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NFL.com: Browns waive Manziel (and other Browns related stuff--MET)


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Clicked on this thread expecting news that Manziel was dead/missing/on the run.

I swear to god I didn't know he was actually missing when I posted this. I was just joking. What a ****ing mess.

GROW THE **** UP!!! Get the help you need, and stop being an immature dumb ****.

He clearly has substance abuse issues. This goes beyond simply growing up at this point.

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Is Johnny Football dead yet? That's really the only reason I continue to look in this thread. Just waiting on the inevitable to be reported.

Liver disease takes awhile. Now if he starts getting popped for drugs, then it might be quick. Either way, it's sad.

Just another example of talent taking someone to a place that their character couldn't sustain. Scary thing is how much talent he must have to make it as far as he did.

Thank ****ing God I never won the lottery or anything. I can't imagine having issues like that and having the money to cover it. I mean a lot of people's bottoms come from losing everything and being flat broke. So what if that isn't a possibility? Look at all the celebs who have died from it over the years. Death is the bottom for them and there's no bouncing back from that.

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If I'd have fallen into a couple million dollars when I was 22YO, I probably wouldn't have made it to 30.

I got $15k from an accident settlement when I hit 18 and I think it hadn't even been a month before friends were trying to revive me in a hotel shower. I wouldn't even make it to 25 if I had a couple mil at 22.

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  • 3 weeks later...

But there's still a chance that a team picks you up after those 4 games.


oh, absolutely. its around the same chance that I have at getting signed by a team as well. which is about....*does calculations in my head* .01% :lol:


wait...as I was typing that I realized you might have meant that as an insult to manziel...correct?

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Cnn is showing his suspension on their ticker. Like why is he still news except on TMZ?



Because it is news when a college player that won the Heisman Trophy and was known as "Johnny Football" falls like this.


The sports news is saying this morning that he could face more disciplinary action this season for the domestic violence incident involving his girlfriend. He could face more suspension time after his 4 game suspension is up.


Nobody is going to sign Manziel this year.

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I'd be shocked if Manziel signs another NFL contract in his life. He's this era's less talented Ryan Leaf. Nobody wants to deal with that ****. And from what I seen, and in my personal experiences, he's no where close to reaching a point where he begins to turn his life around. This might, sadly, be a case where the bottom is death. And there's no coming back from that.

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