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Fear the Walking Dead -Season 1


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Fake Nurse Chick just got her first kill in, so she seems like a decent bet to survive for a little while. Crazy Salesman Guy is interesting I guess. I can't say I have much attachment to the characters this time around. About the only one that would bother me if she died is Madison. I do like the show though.

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The "arena" is a place where the soldiers gathered a bunch of exposed, but not dead, citizens and executed them? Thereby unknowingly creating a massive nest of walkers. I guess this was before they knew that everybody comes back?


That's actually a really interesting theory...do the soldiers know that everyone comes back? Could be one of those "we react in fear, thus bringing about the end we were afraid of" motifs.

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That's exactly what I'm getting at.


That would be a pretty fantastic season finale. If we don't see the hoards in this season--next season, solders execute 100's of people. Stick around to ensure they're all dead, and dispose of the bodies, they all turn simultaneously...

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Two things...

1. So the crazy CO is toast?

2. The "arena" is a place where the soldiers gathered a bunch of exposed, but not dead, citizens and executed them? Thereby unknowingly creating a massive nest of walkers. I guess this was before they knew that everybody comes back?

Can someone clarify...


1.  sure hope so.  MF'in POS.


2.  that's the vibe I got.  he said some of them turned so fast, situation went downhill quickly, and they couldn't tell who had turned and who hadn't.  I don't think he was clear about whether or not they knew everyone would turn eventually or not.

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I think it more likely they used it as a evacuation/treatment center and it turned....though I'm sure they shot many after in a attempt to keep it in.


kind of the inverse of the reverend in the WD series locking out with similar results.



not unlike a probable response to a serious outbreak here

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I wonder if our folks plan on using the arena as a diversion to get away.  open the doors and let thousands  of walkers lose just down the street from the fenced community.  Hell, there only seems to be 15-20 soldiers max. 


Also, if the CO is dead or dies, I wonder if the troops will disobey orders and not kill everyone.

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I wonder if our folks plan on using the arena as a diversion to get away. open the doors and let thousands of walkers lose just down the street from the fenced community. Hell, there only seems to be 15-20 soldiers max.

Also, if the CO is dead or dies, I wonder if the troops will disobey orders and not kill everyone.

If word gets back to the other soldiers (if they dont already know)it will be mass hysteria.

The one crew already abandoned area and headed to San Diego apparently. There will be a split in the troops there. You will have the soldiers who want to help and soldiers who will carry out the orders to kill I would think.

I do think the barber releases the walkers in the arena tho as a diversion

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It does sound like the CO is dead.


It also seems like the soldiers' tactics are really, really bad.  I know it's unfair to impose completely rational audience thought on the characters in the situation, but you have ranged weapons and the zombies don't.  Why would you rush into a building and put yourself in a position to be surrounded? (Not the second group that went in to rescue the first.  Why was the first group even in there to begin with?)


What do we think Cobalt is?  "Humane Termination" of only the infected/potentially weak/sick, or something more like a carpet bombing of the area?


On a tangentially related note, I hope Left4Dead3 really does come out at some point.  All of this quality zombie TV is making me crave more zombie video games.

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Well, we already know Salazar is about thay life, now that Travis has seen the real world...who knows

I only counted 15-20 army dudes. If our group goes hard and can get their hands on some rifles, we'll(they) come out on top

They may not have to. It appears that some of the troops are leaving before 9 am. The trucks that went by at the end looked they just got done looting houses.

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