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Ricochet:Jerry Seinfeld and the Progressive Comedy Pause


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I'd like to see how many of these comedians are being invited by Liberty, Oral Roberts etc. Oh wait. ZERO.



I'm not sure what that has to do with the OP or discussion


I think it is fairly relevant.  


True, the story here is not that college kids at religious schools continue to be oversensitive by many contemporary stand-up comics' standards, as they have been for decades.  But at its root, the story does suggest college kids at comparatively progressive, secular schools are catching up to the "don't you dare poke my precious doctrine" POV already found at that former group of schools.  And the underlying suggestion is that there should not be such oversensitivity at a collection of more "legitimate" institutions of higher education.  


...An implicit distinction which spares the religious schools from a very stark, basically insulting portrayal only by virtue of not mentioning them.  They "don't count" to the story somehow.  Is that only because it's inconvenient to point out that this supposedly new oversensitivity phenomenon is actually a mere matter of degree, a decades-long slide continuing?  Or is it because these schools fail to qualify by some other standard?  I see right-leaners celebrating the idea that a stand-up comic calls college kids oversensitive, and I wonder if they have truly considered everything underlying that judgment.


Regarding the fuller issue: a kid crying -isms at the touch of a feather is incredibly obnoxious.  Judging by Jerry's comments, since that is the topic here, it is a "new thing" to see his 14-year-old's generation doing it.  It is apparently foreign to him.  Also obnoxious is the notion of a cultural "war on X" in response to seeing one's personal religious dogma no longer go unquestioned as the dominant social more in every corner of life.  I see 70-year-olds doing that.  I also have seen doctrinally inducted younger people doing that for the better part of a generation now.


So this story is actually about a time lag between various young demographics' responses to pretend-principled, actually-cynical targeted stimuli.  Oookay.


Is it really any surprise that a growing critical mass of college kids do this stuff?  Where do they predominantly learn it?  From 50 minutes every other day with That Professor who gives better grades for parroting a slice of her personal beliefs, of from hours and hours per day of consuming the self-perpetuating feedback loop of cable TV crap, partisan alternate-news shock stories and social media anecdotes via phone app, and a constant lifelong cultural tone among grown-ups that increasingly suggests you have to be obnoxiously vocal and unreasonable about what you choose to believe, no matter what your personal bugaboo is?  


People who blame this only on one political stripe miss the point completely.  Overall it isn't about politics.  It's about money, and snagging minds so as to guarantee more of it, by continually co-opting rational thought.  And now, even in the college generation, it is finally everywhere. 


College kids didn't create the poisonous garbage media products and only-your-religion-is-valid venoms they swam in yesterday.  We older folks did.  And now more of them are choosing to insulate themselves in these harmful bubbles than ever before.  Don't we of Gen XY/X/Booomers appear to want that?  Many of us certainly profit from it.  And among the rest of us, there are tens of millions who do the same thing these college students are doing.  We poison ourselves daily.  Some hourly.  We blame them?  They have spent their entire formative lives to date being affected by this junk.


We are wincing because slowly, a bit more each year, they show us the results of the world we create.  And it has nothing to do with which side of the aisle each of us prefers.

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Don't forget Tennessee hillbillies.


Really though, you're good with making such a blanket statement as "the liberal mindset"?   You sound like Rush or Hannity there. There is a subset of people from any category who will jump to decry any perceived offense, but it's a relatively small subset.  That's not to say it isn't an issue, but it's better discussed without that broad brush you're wielding.


That small subset is growing rapidly. A problem with the "nobody should be uncomfortable, ever" mindset that zoony correctly noted is that liberals are shielding themselves from uncomfortable opinions, facts, history (trigger warning culture). If you can't even engage uncomfortable topics, you end up in an echo chamber just like the Fox News conservatives.


This isn't just a few people in their parents basements anymore. I think education is hurt by these attitudes. 



I am a liberal, and these people scare me. They are moral authoritarians and I dislike them as much as I dislike Tea Partiers (ok, maybe not quite as much). 


I do agree that attitudes change, and I think LKB's post about standards evolving is all correct. But I think the issue is deeper than a few comics realizing their act is out of touch.


Almost all of the trigger warning culture starts with good intentions. It's obviously a good idea to do what we can to protect people with legitimate PTSD and other issues. Thinking of a term like "microaggression," I get the idea. I am definitely uncomfortable when I'm in a business environment listening to some old white guy making 'jokes' about women drivers. But the concept gets distorted and becomes "anything I don't like, using the worst possible interpretation of what was said." 

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and for the record here... i'll remind everyone that this thread did NOT start about a bunch of librrls whining about a Jerry Seinfeld routine.  It started about Jerry Seinfeld "making a joke" about the possibility that librrls MIGHT whine about some possible standup routine (I'll call that a joke, rather than whining)--- and then accelerated into a wholefarkinbunch of whining about what liberals might possibly whine about, if given the chance.


you can definitely find people that whine about Loius CK or Chris Rock, or whomever.... but really not many.  some people have very sensitive panties, and can whine about anything.   (and more than half of those wet panties wearing whiners have Michelle Malkin twitter feeds)

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I think it is fairly relevant.  



