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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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3 minutes ago, visionary said:


I really hope this isn't true.


I mean, I kind of hope it is.  But I also hope it's not.


Because if the President of the United States ****ing LIVE TWEETS a hearing of the former FBI director testifying about his interactions with the Presidentttttttttrggghgglglglhlcvlvlblbblgflfjdfghhhhghbhhbhbhbgghbgbgbhbggggggghhhhhhhhhh


I swear by the time this administration is done we're gonna be able to look straight at Cthulhu and be like "meh, boring."

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DOD, OPM, & USG need to stop giving Top Secret to 20 somethings with no background to investigate. You should be required to have a secret for 3-4 years prior to being bumped up to TS. I see little reason why we can not staff these more vital positions with individuals with a more established background. Sorry young folks, work your way up!!

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2 minutes ago, LeesburgSkinFan said:

DOD, OPM, & USG need to stop giving Top Secret to 20 somethings with no background to investigate. You should be required to have a secret for 3-4 years prior to being bumped up to TS. I see little reason why we can not staff these more vital positions with individuals with a more established background. Sorry young folks, work your way up!!


Probably a shortage of linguists driving it, but yeah.

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1 hour ago, DogofWar1 said:


I swear by the time this administration is done we're gonna be able to look straight at Cthulhu and be like "meh, boring."


You mean you don't already?


Now that Azathoth gives me the creeps..............

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7 hours ago, Dan T. said:

So the NSA had information that Russia actually tried to hack into U.S. voting systems - the software used to run the machines and local government voter databases -  to alter the election.  

I'm willing to bet every nation has tried, and we have tried to get into theirs.


In fact, I assume russia and China have been able to get into either the companies that manufacture the machines, the machines themselves, and/or plenty of government records regarding voter registration.



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43 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

Fair enough, but the follow up question ought to be "Then do you support the use of the 25th Amendment to remove him from office for lack of fitness?"

Priorities dude. First he needs to find someone to kill Ted Cruz on the Senate Floor.

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6 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:


I swear by the time this administration is done we're gonna be able to look straight at Cthulhu and be like "meh, boring."


What if it's taking a ****? 





But seriously, did I miss something? That's like the 10th random Cthulhu name drop I've seen in the last week and a half. Why's it hot all of a sudden? Or just a coincidence? 



Sorry to hijack. Back on topic...Trump sucks. I'd rather Cthulhu take a dump on me than have Trump's stupid, lame, played-out ass spend one more second embarrassing our country. I've shared before, I spent the last year-plus trying to sell my immigrant girlfriend on the idea that America is special. Trump single-handedly killed that. He killed any notion of American exceptionalism.


I'm sorry but we're past the point of loving this country and supporting Trump coexisting. It's one or the other: America or this ****ing half-demented King Midas Tweeter-in-Chief ****tard. Your choice. 


"You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency? - Joseph Welch"

- Michael Scott



Anyway was thinking, when ****face von Clownstick ultimately passes, are we going to have to fly the flag at half staff and do the whole state funeral thing? Did we do that for Nixon? Legit question. 


Second legit question, did Ford get any type of Inauguration when he was sworn in? Any celebration or ceremony at all? @Larry



You all remember how that was handled back then? My mom was saying she seems to remember it just being something quiet, behind close doors and not really talked about but she wasn't sure. This doesn't matter at all but I'm curious. 

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