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Assorted Militia/SovCit news,(formerly Bundy thread)


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Do these guys really think anyone buys the "he was unarmed with his hands up" bull****?  The guy LITERALLY TOLD THE WORLD that he'd rather die than go to jail, and, oh by the way, HAS BEEN PREPARING AN ARMED RESISTANCE TO A RAID for like a month.  


So either, they are full of ****, or their martyr friend's last act was one of cowardice (according to his own worldview). 

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of course they are full of ****.


what's funny is how his buddies didn't seem to care to join him.


I'm imagining them all standing there in their 'confrontation' and Tarp Man makes the wrong move and they put him down. Then the rest of this 'Militia' all looked, wide eyed, thinking 'oh **** they're serious' and then gave up like the little ****es we all knew they were when they started out.


They know damn well they cannot defend themselves against the FBI, or whatever military units they bring in to help. It's not even close to a fair fight. If they're actually willing to die trying then they're even dumber than I presently think they are, and I've got them pretty far down the scale of dumb right now.

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Do these guys really think anyone buys the "he was unarmed with his hands up" bull****?  The guy LITERALLY TOLD THE WORLD that he'd rather die than go to jail, and, oh by the way, HAS BEEN PREPARING AN ARMED RESISTANCE TO A RAID for like a month.  


So either, they are full of ****, or their martyr friend's last act was one of cowardice (according to his own worldview). 

I doubt the original people who said it do, but the people who listen to them do. It reinforces their conspiracy addled minds that they are living in a fascist dictatorship and they are the lone patriotic vanguard against the tyranny of these fascists and their jack booted storm trooper thugs who murder for fun.

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I doubt the original people who said it do, but the people who listen to them do. It reinforces their conspiracy addled minds that they are living in a fascist dictatorship and they are the lone patriotic vanguard against the tyranny of these fascists and their jack booted storm trooper thugs who murder for fun.

Yep. And right now they're all over social saying something along those lines. They're demanding dash cam video and for pics of the truck Lavoy was driving to prove how the FBI shot it full of holes. Oh yeah. They're buying all of it. 

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You know what I'd really like? I'd really like these people to go live in a country that is an ACTUAL fascist/communist dictatorship for a year or so. Then when they come back lets see how much they bleat about the US being an oppressive tyrannical government. My guess is they'd be kissing the ground as soon as they got back and I'd like to think they would spend the rest of their lives being incredibly thankful for all the freedoms we have that others all around the world don't.

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Y'know, here I was, sitting all ignorant and happy, thinking that the fact that the FBI supposedlyu gunned down an unarmed Finicum, and then peacefully arrested everybody else in the car, was kinds a clue that the "FBI just likes to kill free people, even when they're unarmed and surrendering" narrative. 


But then, it occurred to me that there's a possible explanation. 


See, gunning down an unarmed Finicum, and leaving everybody else alive, makes perfect sense, if the rest of the people in that car were undercover FBI

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They know damn well they cannot defend themselves against the FBI, or whatever military units they bring in to help. It's not even close to a fair fight. If they're actually willing to die trying then they're even dumber than I presently think they are, and I've got them pretty far down the scale of dumb right now.

But wait, somebody said I was stoopid when I said the idea that the second amendment somehow prevents tyrannical govt. was a crock in the era of tanks, smart bombs, electronic surveillance devices, et,c. none of which the founding fathers ever envisioned. Tyrannical govt. or not, you can come around with your little pop guns if you want but you're going to get crushed like a bug. Maybe you take a few of 'em with you but that's the best you're going to manage.

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So I'm just curious. I have a super low opinion of the walmartyr's IQs, but how exactly did these "seals" say they were going to parachute in that caused these troglodytes to believe them?


Do they suppose that the federal government has been so focused on the retards in the sanctuary that they can simply fly a plane of any sort over the sanctuary to parachute in without any challenge? That the U.S government has shutdown and has somehow forgotten to pay the FAA and numerous military installations around our country and that there is now no more radar? That somehow this group of "seals" posses stealth c130's? What runway are they taking off from? Or do they own catapults and plan to be launched into the compound?


