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Time Travel - What Would You Do? - A Kosher Ham Production

Dont Taze Me Bro

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I was just watching Facebook and someone posted a pretty remarkable video about a man who waded and beat his way 50 feet into a frozen river to rescue a drowning dog that had broken through the ice. All the while I'm watching and cheering for this guy, there's a little voice in the back of my head yelling, "Hey! Camera guy! Stop shooting and toss a rope or find a big branch or something!"


I'm not sure if I could go back and watch a murder knowing it was going to happen, where it was going to happen, and when it was going to happen, but do nothing. It'd be tough to live with myself.



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Exactly. Changing any seemingly-trivial thing of the past would snowball and create an alternate timeline. Just appearing for a brief moment in the past, without moving a muscle, in the remote woods, is extremely risky if you have memories you cherish. Like Neil DeGrasse Tyson says,

"A butterfly flaps it's wings in Bali, and six weeks later, your wedding in Maine is ruined."

Changing the flow of a few air molecules would change the exact timeline of history. It would spread like a shockwave from that point you appeared in the woods. Birds and bugs, for instance, would ride air flows unique to the new timeline, and the timing and decision-making during their travels would be adjusted.



I've actually thought about this one a bit, and agree 99.9%.  However, in: "Universe A," the butterfly flaps its wings in Bali at one moment in time, and .00001 milliseconds later I slap a mosquito on my arm, the flapping of wings.  In "Universe B" at the same moment in time, the butterfly does not flap its wings, I will still slap the mosquito on my arm at the precise moment I slapped in in "Universe A."


The reason is, regardless of what happens in Bali, the effect of that action cannot travel faster than the speed of light.  Therefore, if I am set to perform a subsequent action at a distance that is further than the distance that light can travel in the interim time (in this example .00001 milliseconds, my subsequent action cannot be altered or effected in any manner, under the laws of physics.


Anyone agree or disagree? 

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I guess the question is access and communication. If I could go back and chat with Leonardo about painting, invention and philosophy that would be pretty cool... but I don't speak Italian. Worse, I don't speak the Italian of that period. Mind you, just watching him paint would be something or seeing the first cast of Othello with Shakespeare in the audience would be thrilling. Simpler would be to talk to Einstein and Edison or Mark Twain... if you could get to them. Might be wild to sit in on Washington's inauguration or when tJefferson first presented he Declaration of Independence for review in Philadelphia.


Would I want to go Terminator and kill Hitler's Mom? I don't know. 


As to the future, do I really want to see it? I'm not sure. I think we're progressing as a species, but I also think we're in a moment of regression and near a tipping point where our actions might just make us really, really miserable later on. Do I really want to see what we've been responsible for?


Going to the Restaurant at the End of the Universe might be nice though.




I'm with you... I'd want to go to historical points and see what really happened. JFK Assassination, Hitler's Bunker, Roswell, etc... I love conspiracy stuff and would love to see what we get right and wrong.

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Assuming an "I can only observe, but not effect the timeline", I'd go back about 40 million years ago and find out how monkeys *really* got to South America.  Then back in the future write it up an article and send to Nature  :)


 dude, don't deny science


the babes surfed and the guys naturally followed


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I was thinking about this.  When we go back in time and come back to present day, do we remember any of the changes made along the way in the alternate reality.  So, say one goes back to provide intel to your younger self.  Most likely, some things will change slightly, but not necessarily at a catastrophic level.  Back to the Future vs. Terminator theories.


Like Back to the Future part 1.  Marty goes back, gets hit by his mom's dad's car in place of his father by accident.  So, he had to get them together and to kiss at the dance, etc.  Well since he had to do it differently, second time around his dad punches Biff and takes Loraine's hand and they go to the dance, kiss, all is well.  


Marty goes back to current day, wakes up the next day.  Biff is kissing his dad's ass, washing his car, complete roll reversal.  Yet Marty does not have any memory of the new events, his memories/events were not altered to provide him with the new memories.


