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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered


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28 minutes ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:

Domination.  I dont give  **** anymore.  I'm gonna set up the tent, the charcoal grill, stock the cooler with beer and CAMP.  Every God damn game mode.  


Own it.  My ass be campin like I'm at base camp 5 on Mt. Everest when we gettin' stomped.  Don't feed 'em kills.  Rule numero uno.  The urge to fall back shall be LISTENED TO BY THYSELF.  Don't get c0cky.  Sweep around.  <----which is a callout you'll hear me say.  Like "I'm sweeping around".  I'll make a dent in the center of their bull****, then do a bootleg type of maneuver to fall back and change to a flanking position.


Mufuggas love getting revenge.  You do too.  Admit it.  80% come right back after me, straight line.  Dip to the souf east a little, then cut north again, look in the center of the map, and there they all are, lookin for me again.


I use fast classes for deception more than purely ramming forward.


****, in some games of Dom I break those slow classes out.  Sometimes mu****as need to get their asses dug out with a big ole gun and some deep impact.  TOOC that why don't ya.

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Can't stand it when I'm sniping and I get accused of camping.  Yes, technically, I guess I am.  But what the **** do you want me to do with a sniper rifle, run around and shoot from the hip?  Go piss up a rope.

That said, I'm going to camp like a mother****er tonight.  Did it a couple days ago on Backyard, went 16-5.  

I downloaded IW...might give it a chance.



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3 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Can't stand it when I'm sniping and I get accused of camping.  Yes, technically, I guess I am.  But what the **** do you want me to do with a sniper rifle, run around and shoot from the hip?  Go piss up a rope.

That said, I'm going to camp like a mother****er tonight.  Did it a couple days ago on Backyard, went 16-5.  

I downloaded IW...might give it a chance.

That's about all their is anymore, camping.  In both MWR and IW.  Camp away, who cares?  And I've always taken that stance when playing a sniper, his job is to camp.  People get all angry about getting sniped.  Flank and carve them up with a combat knife or snipe back.  

I've been playing the **** out of IW though.  Hit rank 33 last night.  I'm starting to get the hang of it and just accept that there will be games where my K/D is .5, but as long as I'm top 3 and we win, I care less.  Historically, I usually do my best after I've prestiged, because I've learned the maps and which weapon I do best with, set-up, etc.  I know some people can pick it up and be god like from rank 1 to 55, but that has never been me.  

Trying to save up salvage (need 500 total - have 387) to craft the second ERAD rare that gives you 10% on your score for every kill.  Should make leveling faster.  I like how you can craft weapons and unlock rares, etc through the missions or get lucky in the supply drops.  Three different paths to obtaining the elite weapons.  There are a few that offer a nuclear bomb score streak if you get 25 kills in a row with it.  

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3 minutes ago, d0ublestr0ker0ll said:

Does that 10% on score count towards killstreaks, too?  That'd basically be Hardline.


Noticed that all your team's kills w/your UAV up in MWR gives you +10.  That's new.  Should make it way faster to level up than it was back in the day.

I think it does.  ill fund out in a day or two when i can craft the gun. 

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20 hours ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:

@d0ublestr0ker0ll so I was able to craft the one weapon that gives 10%+ on your score per kill.  Yes, it applies to your overall score which helps you hit your scorestreaks faster.  Pretty sweet.

Interesting.  Crafting weapons eh?  Can't wait to look at the layout.  Will approach the game with an open mind.

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Truth broskenheimer.  That's a full squad w/Dankles.  7 w/Goonstar.  One more person and we gots a full ground war team.  **** is bananas.  Will make ya better at 6v6 though.  Ground War is where the most competition is, I'd say.  Full parties galore.  19 year olds in college, high on Mountain Dew and Starburst.  Emblems w/some naked woman getting the business from a dolphin and ****.  Wtf man.  Kids these days.


Anyway, we may have to bench some peeps if the team is too loaded.  Doc seems like the first logical choice.  He's a baller but his character will need to rest its ankles a lot.

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8 hours ago, d0ublestr0ker0ll said:

So are you guys still liking COD?  @youngchew you pick it up?  What's your username on XB and PS Taze?

I still like it, about to hit rank 50.  It would be more fun playing with friends instead of solo.  I've been focusing mainly on IW though, played a few matches of MWR this past Saturday.  

PS4 - DontTazeMeBroski

XB1 - DontTazeMeBro75

I've held off buying it for XB1 though.  I need to know if you are going PS4 or not.  

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56 minutes ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:

I still like it, about to hit rank 50.  It would be more fun playing with friends instead of solo.  I've been focusing mainly on IW though, played a few matches of MWR this past Saturday.  

PS4 - DontTazeMeBroski

XB1 - DontTazeMeBro75

I've held off buying it for XB1 though.  I need to know if you are going PS4 or not.  

Rank fitty?  Nice.


Thanks bossman, it's time to decide.  See you on the other side.

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