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Lions & Packers Conspire to Tie


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Like Riggo said above, would the Skins and Eagles conspire to pull this off?  Not a chance in H-E double hockey sticks.  It's one thing to suggest that a ref or player is conspiring to hurt a team, but could you imagine the effort involved to pull off a tie between two NFL teams, who are rival foes, both fighting to make the playoffs?  Wayyyyyyy too many moving parts to even consider this remotely possible.  I love me a good conspiracy theory, but this is not one of them.




(See everyone, I behaved as well as I could in this thread :ols: )

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I like playing about with the different scenarios of wins/ties/losses as a thought exercise, but in the real world a tie is never going to happen.


These are professional football teams who both want to win the division and eliminate a rival from the playoffs in doing so. They will not conspire to tie the game.


Addition: I've just seen NickyJ's post above, and now I'm not so sure....:D

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You do realize if something like this were to occur, they'll be congressional hearings, lawsuits to beat the band and every player, including the great Aaron Rogers, would be BANNED! This would rival the 1919 Black Sox scandal.

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If the game goes to overtime its a legitimate concern, not because there is a conspiracy by both teams but if the game is tied with 8 minutes to go in OT you could see some ultra conservative play.


Even in soccer it doesn't happen as much as it could, the US gave Mexico a gift to the 2014 WC Qualifying and we didn't have to get those last 2 goals that put Panama out and Mexico in, we had already clinched.

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 The earth IS really flat.

 Michael Jackson IS alive, working at Home Depot.

If you spin around really fast for several minutes, you will float away since you've equaled the earth's spin. { well, if it wasn't flat, that is }.

There's no such thing as the sun; its really a high powered Chinese flashlight.

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So, you're saying there was a rumor that Detroit and GB tying their game to intentionally keep us out of the playoffs? The same Detroit team that got waxed last night? The same GB team that has been lighting up opponents since we beat them?

As if EITHER team is ****ting cheese bricks over our defense? If anything, they're licking their chops to play us.

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15 minutes ago, TheCoach22 said:

Detroit is 6-1 at home this season... they have a chance to host a home game... enough said.

This is among other reasons (rivals, pride, gamesmanship) are exactly why this conspiracy is silly. 


Home game in the playoffs is huge. Not to mention that would mean soo many players would be on board with the idea of throwing the game into a tie...Even then you would have to trust the other team to do that same. Get outta here

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this would be crazy if a ) it wasn't possible, b ) it hadn't already been done in several occasions in soccer, & c ) if it were anything other than a tie.  see...if one needs to win, & they both get in...well...then i get the pride argument because no NFL player wants to lose on principal.  but a tie?  it's just a tie...what part of your pride is going to be injured as you prepare for the playoffs?  guaranteed?  no questions asked?


yeah...it's a real plausibility....but unlikely.


passing it off as impossible is folly

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The last time the Detroit Lions (ewww!) Won their Division was 1993! [for the record, they are the worst Football Program in The NFL]

Here's the proof: http://www.prideofdetroit.com/2016/11/30/13774596/detroit-lions-last-division-championship-history-1993


So....why would a team that last Won their Division before the internet just hand the crown to their nemesis?


I'll just chalk this thread up to the collective excitement brewing among us for Sunday.

ANNNND, it's time to go back to Sudden Death Overtime.  No more of this nonsense!  


Stop the ties, stop the madness.  The Team that scores in OT Wins! 

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I'm just going to chalk this thread up to everyone joking because no one smart enough to read could seriously consider this conspiracy. 


And if some people honestly do think its possible, you need to get out of the NFC east bubble and realize fans of every team hate their division rivals.

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2 hours ago, Suffolk_Skins said:


Home field playoff advantage? 


In and NFL game it's impossible to play out a tie without taking a knee every snap for 75 minutes. That's not going to happen


That said, if it gets to overtime I will be more than a little anxious. 


Oh, they could also spend 75 minutes exchanging punts, or keeps on allowing 75 yards run on each play as well. That would then makes it the highest score game ever. Or they could also play FB dive all day long for four downs and keep on doing turnovers on downs.