If anyone knows I'd be seriously interested in reading the info you have.

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I doubt the original people who said it do, but the people who listen to them do. It reinforces their conspiracy addled minds that they are living in a fascist dictatorship and they are the lone patriotic vanguard against the tyranny of these fascists and their jack booted storm trooper thugs who murder for fun.




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The live feed came up for a few minutes and it was confusing. Seemed like a few wanted to surrender,and the rest were locking and loading and counting up ammo. Discussing going to somewhere to meet then Frye cut the feed. 



In Portland,Bundy and others had their arraignment. 




Friday will be the release hearing. 

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But wait, somebody said I was stoopid when I said the idea that the second amendment somehow prevents tyrannical govt. was a crock in the era of tanks, smart bombs, electronic surveillance devices, et,c. none of which the founding fathers ever envisioned. Tyrannical govt. or not, you can come around with your little pop guns if you want but you're going to get crushed like a bug. Maybe you take a few of 'em with you but that's the best you're going to manage.


You're not stupid but I think an armed populace can absolutely resist a suddenly tyrannical government.  It's not like we haven't recently seen the US military machine fighting lesser trained less heavily armed insurgencies.  Take the weapons away and there is no resistance, only civil disobedience.  The more the government has to fight, the more the general population (and the world) turns against them.  People tend to frown on bombs in their neighborhoods and no one is really all that happy with authoritarian regimes to begin with. 


Now obviously that isn't the same as saying a dozen morons with guns can resist the might of the government when they isolate themselves in a bird watching shack in the woods.  That's absurd. 


Here's the thing, I'm Chilean.  I know Americans think that a tyrant rising here is impossible, or at least don't really think about it at all.  Chile had a democracy too, right up until the point where the military and Pinochet decided it didn't.  They decided my family didn't need those properties or bank accounts too. 


Don't confuse this for thinking I'm against gun regulation or that the US government is evil.  Neither is the case.  I love it here and I'm in totally support of regulation that makes sense.

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See, gunning down an unarmed Finicum, and leaving everybody else alive, makes perfect sense, if the rest of the people in that car were undercover FBI.

How can we be sure that Finicum isn't undercover FBI too? Faked his death to agitate the militants at the refuge. Then they do something to give the government the excuse to go in there and take them out.

Or for that matter, how can we be sure that this whole occupation and revolt thing wasn't staged by the government as an excuse to take our guns away?

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According to several comments from the..er....not quite stable crowd in the chatrooms for some of the videos,they do believe that all of the people left in the refuge are "crisis actors" and this is all staged. I keep reading some of this stuff I'm going to have start drinking that 1/2 gallon of Fireball out there. I mean I've talked to people like this but man this is something. 


Also. Here's the video of what I described last post. Definitely have a few leaving the refuge through the checkpoint. You can hear one of the militants ****ing one guy out about it. One guy left and then came back to get more. Looks like the rest are taking up positions for a last stand. Figure half of them will be damn near asleep on their feet by later this evening. That is if they don't start something. 







Ammon Bundy, through his attorney, asks remaining occupiers at wildlife refuge to stand down and go home
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But wait, somebody said I was stoopid when I said the idea that the second amendment somehow prevents tyrannical govt. was a crock in the era of tanks, smart bombs, electronic surveillance devices, et,c. none of which the founding fathers ever envisioned. Tyrannical govt. or not, you can come around with your little pop guns if you want but you're going to get crushed like a bug. Maybe you take a few of 'em with you but that's the best you're going to manage.

Um... one building with 15 people is one thing.

A civil war situation? Well, the middle east is showing us that being superior in training, tech, funding, coordination, and experience only takes you so far.

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Anyone know how many are left in the wild life refuge, must be less than dozen by now right?  The seals aren't coming.  The militias aren't either.  The only people that are likely to risk themselves over these idiots are the law enforcement officers that might have to put an end to them. 


I hope these nuts realize that the situation is unwinnable and surrender before anyone else gets hurt. 

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Before this last video,there was an estimated 10 or so.  From the sound of it,they may have lost 2-4 more,(guessing).  The leftovers posed for a quick "final" picture together,started to go and that's when the video stopped. No word since. 

