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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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4 minutes ago, Rskins06 said:

He is crazy because he responds to things he should really just leave alone?  That sometimes he takes it to extremes sometimes?  I get it, but let's not forget, this is what he has ALWAYS done, he hasn't been a politician is whole life like others.  

Will he change, ****, I have no idea.  What I care about is what his policies are, what he will do for this country.  Not looking for a pastor, or moral authority, want a President who puts country first.

I think I'm going to speak for a few people now. One of our problems is that Trump has never put our country first. This is demonstrated beyond a doubt with his actions alone throughout life. The people that voted Trump and talk about country first are the same ones that slam Obama all the time for things like bailing out the auto industry. When Obama did that he was putting country first. 

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11 minutes ago, Llevron said:

Let's not act like he waits to be "attacked" to say something out if line, either. 


All you have to do is correct him, and half of the time it doesn't even take that. 

And he doubled down by sending his press secretary out to the public to lie.  (I think Chuck Todd was being kind with the term "utter a falsehood".)

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Trump delivered similar remarks upon arriving at the Freedom Ball, but this time he asked the crowd if he should “keep the Twitter going or not?” The crowd cheered that he should. “The enemies keep saying, ‘Oh, that’s terrible,’” Trump said, “but it’s a way of bypassing dishonest media, right?”



I'm sure he's talking about ISIS



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7 minutes ago, Spearfeather said:


Are people here complaining that a President would refer to political opponents as " enemies ", or is the complaint that people don't acknowledge Trump has done it ?


Two (or so) pages ago someone claimed that he is above saying he has enemies and he nevereally did. It's just crazy you have to disprove these things at this point. 

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7 minutes ago, Spearfeather said:


Are people here complaining that a President would refer to political opponents as " enemies ", or is the complaint that people don't acknowledge Trump has done it ?


My point is Trump considers his critics to be enemies. That seems like a dangerous situation especially for someone who is now the President.

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3 hours ago, clietas said:


My point is Trump considers his critics to be enemies. That seems like a dangerous situation especially for someone who is now the President.


This might not be exactly the same thing, but I'm not sure it's that much different.



“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, ...’ -   B. Obama


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Anyway let's talk a little bit more about Trump's long history of placing America #1 on his list of priorities starting with faking an injury to get out of serving in the military, to not paying taxes, his business dealings that benefitted foreign countries over the U.S., his insulting the military & POWs, his most recent shameless verbal felating of Putin & Russia, defending their attack on our country while throwing our intelligence agencies under the bus, his lack of respect for the American press, his willingness to implode the Republican party if they wouldn't stand by him after grab em by the ****gate, etc, etc, etc...


Donald Trump... Super Patriot.

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2 minutes ago, Spearfeather said:


This might not be exactly the same thing, but I'm not sure it's that much different.



No idea the context of this...quote? but I'd say there's a difference beteeen figurative political enemies (if that's what he was referring to) and personal enemies as Trump seems to view people who criticize him or don't support him hard enough.

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7 minutes ago, Spearfeather said:

Obama enemies quote

You know he came back right away and said that he was wrong for using that word.


Here's what the Republican Speaker of the House had to say at the time which I agree with.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a president in the White House who referred to Americans who disagree with him as 'our enemies.' Think about that. He actually used that word. When Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush used the word 'enemy,' they reserved it for global terrorists and foreign dictators -- enemies of the United States. Enemies of freedom. Enemies of our country. Today, sadly, we have president who uses the word 'enemy' for fellow Americans -- fellow citizens. He uses it for people who disagree with his agenda of bigger government -- people speaking out for a smaller, more accountable government that respects freedom and allows small businesses to create jobs. Mr. President, there's a word for people who have the audacity to speak up in defense of freedom, the Constitution, and the values of limited government that made our country great. We don't call them 'enemies.' We call them 'patriots.'"

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2 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

You know he came back right away and said that he was wrong for using that word.

 Exactly. Here's Obamas quote:


  "And I said, well, you can't punish your friends when -- the folks who've been supporting it. Now, I did also say if you're going to punish somebody, punish your enemies, and I probably should have used the word, "opponents" instead of enemies. Now the Republicans are saying that I'm calling them enemies. What I'm saying is you're an opponent of this particular provision, comprehensive immigration reform, which is something very different."

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14 minutes ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:

The president of the UNITED States calling other Americans enemies isn't a problem? Ok. **** that one nation undivided ****.



I have a little game i like to play. Anytime Trump does something, I like to think about what the reaction would be if Obama did the same thing. Try not to eat beforehand.

We would have heard the right wing howl if Obama had given the same speech at the CIA that Trump did. 

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This idea that you can tax-cut your way into making a significant amount of jobs come back is simply not true.  There are so many benefits (in a purely profitable/financial sense) and advantages to manufacturing products overseas that you'd pretty much have to allow the American blue collar worker conditions to rewind backwards nearly 100 years to even approach what manufacturers can get away with overseas.  Hell, even Ivanka Trump just moved her clothing manufacturer from China to Africa because apparently even China was too expensive for her liking. 


Trump's entire message of "bringing jobs back" is wrong-headed and extremely short-sighted.  It is a great soundbite for those that have either had their jobs shipped overseas and/or at risk of losing their jobs, however the focus of our government and where I personally feel they can/should be helping is getting the masses re-educated and trained for jobs in the new economy.  The exact number of manufacturing jobs in America will fluctuate some during the short term, but ultimately they are going away and never coming back.  A tax cut will only keep them here (and not even the majority, as seen by Carrier) a little while longer.  What Trump is doing basically feels like a short term bribe just like the Bush tax cuts were a "hey look, you get $300, aren't I great" when the actual long term ramifications of that money did little to help anyone in the long term and instead had a negative impact overall. 


Half this country is stuck in a 1950's mentality as if it can be magically be brought back.  It's not coming back. Deal with it, and prepare yourself for the present and the future.  That is a big contention of mine with someone like Trump is the sheer dishonesty behind his "bringing the jobs back" message.  It feels like a cheap ploy to take advantage of the desperate who are clinging onto any semblance of hope. 



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