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The immigration thread: American Melting Pot or Get off my Lawn


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1 hour ago, visionary said:



What I see in this article:  


Immigrated legally from Jordan 18 years ago.  

Uber driver.  
Wife and 4 children are all US citizens

15 year old son has severe physical disabilities, requiring 24 hour care, so wife can't work.
Detained Jan 30 in the local ICE offices, where he was for his biweekly immigrant checkin.  
Criminal record - Credit card fraud in 2001, shoplifting in 03.  (Served probation and fines for both crimes.)  


What I don;t see in the article:  


Is this guy in the country legally?  


Seems to me, that's the important issue, here.  I assume he is, because they say he's a permanent resident.  (And the article doesn't refer to his green card as expired, which implies to me that it's been renewed since his convictions.)  


To me, that's the really significant question.  If he's legal, then how can they be threatening deportation?  (And if he's not, then well, the hardship for his family may be a real tragedy, but yep, the guy's here illegally.)  

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Americans should be forced to apply for visas to travel to Europe, the European Parliament has said, in response to Washington refusing to allow all Europeans to travel to the States visa-free.

The vote by show of hands is the latest in the ongoing “visa war” between Brussels and the US capital, which now looks set to come to a head after MEPs today agreed that US nationals crossing the Atlantic should require additional travel documents as long as citizens from five EU countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Poland and Romania) are kept from entering America without a visa. A European Parliament source told Telegraph Travel this was a “serious negative step in the EU-USA visa war”.


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But that's a GOOD thing! This needs to hit 'em right in the teeth, they need to see the reality behind the endorphin rush from the rallies. You, YOU! yes you Iowa, you Georgia, you are four square behind busting up families, you are the reason for the anguished parents and childrens tears, this is what you voted for.


So whatcha gonna do now? How are you going to drag your ass into church every week with this on your conscience? How do you reconcile your chants with the stark reality of what is happening?

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22 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:



Every weekend they seem to floating the dumbest things out to see what sticks. Did Trump voters really vote to separate families? I don't see how anyone thinks this is normal. 


They voted to separate the others' families. They aren't like us. They're all....foreign and stuff. Hardly even human beings.

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Trump:  Well, I stepped on my crank with a paranoid delusion that I went public with, while I was off my meds, last night. How do I get them to stop talking about it?


Bannon:  Here. Sign this Muslim ban, sir. 

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11 hours ago, LD0506 said:

But that's a GOOD thing! This needs to hit 'em right in the teeth, they need to see the reality behind the endorphin rush from the rallies. You, YOU! yes you Iowa, you Georgia, you are four square behind busting up families, you are the reason for the anguished parents and childrens tears, this is what you voted for.


So whatcha gonna do now? How are you going to drag your ass into church every week with this on your conscience? How do you reconcile your chants with the stark reality of what is happening?


PFFFT! Very easily. That was yer Daddy's Xtianity you're thinking of there. We'se got us the new version.


Jesus Rolls Out Christianity 2.0

Having trouble loving your neighbor as yourself? Feeling guilty about shunning the poor and sick and homeless? Worrying that God knows exactly how unwelcoming and cold-hearted you are toward strangers, refugees, and immigrants? Fretting about the eternal consequences of living an appallingly self-centered and fear-based “micro-life,” with no concern for anyone’s health and dental coverage but your own?

Well, Jesus has heard your prayers. In a 90-minute presentation held on Thursday at AT&T Stadium in Dallas, the Son of God announced that the commandment to love one another was being replaced with the “suggestion” to love others if it’s easy and convenient to do so—and if the others are similar to you in appearance and background and way of life...


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Thousands of ICE detainees claim they were forced into labor, a violation of anti-slavery laws





Tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement were forced to work for $1 day, or for nothing at all — a violation of federal anti-slavery laws — a lawsuit claims.


The lawsuit, filed in 2014 against one of the largest private prison companies in the country, reached class-action status this week after a federal judge’s ruling. That means the case could involve as many as 60,000 immigrants who have been detained.


It’s the first time a class-action lawsuit accusing a private U.S. prison company of forced labor has been allowed to move forward.


“That’s obviously a big deal; it’s recognizing the possibility that a government contractor could be engaging in forced labor,” said Nina DiSalvo, executive director of Towards Justice, a Colorado-based nonprofit group that represents low-wage workers, including undocumented immigrants.


“Certification of the class is perhaps the only mechanism by which these vulnerable individuals who were dispersed across the country and across the world would ever be able to vindicate their rights.”


At the heart of the dispute is the Denver Contract Detention Facility, a 1,500-bed center in Aurora, Colo., owned and operated by GEO Group under a contract with ICE. The Florida-based corporation runs facilities to house undocumented immigrants who are awaiting their turn in court.