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Before this last video,there was an estimated 10 or so.  From the sound of it,they may have lost 2-4 more,(guessing).  The leftovers posed for a quick "final" picture together,started to go and that's when the video stopped. No word since. 


It's like Cloverfield, but the FBI instead of the monster.  Also rednecks.

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Right. The same but different. ;)




"@KOINNews Fed complaint: Militia had explosives, night-vision goggles they were prepared to fight. #OregonStandoff http://koin.com/2016/01/27/bundy-militia-in-court-what-to-expect/?cid=twitter_KOINNews 




They're posting the pdf files of the affidavit for the 8. 32 pages long. This crap started last October 5. 




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Bundy loon statement about revenge.



Well, that sure as hell sounds like a threat to me. 


Go bust his ass at 3AM,,  give him that element of surprise he seems to want.


haul him out like a common criminal in front of every news crew they can find., and when they do, take him like your typical P.O.S. worthless bit of trailer trash on the old "cops" show.. shirtless and in his drawers..


**** these rednecks. HARD.



Edited by Bang
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You're not stupid but I think an armed populace can absolutely resist a suddenly tyrannical government.  It's not like we haven't recently seen the US military machine fighting lesser trained less heavily armed insurgencies.  Take the weapons away and there is no resistance, only civil disobedience.  The more the government has to fight, the more the general population (and the world) turns against them.  People tend to frown on bombs in their neighborhoods and no one is really all that happy with authoritarian regimes to begin with. 


Now obviously that isn't the same as saying a dozen morons with guns can resist the might of the government when they isolate themselves in a bird watching shack in the woods.  That's absurd. 


Here's the thing, I'm Chilean.  I know Americans think that a tyrant rising here is impossible, or at least don't really think about it at all.  Chile had a democracy too, right up until the point where the military and Pinochet decided it didn't.  They decided my family didn't need those properties or bank accounts too. 


Don't confuse this for thinking I'm against gun regulation or that the US government is evil.  Neither is the case.  I love it here and I'm in totally support of regulation that makes sense.


Um... one building with 15 people is one thing.

A civil war situation? Well, the middle east is showing us that being superior in training, tech, funding, coordination, and experience only takes you so far.

I think both of you are glossing over a number of things. The U.S. isn't the Middle East and most Americans aren't Muslims. It's a big difference. Iranians, Iraqis, Afghanis, Pakistanis, etc. most of whom are Muslims have known conflict for generations. They don't see war or life the way we as Westerners do. We look at things and try to engineer the technology and the tactics to enhance the chances of survival. By necessity and to some degree due to faith, they look at it from the standpoint of ensuring the survival of the movement with little regard for life. So for example, the Iranians used human wave tactics against Saddam in the Iran-Iraq war because it was the only weapon they had to counter Saddam's superior military hardware provided by the United States. Likewise you see terrorist groups willing to use women and children, their own families in some cases as human shields. Can you honestly see Americans willing to go to those ends to perpetuate a movement that might take decades, generations, or even hundreds of years to potentially win? Most of us quake in our boots merely at the thought of losing our job. The thought of losing our lives, the lives of our families and more is just too much for us. Quite frankly I think that's not a bad thing.

Aside from that there's the question of funding and support. The Saudi's, gulf monarchies, Iranians, Pakistanis, etc. all support their own network of terrorist groups to their own regional ends. Who would be supporting the American partisans? I have no answers for that and I suspect they probably wouldn't either.

As I've mentioned before, I have a concealed carry permit and I have a bunch of guns. I even own an old Chilean Mauser. :-) So I have nothing against guns or reasonable regulations of them. I'm just a realist about what might be accomplished in any such uprising. It usually just ends up with a bunch of people dead for no reason and the alleged dictator either still in power or replaced by another dictator - or worse. See Pinochet, Franco, Czarist Russia, Mubarak, even our civil war. Hell, even in Iraq as bad as Saddam's was, I'd bet most Iraqis would be willing to go back to the way it was. Almost always, the ballot is better than the bullet and I think we westerners know it. At least those of us with any sense anyway. Good for us.

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