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Ricochet:Jerry Seinfeld and the Progressive Comedy Pause


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Actually pretty scary when you think about it.


"Tell a joke to a liberal. Between your punchline and his laughter, there is a Progressive Comedy Pause. In this second or two, the liberal will process the joke to make sure he is allowed to laugh.

Is that joke racist? He mentioned Obama, but didn’t make light of him, so to speak. He also mentioned Michelle, but I didn’t notice sexism. Is it dismissive of the LGBTQIA community? Latinos? Muslims? Vegans? Will this joke hurt progressive causes? Will my laughter trivialize oppressed communities? Will I appear intolerant? I think it’s okay if I laugh. Yes, I’ll laugh now to signal my appreciation and to indicate that I’m not a joyless liberal scold.

“Ha ha.”......


Jerry Seinfeld told ESPN Radio’s Colin Cowherd that his friends Chris Rock and Larry the Cable Guy have stopped performing at colleges:


”I don’t play colleges, but I hear a lot of people tell me, ‘Don’t go near colleges. They’re so PC,’” said Seinfeld.

He continued, “I’ll give you an example: My daughter’s 14. My wife says to her, ‘Well, you know, in the next couple years, I think maybe you’re going to want to be hanging around the city more on the weekends, so you can see boys.’ You know what my daughter says? She says, ‘That’s sexist.’”

Seinfeld said college students don’t understand racism and sexism. “They just want to use these words: ‘That’s racist;’ ‘That’s sexist;’ ‘That’s prejudice.’ [sic] They don’t even know what the [expletive] they’re talking about.”


It’s harder to laugh when you’re scared and much of the left is terrified. They know that an inappropriate chuckle, the wrong tweet, or last year’s term for an aggrieved minority can lessen their standing with progressive peers, if not get them fired from a job. Lefties also have turned the negative of humorlessness into the positive of moral superiority. Sniffing “That’s not funny!” at an inoffensive Caitlyn Jenner joke signals that you are more evolved than the average cis-het-white-oppressor. The same people who laughed at Dana Carvey’s “Church Lady” now aspire to be her......."




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not sure how much stock i put in the "my 14 y/o girl is a good example for 18-22 y/o college students across the country" argument, but I buy the larger premise to some extent.  Although I don't think I would limit this to liberals, as there is definitely a corrollary for conservatives.  I have heard several dirtier/edgier comedians tell stories (on Nerdist podcast for example) about shows at christian colleges gone horribly wrong, because people assumed that their act = the wacky neighbor they play on tv or whatever, and didn't understand who they're inviting onto their campus (and the comedian typically didn't know what the school was all about).  And when they did their regular thing, the audience basically just walks out.


I also think a lot of it is knowing who you are as a comedian.  It makes perfect sense to me that Chris Rock is worried about overly-PC college students not being in his wheelhouse for an audience.  But I don't think of Seinfeld having much material in his regular act that he would have to trim out for that type of an audience.  I saw him once, playing for a huge conference that my wife went to.  So a corporate gig, which I imagine also raises some of the same PC concerns.  He was awesome.  Totally killed.  I could be wrong but I don't remember him saying anything that could really offend anyone.  Then again maybe it's just my lack of "sensitivity" or whatever.


As an undergrad in the late 90s, Steven Wright and Jim Breur came to my school.  Both of them slayed.  The auditorium was packed and the crowd was excellent.  Same thing for those guys.  Not a lot of racial humor or the like that would be likely to offend the PC crowd.

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its a joke--- neither a real point nor a real problem.    


the horror that college kids actually consider whether something  is genuinely offensive or harmful before they say something ?? (or laugh at it??) thats awful.  terrible horrendous.


thank god that other generations never had to that....  which is why i was always calling my parents, priests and teachers ****ing douchebags whenever they said anything i disagreed with , just like i would say to my friends....


... because you know, that situational/contextual filter was just too difficult and big and scary for my poor little noggin.  

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He makes a good point. It's not the biggest issue facing the world today, but it is a real problem.

I agree.

but screw this crap. Sounds like hes describing Bill Maher's crowd. Funny is funny, I don't care. I do not like the "f" word for gay people, but if it's part of a punchline, I'm gonna laugh. Same thing for "n-word" jokes

Cry me a river if people are offended by liberal comedy. Boo ****ing hoo. I laughs whatever's funny, **** a pause

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Mcsluggo did your generation file title IX accusations against professors for discussing issues and have social media to amplify your opinions into the national media? I know you like to stand by "all kids do it" but there are very real differences between your typical grumbling and the things students can do today to those that fail to bend to trigger warning culture and supply only pre approved opinions.