The lawsuit, filed against GEO Group on behalf of nine immigrants, initially sought more than $5 million in damages. Attorneys expect the damages to grow substantially given the case’s new class-action status.


The class-action ruling by U.S. District Judge John Kane means that as many as 60,000 current and former detainees at the detention facility in Aurora are now part of the lawsuit without having to actively join as plaintiffs, said Andrew Free, one of the plaintiffs’ attorneys.


The original nine plaintiffs claim that detainees at the ICE facility are forced to work without pay — and that those who refuse to do so are threatened with solitary confinement.


Specifically, the lawsuit claims, six detainees are selected at random every day and are forced to clean the facility’s housing units. The lawsuit claims that the practice violates the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act, which prohibits modern-day slavery.


“Forced slavery is a particular violation of the statute that we’ve alleged,” Free said. “Whether you’re calling it forced labor or slavery, the practical reality for the plaintiffs is much the same. You’re being compelled to work against your will under the threat of force or use of force.”


GEO Group also is accused of violating Colorado’s minimum wage laws by paying detainees $1 day instead of the state’s minimum wage of about $9 an hour. The company “unjustly enriched” itself through the cheap labor of detainees, the lawsuit says.


None of the original nine plaintiffs are still detained at the facility, DiSalvo said


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Perhaps it's time to shatter the ICE.


(or at least have a very thorough investigation into it's troubling practices and those involved.  We should probably not hire any employees for it until we can be sure they will be properly vetted)



Edited by visionary
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U.S. suspends fast processing of high-tech H-1B visa applications





Foreigners aiming for temporary jobs at high-tech U.S. companies will undergo a longer visa approval process after the Trump administration announced it will temporarily suspend expedited applications for H-1B visas.


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) said on Friday that starting April 3 it will suspend "premium processing" for up to six months. Under this expedited procedure, applicants can be eligible for visa approvals within 15 days, instead of a regular review period that can last for up to a few months.


The H-1B non-immigrant visa allows U.S. companies to employ graduate-level workers in several specialized fields, including information technology, medicine, engineering and mathematics.


USCIS said that during the suspension period, individuals still can request expedited consideration, but must meet certain criteria, such as humanitarian reasons, an emergency situation or the prospect of severe financial loss to a company or individual.


The United States currently caps H-1B visas at 65,000 a year, with an additional 20,000 allowed for those who have earned advanced college degrees in the United States.


The visa is valid for three years but can be extended for an additional three years.


The agency said that suspending premium processing will allow it to reduce a backlog of long-pending visa petitions and thus reduce overall H-1B processing times.


The move comes as the Trump administration also has been implementing tougher deportation procedures against illegal immigrants in the United States and has attempted to impose a visa ban on people from seven primarily Muslim countries. That ban was put on hold by a federal court.


President Donald Trump campaigned last year on a promise to crack down on immigrants who he said were taking jobs from U.S. citizens.



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1 hour ago, visionary said:

Perhaps it's time to shatter the ICE.


(or at least have a very thorough investigation into it's troubling practices and those involved.  We should probably not hire any employees for it until we can be sure they will be properly vetted)



I think it's CBP rather than ICE. Maybe it's time to revise the defined mission of CBP. It's heavily focused on safeguarding borders and keeping terrorists out. There is little there about providing a competent and professional screening service to visitors with a valid reason for entering the USA.


Every one of the almost one million daily visitors is a potential terrorist to CBP.


According to the mentality of CBP, every visitor should be able to prove that they deserve to enter the USA, even when uneducated CBP/ICE agents make up fake laws, or misinterpret laws to justify refusing entry. 

Edited by Corcaigh
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And on the H1B visa issue - there should be a mechanism to bring in needed, qualified individuals. This is a very valuable program being used, in part, as Congress intended ... "temporary employment of a highly skilled foreigner to address shortages in the US workforce in a manner that does not negatively impact market wages."


The other part of the program where there is major abuse that should be shut down tomorrow is with foreign IT outsourcing firms: http://www.cio.com/article/2946119/careers-staffing/5-shocking-examples-of-h-1b-visa-program-abuse.html


Infosys and Tata are mentioned in the link above. The average salary of their visa holders in 2015 was $77k and $68k respectively. For tech firms like Google and Apple using the program, the average salary of their visa holders in 2015 was $126k and $134k respectively. In 2015 Infosys had 23000 applications. Apple had 1464.


Grouping all H1B visa holders and applicants in the same bucket is profoundly dumb.





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14 minutes ago, The Sisko said:


Apparently that sort of thing is only OK for prisoners that are US citizens.


Before twa gets the chance I'll comment that they are fortunate that they aren't being billed for room and board.

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