one candidate did anything to hurt him.

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