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I think that Jerry Seinfeld is a giant dick. I love his television show, one of the greatest of all time no doubt. Jerry Seinfeld the man seems to be a bit of an asshole.

He makes a decent point but that doesn't explain how comedians like Daniel Tosh are so popular among the college kids (or at least he was 5 years ago). Daniel Tosh kills with racist, sexist, anti-Semite humor. Just own it.

It should be ok to make a joke about a minority and not feel bad about it.

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A timeless headline: "Kids These Days Self-Centered And Outspokenly Ignorant, Says Seasoned Social Commentator."


This issue certainly is not exclusive to either side of the political aisle.  And it seems to me that the more liberal campuses are actually arriving late to this take-the-jokes-too-personally party.


Tell a biting joke about Jesus to a crowd of young evangelicals, and what do you get?  Plenty of public rage.  Copious offense.  And it has been that way for a long time.


So which campuses did Jerry stop visiting first?  The Oral Robertses, or the Sarah Lawrences?  Did he ever even go to the Oral Robertses?  Many of them likely would have been too easily spooked to invite him in the first place.  And his material isn't even terribly controversial.


In fact, when did he last spend most of a tour going to college campuses, period?  More than a decade ago, if not longer?  Looking at his actual venues over the past 6-7 years, they are a mix of convention center arenas, symphony halls, center-city theaters, Caesar's Palace, etc.  It has been a very long time since he spent any significant amounts of time on his tours visiting campuses at all -- and then, it wasn't the conservative schools playing host.  For the most part, those were already out of the picture.  He is pretty forthcoming about his lack of contemporary experience: Jerry's apparent evidence for his POV are second-hand anecdotes and his high-school daughter.


So Jerry seems to be complaining about others' claims that more left-leaning campuses started catching up to the dainty levels of tissues-and-angry-screed sensitivity that had the right-leaning campuses already avoiding them.  And for the first time, they are finding it to be a difficult-to-impossible task to satisfy any major campus demographics at all.  Which sucks because there are more progressive campuses than conservative ones.


Poor guy.  By which I mean, rich guy!  


Frankly, Jerry Seinfeld needs nothing from the contemporary college crowd.  They are an easy target: relatively little for him to lose.  According to him, the biggest viewer slice for the "Comedians in Cars..." project consists of employed adults watching at work.


And he may not be doing campus venues, but Jerry is still going to many college towns.  Happy to get some of the college students' money (or their folks'), as long as there aren't too many of them there at any one time.  A good strategy for his product IMO.  I haven't checked on his noted co-complainants Chris Rock and Larry the Cable Guy, but if they are touring then I bet they do something similar.


Or maybe Jerry's just a savvy comic who knows how to manipulate press and make a big show about what amounts to an annoyance, to get the attention he wants for his current projects.  


Mission Accomplished. Heckuva job, Jerry.

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Yes. There is a small, weird, subset of liberals who seem to be offended by everything. But it's not all liberals. Mostly just social justice wackos who seem to consider being offended a full-time job.

Louis CK is one of the most popular comedians in the country. Pretty much every liberal I know loves him. His stuff is way over the line and hilarious.

But it is not just liberals.

A few years ago I made a joke about Ted Cruz on Twitter. It was via my work account for an org I was doing social media for. It was edgy but nothing too crazy. 20 mins later I had 1,000+ mentions on Twitter from tea party people across the county. Dozens of death threats. All over a joke.

Turns out my joke tweet made it to twitchy.com - michelle malkin's Twitter attack machine and they were not happy. Hahaha.

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People used to ask me all the time why i didn't do political cartoons.

And it's because half your audience hates you and are not at all shy about letting you know it.


I got enough hate mail making fun of the Eagles.. 



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Well we can all still laugh at the Irish. So that's good


Colin OBrady is at the pub and he says to the bar tender. ". You see that house across the street? I built that house with me bare 'ands!" "But do the people of Dublin call me Colin the house builder? No!" ". And you see that bridge over there? I built that bridge with me bare 'ands! But do the people of Dublin call me Colin the bridge builder? no!"

"But a guy gets caught screwing one sheep.........."

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