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What is the proper way to protest?


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Depends on who you ask.  Let's make this boring and create a list of good and bad strategies. Here are some that I think are reasonable.

1- Peacefully in beautiful large numbers on the national mall.  We should call this one "The King" and feel good about it.

2- Large group of opportunistic urban campers and squatters that form smelly unwelcome shanty towns with no easily clear message or reason for being there at all.  The Occupy method.  

3- Much smaller peaceful urban protest with signs and synchronized chants.  This is the common modern labor union style, like with teachers and Verizon employees.  

4- Unarmed peaceful urban protest that starts lawful but might end up otherwise, in mostly harmless ways, by blocking roads or disruptingmall shopping. The BLM.  


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the clear answer is to be a strong silent stoic figure with deep felt but closely held to the chest beliefs....... that are eloquently described by someone else after you are martyred for the cause while maintaining stoic silent dignity (but it might perhaps be ideal to have someone capture an image of you with a single crystal tear on your solemn face as death envelops you)  


get on the program.     

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7 minutes ago, Destino said:

3- Much smaller peaceful urban protest with signs and synchronized chants.  This is the common modern labor union style, like with teachers and Verizon employees.  

Unions use protests as a tool to increase their leverage in negotiations over conflicts with management/government.  They are super organized and they understand that demonstration has a rapidly diminishing return.  Their protests are effective when used as short term strategies to achieve specific goals, and only because they are so thoroughly organized.

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1 minute ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:


So the proper way to protest is to ensure that no one is actually aware of the protest?


Seems effective.


You have a right to be effective? :)

If your presence and message can't be delivered w/o unduly infringing on my rights you are doing it wrong....and need to be arrested and fined.


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6 minutes ago, twa said:


You have a right to be effective? :)

If your presence and message can't be delivered w/o unduly infringing on my rights you are doing it wrong....and need to be arrested and fined.



Yeah, **** those Boston Tea Partiers, infringing on my right to drink tea.

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8 minutes ago, twa said:


You have a right to be effective? :)

If your presence and message can't be delivered w/o unduly infringing on my rights you are doing it wrong....and need to be arrested and fined.


twa's idea of the Boston Tea Party. "Gentlemen. We shall gently steep the tea and pour it carefully one cupful at a time, we shall present them with sugar and honey at their discretion, and smile politely at them and refuse payment for service. That will clearly show them our discontent. Dumping tea overboard is damn wasteful and amounts to nothing. If you must throw it into the harbor I demand you pay for each crate beforehand and make sure that there are boats and nets at the ready to reclaim it so that the British can sell it to us twice!


Edit: What's the point of writing these long narratives, Dan if you are just going to swoop in and steal my rhetorical thunder. Now, my idea seems stolen! I protest!!!

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There is no format, or protocol for protesting.  If it didn't raise eyebrows, or get people riled up, then it wouldn't be a protest, no?

The whole definition of the word is to raise doubt into something.  Nobody ever likes to be doubted, even if they are wrong so by the nature of what it is, it's going to rub some people the wrong way...

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1 minute ago, twa said:

The Tea Party was a protest?....seemed like insurrection to me.


Illegal insurrection.


You would think that, Tory. 

It occurred in 1773.  It was pretty much still a protest then.  Not yet a full blown revolution.  What the hell are they teaching you in middle school down in the Independent Republic of Texas?

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26 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

What the hell are they teaching you in middle school down in the Independent Republic of Texas?

American Exceptionalism and that angels are real

Oh also that the drought is caused by God and he'll bring rain soon enough.

(I'm not ****ting you that's what people interviewed by Vice in texas about the drought honestly believe)

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2 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


You would think that, Tory. 

It occurred in 1773.  It was pretty much still a protest then.  Not yet a full blown revolution.  What the hell are they teaching you in middle school down in the Independent Republic of Texas?


Hardly a Tory.....I like insurrection


pretty much a protest is like saying burning down a building is protest


funny how people like rights and laws till ya don't isn't it? :kiss-smileys:

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LKB's question in the OP is interesting.  He's exasperated that many of the protests of police killings of black men over the past two years have been dismissed, but he isn't acknowledging that a protest is a political act and the way it's received is subject to the same law of optics as any other political act.

What is the best method of protesting for hitting a sweet spot of raising awareness and creating positive optics?

I think that obviously depends on the point and the parameters and intended audience of each protest.  But I do think there are a couple qualities that effective protests share:

- they have strong centralized leadership

- they have clear and realistic goals

- they have the support of special interest lobbies and political leaders that can turn a wave of awareness into actual reform through the legal and political process.


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14 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


You would think that, Tory.

It occurred in 1773.  It was pretty much still a protest then.  Not yet a full blown revolution.  What the hell are they teaching you in middle school down in the Independent Republic of Texas?


I may have shared this. Last year, my daughter was studying the causes of the Civil War. Slavery was #5.


I told her if he was asked to list 5 causes on the test, she was to write, "Slavery, Slavery, Slavery, Slavery, and also Slavery" and I would handle the fallout.

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1 minute ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:

I told her if he was asked to list 5 causes on the test, she was to write, "Slavery, Slavery, Slavery, Slavery, and also Slavery" and I would handle the fallout.

That's awesome. Mainly because you're sticking up for your daughter on that issue, but also because part of me wants to see you in and office at the elementary/middle school arguing this with a teacher and administrator. They would be expecting the usual parent of a student tirade, but I have a feeling they would be leaving the meeting a little... caught off guard :)


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17 minutes ago, tshile said:

American Exceptionalism and that angles are real

Oh also that the drought is caused by God and he'll bring rain soon enough.

(I'm not ****ting you that's what people interviewed by Vice in texas about the drought honestly believe)

Wait, angles aren't real???

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