Comics are not playing at Liberty because the school isn't going to allow profane comics with routines that include sexuality, racism, etc. They are ridiculously strict about what is allowed and not, even including PDA, T-Shirts and drinking including when students are off campus. It's not because the students are PC or only want to hear something that aligns with their own worldview or doctrine. It's over before it even starts so that's entirely different issue. 


The only reason it was brought up was just to try to turn it against the conservative/christian crowd instead of Liberal/PC stuff Seinfeld mentioned. 

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Well I was going to get really offended by that, but the irony in here would have been way too thick.

Not to beat a dead horse here, but it really is one of the most mind numbing recurring debates we have in the tailgate

"Conservatives believe in corporate welfare"

-"no they don't! That's only a few conservatives!!!

(Posts link to conservative website showing that they do indeed believe in it)

-"well that's just that one site!"

(Posts 20 more links)

"Well that's just 21 sites! I'm conservative and I don't believe it!"

And on and on.

So to summarize, yes, liberals believe feverishly in what I outlined above. Let's move on.

Just don't make fun of religion, right? Especially Christianity with the neocons or really any conservative and Islam with the militant Muslims.

No, liberals are fine with bashing Christians. They are the majority, they can deal with it

Muslims, however, entirely off limits. Unless there were more of them. Then they would be fair game.

/liberal dumbassedry

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Don't forget Tennessee hillbillies.


Really though, you're good with making such a blanket statement as "the liberal mindset"?   You sound like Rush or Hannity there. There is a subset of people from any category who will jump to decry any perceived offense, but it's a relatively small subset.  That's not to say it isn't an issue, but it's better discussed without that broad brush you're wielding.

The problem on the left is it really isn't such a small subset anymore.

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im a pinko commie liberal bastage, and i'm not really ever offended by comics.  sometimes they try too hard, and aren't at all funny--- being edgy isn't in itself funny, and its a weak crutch to just get more and more offensive just to try to be edgy.... 


...but regular people being "funny"?   THAT can be some offensive ****.  and no, not always.   but if you are mean-spirited--- you are not making a joke, you are being a dick.   

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LKB, I think Silverman is garbage. I hate her stand-up.

In general, I don't find female stand up comics funny. Lisa lamponelli might be the most unfunny human being to ever take the stage. Just awful

Sara Silverman is good in situational comedies and skits. and in interviews I think. I just think her stand up is boring.

I'm trying to think of a female stand up act I really enjoyed. I just don't think that women have a cynical enough nature to be that funny, as a rule. Plenty of female comedians I think were hilarious like carol Burnett etc... Just can't think of a stand up act.

When did you change your name Art  Zoony?

"I got nothin"


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No, liberals are fine with bashing Christians. They are the majority, they can deal with it

Muslims, however, entirely off limits. Unless there were more of them. Then they would be fair game.

/liberal dumbassedry

Let's explore this

Comic tells a Muslim joke in the U.S... Not funny

Comic flies to Indonesia and tells same joke... Funny

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I've actually always thought Ellen DeGeneres was a fantastic stand up.


Tig Notaro is currently as good as anyone, though I'm not sure she is really doing "standup." Amy Schumer is really good, but she's probably going to be surpassed by her sketch show, which is brilliant.


I actually sort of like Kathy Griffin for reasons I can't fully explain.

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I actually sort of like Kathy Griffin for reasons I can't fully explain.


She's a car crash waiting to happen. The same with Margaret Cho - who is fantastic in person. And of course the late Robin Williams..who I suspect wasn't a conservative either but never missed a chance to make fun of anyone and everyone.   ;)

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I've actually always thought Ellen DeGeneres was a fantastic stand up.


Tig Notaro is currently as good as anyone, though I'm not sure she is really doing "standup." Amy Schumer is really good, but she's probably going to be surpassed by her sketch show, which is brilliant.


I actually sort of like Kathy Griffin for reasons I can't fully explain.

I've always liked Kathy Griffin, but I don't think I've ever seen (or wanted to see) more than 5 minutes of her standup

Inside Amy schumer is okay, but you have to wade through a lot of dumb to get to the good sketch. I guess that's true of a lot of sketch shows, just some have more dumb than others

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I've always liked Kathy Griffin, but I don't think I've ever seen (or wanted to see) more than 5 minutes of her standup

Inside Amy schumer is okay, but you have to wade through a lot of dumb to get to the good sketch. I guess that's true of a lot of sketch shows, just some have more dumb than others


Does anyone actually sit and watch sketch shows now? I wait until the next day and watch the two great sketches the Internet tells me to watch.


By the way, she actually did a really funny sketch about AIDS last year. And no one boycotted her.


Anytime I hear complaints about "political correctness," a large part of me assumes that the complainer is mad that he's not allowed to say ""n-word"" or "faggot" in public any longer.

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Comedy changes. It evolves.


You don't see comedians performing in blackface. Or white people mocking asians with exaggerated buck teeth or taped eyes, right? 


This generations kids (in college) were taught to be respectful (even hyper sensitive) to race, gender, and to sexual preference. You really can't fault them for not finding the humor in that line of comedy even if we older generations still do. 

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Then what is the complaint here? That social media can destroy a career quickly if you tell a particularly awful joke?


Because you are clearly still allowed to do jokes about race, gender, and sexuality.

Did you read the OP? The uneasiness of the crowd on SNL.. Considered the most edgy crowd in existence, etc

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