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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered


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1 minute ago, Springfield said:

Here's the thing.  I remember the maps.  I don't remember the maps well enough to stomp cats though.


I mean, I was playing the original like crazy this year, and there was a good amount of people playing BEFORE the announcement of the remaster.  I imagine the 360 lobbies on OGCOD4 were as high as they've been in years before tonight's release.


Patience my friends, they are well-oiled machines and you'll catch up with a little time.


How's Shipment? :ols:



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Yes.  Looking for a review of IW.  I'll be playing that too.


****in A.  Sad I'm not there on launch night.  It's the sane, rational decision.  Puke.  I'm just cautious financially.  Should be a green light by the middle of this month.  Don't care, gimme that MP5 and I'm good.  You'll die.  You will.


I take CoD very seriously.  It's my passionate hobby.  Over all of my hobbies, and there are a few of them, I get in to this **** the most.


To me, this game provided the most fierce matches of any game ever.  Holy ****balls.  Still did when I was playing it this year.  All credit due to the other CODs, when you get a back and forth fight on here, it's ****ing awesome.  My opinion.


@Dont Taze Me Bro 


The first week I had on OG CoD4, I hated it, wanted to trade it in.  It slaps you in the mouth.  You either catch up to speed or die.  Once you get used to it, you thrive, is what I found.


Unlock all thems perks and see what works.  The weapons are all amazing in different ways, find yours.


If you make it to the P90...silencer with that is just stupid.  At least give yourself the chance to use UAV Jammer with a silencer.

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Alright, so here goes.


Ill preface this by saying that MWR shouldn't change.  Everything is as it's supposed to be.  They recaptured it, as it was, unfortunately for me, those were mostly fond memories.


MWR feels like a last gen game.  It is slow, there is a lot of running just to simply die and then wait to respawn.  For as much praise as the maps get, they are almost too big for 6 on 6.  Sadly, there is no HC Domination, leaving only HC KC as a mode that I would like to play.  Kills don't happen very quickly, neither does leveling up, which makes the multiplayer game feel like a grind.


IW is a fluid, fast paced, game that captures you.  The maps are surprisingly well designed for the HC Domination that I played last night.  Leveling goes quickly, meaning you're subject to a larger variety of weapons.  Sliding, wall running, boost jumping... say what you will, they add to the gameplay experience and feel completely natural.  MWR is missing the slide.  Many forget how that slide was such a game changer, it's nearly impossible to think of a COD without the slide for me now.


I played MWR first, for about 2 hours.  Got a little frustrated at the slow pace and the fact that I was only level 5 in such a long span of time.  Popped in IW and was just going to run a game or two.  I got sucked in and played for an hour and a half.  Got to level 10 at least, maybe higher.


When I woke up this morning there was no question which one I wanted to play again ASAP, it was Infinite Warfare.


Just my 2 cents.

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Cod4 slow paced?  Maps too BIG???  The slide was a game changer?  I've never even experienced the slide!  Cod has been struggling to keep their fanbase intact during the whole advanced movement era.  Seems like it changed the game alright.  That's not to say I'm against it, I just never heard such advocacy for it.  Cod seemed to be fine without it.


I forgot about the respawn timer in HC, and that blows.  They need to get rid of it and add HC Dom.  But Core Dom and other objective modes is absolutely nuts on there.  Who needs AC-130s, chopper gunners and nukes when you have the MP5 baby!?!?  Put up higher kill totals in this game than any other.  Shizzle gets absolutely crazy.  Maybe try more than 1 game mode.

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It's a lot slower paced, imo.  And not knowing any maps makes it very frustrating for me.  But I like it.  And if they were going for a remaster, it's obvious that they accomplished that because it does play like an older console game.  Not saying that's a bad thing either.  

I'm just used to the faster paced current gen shooters, I play just about all of them (CoD, Battlefield, Rainbow Six Siege, Titanfall, etc.).  I don't feel like I wasted my money and I'll play it.  Gotta test out IW today.  I'm sure I'll like it, I've liked all the shooters with exception of CoD Ghosts.  And even though I didn't like it, I still played the **** out of it lol.

