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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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North Korea! look, we sent a few big boats!

Uh,, guy on a plane!


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Your shoe is untied!


What's that?

It's right behind you! Look out!

No I'm serious! It's right behind you!


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Someone explain to me exactly how you file as a foreign agent retroactively? Is it just me or does that sound................. fishy? "Yes, officer, I DID run that red light but I stopped a block later, retroactively yanno? So there's no need for a ticket"

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10 hours ago, LD0506 said:

Someone explain to me exactly how you file as a foreign agent retroactively? Is it just me or does that sound................. fishy? "Yes, officer, I DID run that red light but I stopped a block later, retroactively yanno? So there's no need for a ticket"

That is precisely it.


At a minimum, Flynn, Page, and Manafort are all toast and they know it.  They're hoping they can avoid some of the charges if they sort of follow procedure after the fact.


It's the kind of thing I would argue at their sentencing.  "Your honor, we would ask for the lowest possible sentence because while, yes, my client was a foreign agent and failed to disclose it, he did ultimately attempt to rectify the situation and report on the matter."


That kind of thing usually doesn't work particularly well.

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This is basically a "yes, but for court purposes they gotta get me on tape."


Also note how he's equivocating.


His previous letter to the FBI (was it the FBI?  It was some official agency) was very defiant.  That he's kind of hedging here I think shows he knows he screwed up and, at a minimum, they caught him in lies between what they know to be true and his letter.  So he's gotta hedge now because he doesn't want to stack more lies on top of more lies and get in even more trouble, even if an interview is not "under oath."

Edited by DogofWar1
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My assumption would be that the Trump administration has already seen every piece of evidence the government has, on every one of it's staffers.  


Surely, if the POTUS asks to be shown all of the evidence they've got, the agencies are required to give it to him, right?  And surely, Trump is going to demand the information, and then hand it to the suspect, or accused, or whatever you want to call him, so that he can create a story that fits the evidence.  


Although I guess Trump & Co might be paranoid enough to just assume that the government's holding back more evidence than what they've been told.  


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15 minutes ago, Larry said:

My assumption would be that the Trump administration has already seen every piece of evidence the government has, on every one of it's staffers.  


Surely, if the POTUS asks to be shown all of the evidence they've got, the agencies are required to give it to him, right?  And surely, Trump is going to demand the information, and then hand it to the suspect, or accused, or whatever you want to call him, so that he can create a story that fits the evidence.  


Although I guess Trump & Co might be paranoid enough to just assume that the government's holding back more evidence than what they've been told.  


I feel like that is completely against the law and would be an impeachable offense along with obstruction of justice. 

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