2 hours ago, Suffolk_Skins said:


I think the point is, how can you conspire to tie? This is not soccer, pulling off a 0-0 is easy in that sport. This would be a massive conspiracy and the league would take them to the cleaners, including draft picks. If it goes to OT though start worrying for some very conservative play calling. 


No need of a conspiracy, just two teams that don't want to lose. Which is basically the point here. Loser go home. But if they end up in a tie, it suits both parties.


19 minutes ago, TheCoach22 said:

Detroit is 6-1 at home this season... they have a chance to host a home game... enough said.

Being in the playoffs, home or away, is always better than watching them on TV. It's a shot at the Superbowl, while every other teams have been eliminated. Both teams could argue they may have an opportunity to reach it. But, you have to get in the tournament first. Otherwise it's pointless.

That Germany - Austria in World Cup Soccer back in 1982 didn't needed a conspiracy. Just players not caring much about playing the game, because it was pointless for both as the goal was to go into the next stage.


Players wants to go into the playoffs, coaches, GMs, owners, fans, they all want to go to the playoffs. That's not the NHL or NBA where half the league goes in. It's tough, it's a recognition to go in it. So don't undervalue the fact that well, players don't really need to play the game. You don't even have to do much, a miss tackle here and there, a blown assignment to allow an easy touchdown. Playing 50% instead of full speed. And you'll reach overtime. At some points teams don't go hard because they see the guys in front aren't playing hard because of this and starts doing the same because it suits them as well.


Also, it can allow two teams to almost rests their players without even having a bye week. Kinda like a good scrimmage during training camp, mostly.


Now, after giving reasons of why two teams would both have an interests playing the tie. I doubt it'll happen.

But yeah, I would love to watch 75 minutes of football watching guys exchanging punts. Or guys taking a knee on each play. Even better, watch them snap the ball and nothing happens. Players remain in possession of the ball starts walking around and nobody makes a tackle until the refs blows the play dead (if they can).


That would piss the NFL so much, and the NFL would have a hard time fining them.


Would the Redskins and the Cowboys play for the tie in such kind of situation?


Well, if that could put the Giants out of the playoffs? I could see it happening.

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But would the Redskins and Cowboys play for the tie if the winner got the division? No. I honestly can't see any fan on this board being happy they purposely threw away a chance at the divsion and a win against Dallas just to ensure a wildcard spot. Likewise other teams aren't going to throw away a home playoff game and division title. I can't imagine fans of any team would let that fly.

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7 minutes ago, Sekhmet187 said:

But would the Redskins and Cowboys play for the tie if the winner got the division? No. I honestly can't see any fan on this board being happy they purposely threw away a chance at the divsion and a win against Dallas just to ensure a wildcard spot. Likewise other teams aren't going to throw away a home playoff game and division title. I can't imagine fans of any team would let that fly.


They wouldn't like it for how long? an hour or two? After that they'll get their heads in the playoffs and would focus on it. Fans are the least of your problem in this situation. Division crown? Bragging rights, that's not much. Home game? That would probably just be the wild card game. So not much also.

IMHO, being in the playoffs tops all of that.


After all, you may also meet the team you just tied with during the playoffs for a rematch. One that count much more.

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1 hour ago, The Mayor of Fed Ex Field said:

If the Lions lose and the Redskins lose, then the lions still make the playoffs.


How is this a thread?

I suppose I am assuming the Redskins would have already beaten the Giants.

59 minutes ago, skins island connection said:

 The earth IS really flat.

 Michael Jackson IS alive, working at Home Depot.

If you spin around really fast for several minutes, you will float away since you've equaled the earth's spin. { well, if it wasn't flat, that is }.

There's no such thing as the sun; its really a high powered Chinese flashlight.

Scarlett Johannson called me last night.

Olivia Wilde messed up my bed last night.

Ivanka Trump paid my mortgage.

Jessica Biel made me breakfast this morning

My dog invented Twitter


So, you're saying there was a rumor that Detroit and GB tying their game to intentionally keep us out of the playoffs? The same Detroit team that got waxed last night? The same GB team that has been lighting up opponents since we beat them?

As if EITHER team is ****ting cheese bricks over our defense? If anything, they're licking their chops to play us.

Actually I suggest the motivation is a guarantee to make the playoffs; not to keep the Redskins out.

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