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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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35 minutes ago, CurseReversed said:

This is a cyber war between potus and twitter being played out in real time.

For ever twitter was gaming the top comments on his feed and he probably got fed up.

This is a big deal. 


Everything is changing quickly now and as I probably will not be allowed to post here again, I wanted to leave you with a positive message and hope it does not get deleted. 


When the change in narrative starts to accelerate, starting with things like the mueller report probably coming out without trump getting indicted, and progressing into information that might lead to other people getting indicted,  please try to keep calm and remember a few important things.


Trumps approval rating is 52%.    More then half the country supports him.

They are not your enemy.  They are not all crazy.   Someone with a trump hat is not a racist, bigot, or somebody worthy of hate and dehumanization. 


If you hate trump I understand, maybe you will never be convinced otherwise.

But please try to be peaceful with each other.  We are all americans and no matter what we disagree on we should not be advocating violence against the president or each other.  


Trump being right about something is not the end of the world, and it might turn out that he was right about a lot.   


Make peace and move on..  Love and peace. good night.




😂🤣 Now that's some funny ****. Smoking something good tonight? Peace and love guys while I support a POTUS that threatens people, is opening racist and bigoted and is in general ****ing over the country. Peace and love. 

10 minutes ago, CurseReversed said:

No.   I dont know anything about that .  I just know what the potus has been tweeting.  And he has been clear about what crimes he thinks were comitted.  If what he says is true, there could be a lot of people in trouble very soon.    I didnt fake the responses to his tweet, they were there!

If he put them there, it was for his own reasons, otherwise  I have no explanations.


If you believe the **** Trump tweets, you should seek help. Seriously. 

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10 hours ago, Renegade7 said:

I work in IT, I know too much to change my mind.


The Tesla won't make you believe that it can do everything like drive in a busy city, but it took me around a cloverleaf exit no problem. It's pretty cool. 

10 hours ago, CurseReversed said:

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😂 Seriously, please be really high typing this. 

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2 minutes ago, CurseReversed said:

Half the country supports Potus,  150 million people.  Are we all Horrible people?   How could this be possible?


Once again your math is off.  His approval rating is 39%, not 52%:




Further, the US population is 308 million.  Only 78% of which are old enough to vote (over 18).  That means at a 39% approval rating only 94 million adults support Trump, not the 150 million you claim.

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10 hours ago, Switchgear said:



You are wrong. Please don't spread false information.

<mod edit>

10 hours ago, China said:


Once again your math is off.  His approval rating is 39%, not 52%:




Further, the US population is 308 million.  Only 78% of which are old enough to vote (over 18).  That means at a 39% approval rating only 94 million adults support Trump, not the 150 million you claim.

<mod edit>

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10 hours ago, CurseReversed said:

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You made a specific claim, that over half of the country support Trump. That claim is wrong. If it didn't matter, why did you make it? And why can't you admit you were wrong, rather than retreating to "It doesn't matter, the point still holds".


Facts do matter. If someone said Trump had a 10 percent approval rating, I'd correct them as well, but no one other than you is presenting false information right now in this thread. Get your facts straight before you make a claim.

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7 minutes ago, Switchgear said:

You made a specific claim, that over half of the country support Trump. That claim is wrong. If it didn't matter, why did you make it? And why can't you admit you were wrong, rather than retreating to "It doesn't matter, the point still holds".


Facts do matter. If someone said Trump had a 10 percent approval rating, I'd correct them as well, but no one other than you is presenting false information right now in this thread. Get your facts straight before you make a claim.


Well, in Trump World facts apparently don't matter:  It’s easy to fact check Trump’s lies. He tells the same ones all the time.


So we shouldn't be surprised that his supporters don't care about them.

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10 hours ago, Switchgear said:

You made a specific claim, that over half of the country support Trump. That claim is wrong. If it didn't matter, why did you make it? And why can't you admit you were wrong, rather than retreating to "It doesn't matter, the point still holds".


Facts do matter. If someone said Trump had a 10 percent approval rating, I'd correct them as well, but no one other than you is presenting false information right now in this thread. Get your facts straight before you make a claim.

<mod edit>

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23 minutes ago, Hersh said:


The Tesla won't make you believe that it can do everything like drive in a busy city, but it took me around a cloverleaf exit no problem. It's pretty cool. 



People are imperfect, software is made by people.  There are fundamental questions about what someone should do in a certain situation that you can't program into a car, plus there's one story after the other about the APIs not being secure.  I'm good, there are some aspects of technology I won't support and a big part of that is a lack of security being priority.


If your computer in a car crashes, and one day it will, who's fault is that if there's an accident?  Is the automatic failsafe to give direct manual control?  I've thought about "take me home, I'm drunk mode", but will it not let you take the wheel in a failsafe attempt? Is " take me to the nearest hospital" mode really the best over waiting for ambulance? Judgement calls that could backfire, but open to it all things considered.

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10 hours ago, CurseReversed said:

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Rasmussen is widely considered a very very far right poster insofar as Trump approval is concerned.  Their methods are highly suspect and citing to them only demonstrates a lack of willingness to accept the obvious; that Donald Trump is very unpopular.

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10 hours ago, CurseReversed said:

I<mod edit>


So is that why you cherry picked 52% (the highest approval number for Trump at any time since his taking office (according to Rasmussen, your source) rather than the current number?  Notably, even with Rasmussen, the Strongly Disapprove numbers are consistently higher than the approval numbers.  You're not fooling us, but if you're serious, you're being dishonest with yourself.

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9 minutes ago, tshile said:


It’s like you all went to the same “how to fight structured arguments” course



It is noticible. Can I still hate polling because that's big reason we got Trump anyway?  I pray to God we aren't getting lulled into reassurance again.

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10 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:



Rasmussen is widely considered a very very far right poster insofar as Trump approval is concerned.  Their methods are highly suspect and citing to them only demonstrates a lack of willingness to accept the obvious; that Donald Trump is very unpopular.

<mod edit>


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10 hours ago, CurseReversed said:

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Well, it's not just that you picked the most Trump friendly pollster to make your argument with, it's ALSO that you're citing old Rasmussen numbers.


538 does a nice job compiling polls (https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/), and Rasmussen is easily the most pro-Trump pollster.  Now, sure it's possible that Rasmussen is right and everyone else is wrong, BUT, considering the mid-terms, that's highly unlikely.


But even beyond that, the most recent Rasmussen numbers aren't 52% approval for Trump, but rather 48%.  http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/political_updates/prez_track_mar15


The Rasmussen poll that had him at 52% was from Feb 6-10 and is the 9th most recent Rasmussen poll.


So it's cherry-picked not once, but twice.

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20 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


It is noticible. Can I still hate polling because that's big reason we got Trump anyway?  I pray to God we aren't getting lulled into reassurance again.


There is zero chance of that happening. 

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