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What is the proper way to protest?


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Over the past few years, we've had any number of social justice issues come up and the common response regarding protests is something along these lines: I sympathize, but they are going about it in the wrong way.

Or, I sympathize, but this is not right person to rally around. (Heard that a lot regarding Michael Brown).

I've also heard this variation of a Catch-22: The people in Ferguson don't work so they have the time to protest with the implication that if you don't work, you shouldn't have a voice. At the same time, Colin Kapernick is too rich to protest apparently.

So, I'm curious, what is the proper etiquette for a protest?

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First of all when you're burning down homes and businesses then you're no longer protesting.

Second, no matter the protest there will ALWAYS be detractors who complain and find fault in the protest (see the lunch counter sit ins). Trump is allowed to say that America is not great and he has a shot at the Presidency, a QB from San Fran says the same thing but for different reasons and he's shouted down because he's rich/not black/unpatriotic. The hypocrisy is rich.

Third, I'm always a fan of non-violent protest. Protesting should interrupt, that's the point of protest, to draw attention to the cause. So sit-ins, marches, rallies, are all fair game even if they disrupt the normal flow of life. 

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I'd prefer it if people just didn't destroy things. Especially when it so often works out that the things they're destroying have nothing to do with what they are protesting; or even worse, the things they are destroying were built to try to help the people protesting (like burning down a community center in a poor area plagued with crime and issues with young people being bored)...

I'd prefer it if sports stars used their sports stardom to protest, not their sport. Though I understand why you might find an issue with that, and am willing to let go that one if need be.

I'd prefer it if the people protesting police brutality would find someone other than the guy that punched the cop in the face after robbing the store as their incident to rally behind. It would also help if they just didn't make up the 'hands up - don't shoot' nonsense, and if the media and SJW's didn't run with it the way they did.


None of that is to suggest that is all that is going on, just what I think when I say some of the things you've listed. There are plenty of police brutality cases to protest that are legitimate, there are protests that are not destructive of property, and there are sports stars that use their stardom not their sport.


edit: I want to add I do not like people protesting by invading events and destroying the 'other sides' ability to go about their business. Examples of this recently include protests where people went into political rallies for the sole intent of disrupting them. If you want to protest those people, stand outside and protest in a reasonable fashion. This goes for the ones that went on Trump rallies as well as Clinton and Sanders events. It also includes people that storm into church while people are attending a service and start chanting things, throwing things into the air, etc.

oh and the westboro baptist people that protest military funerals because they claim god hates fags deserve to be stoned in the town square. i get people won't like that opinion, and i do not care.

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1 minute ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

So basically silent protests that don't get in the way of you carrying on doing what you do?

Yeah, I'm not sure you understand the concept.

I don't think you get right of way.

Never said silent,but you have no right to block me or annoy me much. (except on here of course :silly:)

we have noise ordinances here

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1 minute ago, twa said:

I don't think you get right of way.

Never said silent,but you have no right to block me or annoy me much. (except on here of course :silly:)

we have noise ordinances here

You have no Constitutional right of way. Now you're just making crap up.

If the civil rights protestors followed your instructions they'd still be drinking out of separate water fountains.

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3 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

There is no right guaranteeing you the right to a certain route, otherwise every traffic detour would be unconstitutional.

What you are arguing for is the Constitutional right to not be inconvenienced.

And we have an equivalent for protesting.

It just requires that you get a permit... which, there are reasons for that...

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9 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

There is no right guaranteeing you the right to a certain route, otherwise every traffic detour would be unconstitutional.

What you are arguing for is the Constitutional right to not be inconvenienced.


Never said a certain route, though you better look at the permits required to obstruct movement


in the words of the ACLU

 protest that blocks vehicular or pedestrian traffic is illegal without a permit.

Still think I don't have right of way?

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5 minutes ago, twa said:

Never said a certain route, though you better look at the permits required to obstruct movement

Still think I don't have right of way?

Oh I'm fully aware of permitting etc, but then what better way to get attention to the cause than to disrupt, even if that means going to jail for blocking traffic. For me, that's legitimate protest.

That isn't your right of way, it is a violation of traffic laws. And it is totally legit IMO. That's the whole point of protest.

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15 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

In a way that draws no attention to my cause and will be completely ignored by those I intend to reach.



2 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

In a way that garners no attention.


"don't burn down buildings and homes. don't block roads"

"but how are we supposed to get attention?"


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7 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

In a way that garners no attention.


Do you have a right to my attention?  :)

4 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Oh I'm fully aware of permitting etc, but then what better way to get attention to the cause than to disrupt, even if that means going to jail for blocking traffic. For me, that's legitimate protest.

That isn't your right of way, it is a violation of traffic laws. And it is totally legit IMO. That's the whole point of protest.

traffic and pedestrian laws are based on freedom of movement protected by law.

I'm fine with folk going to jail and getting fined if that is your thing.

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3 minutes ago, tshile said:

"don't burn down buildings and homes. don't block roads"

"but how are we supposed to get attention?"


Burning buildings and blocking roads are now equals?

How about, don't take my seat on the bus or diner. Or don't walk over that bridge and you must follow all the orders given to you by the policeman with the dog that is biting your arm.

Sorry, but the civil rights movement went forward not because the proper permits were filed, but because of well formed, focused and disciplined protests. Your methodology would have stunted the movement for decades.

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Be loud, up front, uncomfortable, unwavering, and most of all, prepared to stand in the face of monumental backlash, verbal, possibly physical confrontation, and let your voice be your weapon. 

Show organization and hold strong to your beliefs,which will galvanize others, and help spread your message


Your race/status (despite what some who dont want to you to succeed will say) means nothing. Only that you share in the belief of the cause someone is championing.

People are afraid in many circumstances, but all it takes is one person to change that, and give people the willpower to stand up and be heard



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1 minute ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Burning buildings and blocking roads are now equals?


To piggy back off TryTheBeal's post after yours - in terms of crossing the line between protesting and rioting, yup.

If you can't figure out the difference between blocking road ways and bucking the system that says where you have to sit, I don't know how to tell you.


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