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4 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

No interest in playing IW.  Futuristic, meh.

To each their own.  Serious question though, to everyone against the futuristic FPS games.  Why don't you like them?  At the end of the day, it's just guns, set-ups, killing, etc. on basically the same game modes (or similar across the genre).  

To me, it's just another FPS with different weapons, set-ups, etc. with some boost jumping or wall running.  Domination is still domination, capture the flag is still capture the flag, etc.  

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22 minutes ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:

To each their own.  Serious question though, to everyone against the futuristic FPS games.  Why don't you like them?  At the end of the day, it's just guns, set-ups, killing, etc. on basically the same game modes (or similar across the genre).  

To me, it's just another FPS with different weapons, set-ups, etc. with some boost jumping or wall running.  Domination is still domination, capture the flag is still capture the flag, etc.  


I don't mind futuristic. Destiny is one of my 2 all time favorite games. But, Destiny has ruined other FPS's for me because I just don't enjoy the linear leveling that CoD and even Battlefield offer.  I love RNG that Destiny has as well as all the other options.

Rainbow 6 seige is the BEST FPS otherwise IMO.

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33 minutes ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:

To each their own.  Serious question though, to everyone against the futuristic FPS games.  Why don't you like them?  At the end of the day, it's just guns, set-ups, killing, etc. on basically the same game modes (or similar across the genre).  

To me, it's just another FPS with different weapons, set-ups, etc. with some boost jumping or wall running.  Domination is still domination, capture the flag is still capture the flag, etc.  

Dunno, I've just never liked them as much.  I'll probably come around on IW after I settle down on MW because after all I've paid for it and I should check it out.  I've certainly played a few like Halo, Destiny and some others at friends houses.  They're cool, but I like picking up an AK-47 in a game like COD because I know immediately what that is.  I know what an M4 Assault rifle is.  Just prefer realistic stuff, or as close to it as I can get.

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4 minutes ago, codeorama said:


I don't mind futuristic. Destiny is one of my 2 all time favorite games. But, Destiny has ruined other FPS's for me because I just don't enjoy the linear leveling that CoD and even Battlefield offer.  I love RNG that Destiny has as well as all the other options.

Rainbow 6 seige is the BEST FPS otherwise IMO.

Destiny is great, no doubt.  And I agree, the best FPS right now is R6S as far as gameplay, map size and it being 5 on 5.  My only knock on R6S is the minimal customization of weapons and the fact they haven't introduced any new game modes.  Granted I'm perfectly fine playing the three they offer and I love how when you die in a round, that's it, no respawn.  Along with basically being forced to play the objectives.

But all that aside, it's all killing other peoples toons and ruining their day.  If I can do that hanging upside down on a grappling hook shooting them through a window (R6S), run them over with a tank or kill with a gas grendade (BF1), jump in my titan and wreck havok (Titanfall), shoot them with a laser gun while boost jumping (CoD), etc.  then I'm happy :D

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I just want to kill other players.  A stripped down game is fine.  Used to play Barebones.  The flashy stuff isn't so much a turnoff, it's just unnecessary to me.  I haven't been able to judge newer FPS, TBH.  Last gen player here, playing Pong to yall.


The thing is that adding a bunch of crazyness to a game doesn't necessarily make it better.  Jetpacks, cybornetic special abilities after a streak of completions, moving goalposts, that'd be a mockery of football.  A lot of OG Cod'ers think the game became that way AT Cod4. They think Cod2 is the best one.


There's bull**** all over the map, in the sky, up the rear...it's not a traditional FPS anymore.  Like thems late 90s early 2000s joints.  Like 007.


I reiterate that a crazy, off the rocker, action-packed game can still kick ass, be legendary, what have you.  But basic can be better, in a lot of instances.

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1 minute ago, codeorama said:


BO1 and World at War are my 2 favorites. Still play BO1 on XBOne now.

How populated are the lobbies in BO1?  Full game of dom hard to come by?  My BO1 disc is scratched and scuffed beyond repair, but I'd get a new one if multiplayer has enough people in it.


Probably my second favorite COD.  The assault rifles in that game, ugh.  Filthy.

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