Terminator Genysis spoilered in case people haven't seen Genisys yet.   B2TF is 30 years old, figured everyone should have seen it by now lol


Now for Terminator Genisys, different, when the timeline changed slightly, memories changed/developed into new memories of the alternate future created.  Kyle Reese develops memories of birthday parties and his parents from the new timeline that developed, one without judgement day.  But he also retained all the memories of what happened before the timeline changed.  So he remembered two different pasts.  I threw this in as a spoiler in case people haven't seen the movie yet.

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I'd go back to 1989 and do the following:

1. get in line at toys r us to get my copy of super Mario brothers 3.

2. Find Scott Bakula and kill him before Quantum Leap got going so I could do what he did and not be called a phony.

3. Convince Joe Gibbs to start giving Byner the ball more.

4. Find Guns N Roses and convince them to get off heroin.

5. Sell my Jose Canseco Donruss rookie card.

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Taze, I would suggest that Marty has no recollection of change because he left and came back the same day. If you recall...he got out of the car and went straight to the mall only to find out that Doc had read his letter. He had no idea what the ramifications would be of that twist in the story.


Marty also took things from the past to the future, and the future to the past.

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I've actually thought about this one a bit, and agree 99.9%. However, in: "Universe A," the butterfly flaps its wings in Bali at one moment in time, and .00001 milliseconds later I slap a mosquito on my arm, the flapping of wings. In "Universe B" at the same moment in time, the butterfly does not flap its wings, I will still slap the mosquito on my arm at the precise moment I slapped in in "Universe A."

The reason is, regardless of what happens in Bali, the effect of that action cannot travel faster than the speed of light. Therefore, if I am set to perform a subsequent action at a distance that is further than the distance that light can travel in the interim time (in this example .00001 milliseconds, my subsequent action cannot be altered or effected in any manner, under the laws of physics.

Anyone agree or disagree?

I agree.

As far as the butterfly and mosquito examples, those were two seperate points, not intertwined. Perhaps you used the two insects I used just to follow up with your question. You ask about a timeline where a butterfly in Bali flaps its wings, and then a timeline where a butterfly DOESN'T flap its wings. The question is, do you (presumably on the east coast) slap a mosquito at virtually the same time - in both timelines? Well, of course. The "shockwave of change" I described in my original post has not reached you yet. It will eventually change how everything exactly transpires, but not above or at light speed.


It's crazy how intricate every subtle movement and thought is, every second of time. Say you count to 3 right now, and go on about your life. Now, go back in time, don't count to 3, and go on about your life.

At first it won't seem like it'd cause much of a difference at all, but line those two timelines up until the day you die and you'll see two different paths. There would still be some general similarities, but the timing of everything has just been changed. The you that counted to 3, and the you that didn't, will have different memories for the rest of your lives. Just because of a simple tweak in the timing of everything. It will snowball to where you don't do anything at the same exact moment. Eventually, within the same 24 hours most likely, the timelines of the 3-second counting you, and the non-3 second counting you, will be radically different when it comes to how the day exactly transpires.

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It's crazy how intricate every subtle movement and thought is, every second of time. Say you count to 3 right now, and go on about your life. Now, go back in time, don't count to 3, and go on about your life.

At first it won't seem like it'd cause much of a difference at all, but line those two timelines up until the day you die and you'll see two different paths. There would still be some general similarities, but the timing of everything has just been changed. The you that counted to 3, and the you that didn't, will have different memories for the rest of your lives. Just because of a simple tweak in the timing of everything. It will snowball to where you don't do anything at the same exact moment. Eventually, within the same 24 hours most likely, the timelines of the 3-second counting you, and the non-3 second counting you, will be radically different when it comes to how the day exactly transpires.



I think the solution is ultimately that our universe is like a really complex algorithm. From the dawn of time, things were set in motion and they could only happen one way, because of this governing equation. Sort of depressing really.

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why does everyone always assume that if they go back in time... suddenly they will be a bigshot?


Leonardo and Shakespeare will let you watch them create....  You will be in Hitler's bunker.....  You will get all the hot Egyptian or Morlock chicks... 


you will be just as socially inept with the Morlock chicks as you were with the high-school chicks.  Live with it, loser.  

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Well I suspect their hygiene would be better than those losers back in time. So they got that going for them. I mean, until they realize that poor hygiene applies to the women there too.


Condoms and other cleaning items would fix that.

Although that would certainly change the potential situation.

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