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Schefter: Colt McCoy to start Sunday vs Colts


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Week 17 of 2012 might be the most satisfying win I've experienced as a fan. So much happiness and hope.


We're at ground zero, gang. What I do like is how ballsy Gruden is for doing this. That's something to be very hopeful about.

He's a coach brought in to build up a QB and has instead oversaw a STAGGERING regression, even from his performance last year,...unloads on players publicly in ways almost no head coach does and in which former team leaders like London Fletcher is calling him out for...he's reportedly having to bench a single player because his locker room is so fragile that said single player could cause him to lose the locker room....rails about players talking to much creating drama while continually talking to much himself and fueling the drama....and he's presiding over non-stop continual leaks.

I'm not surprised at how much people are killing Robert; kind of expect it and understand it entirely at this point. But they passes, let alone praises, for Gruden in this is mind boggling

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Only the Redskins can take a player with talent and ruin him in two years.


Congratulations assholes, just when I thought this piece of **** organization couldn't sink any lower.


I mean, I get your points, but do you put any blame on Griffin at all for his poor play? Any? Just curious.

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The entire Redskins Organization are friends, the whole lot has to go!


Sean McVay = Tampa in 2008 (GM = Bruce Allen) and 2009 in Florida Tuskers (Head Coach = Jim Haslett, OC = Jay Gruden, WR Coach = Ike Hilliard)


No one will be fired, everyone will act surprised when it leaks, but now it's easier to tell the team when everyone knows. 



So many of us objected with this nonsense, but so many were applauding that Danny boy finally got a GM. It's the Bucs/Tuskers up north.

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The entire Redskins Organization are friends, the whole lot has to go!


Sean McVay = Tampa in 2008 (GM = Bruce Allen) and 2009 in Florida Tuskers (Head Coach = Jim Haslett, OC = Jay Gruden, WR Coach = Ike Hilliard)


No one will be fired, everyone will act surprised when it leaks, but now it's easier to tell the team when everyone knows. 



Unfortunately, I think you're correct. I'm sick of the redskins being the spot where coaches hire their kids or BFF's. I know it happens in the league, but it's absolutely ridiculous here.


Wipe the whole lot out (I know it ain't happening)

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Ok so I guess I will pose this question:


Can this move happen AND Robert still be the long term QB?  Can both actions be true?


Sure, I think so. People need to relax with the knee-jerk Florio reactions and realize that an offseason can make a world of difference. He'll come back and fight for starting job next year. We're not getting rid of him yet.

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Sweet baby Jesus..............NO!




Dude, seriously?  Robert got hurt, and has made a conscious decision himself not to play the way he and the team is most successful.  Sure, "we" ruined him.  


Why is it so hard to just state the facts and acknowledge what your eyes are telling you, but your heart doesn't want to believe.  Go on, say the words...........it's so liberating.


Sure, you're gonna tell me it's not all his fault, the O-line, etc.   Ok fine.  We're a long ways away from having the talent we need.  But man.........he's making an already bad line look FAR worse than they really are, 


Just wow.  I really don't even have words for this one.


Of course you don't. It's true.


Really, RG3 obviously isn't faultless, but lets be honest, he's one of the few on that Redskins offense who has actually shown themselves capable of thriving in the NFL. RG3 has become the scapegoat because Gruden, the media, the fans all need a scapegoat to be distracted from the fact that this team all around just isn't that good.


It is way more comforting to blame a single player than the system at large because you can't change the entire system with one move. It's comforting for fans and even those in the locker room to think things will change now that RG3 is no longer behind center. 


The fact that players weren't able to "get themselves" up for playing to their capabilities because they lost faith in RG3 is as much a statement on the mental attitude of the stars we brought in as it does RG3. 

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Ok so I guess I will pose this question:


Can this move happen AND Robert still be the long term QB?  Can both actions be true?


I doubt it. It's really up to Griffin. He needs to actually do football 24/7 the entire offseason. He needs to put in the time and study the hell out pocket passers. He just can't assume that he can learn all of it in the training camp, that's just not how it works. I doubt Gruden will put up with him if he is struggling with the basics in training camp again.

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Ok so I guess I will pose this question:


Can this move happen AND Robert still be the long term QB?  Can both actions be true?

I see no realistic way that happens. None. I can't fathom a way Griffin stays here beyond next year, if he's on the team next year.

At most, he's on the team, competes, wins the spot, has a great year, and we're stuck thinking about franchising a guy off one good recent year...who will likely sit out to apply pressure....to maybe keep playing him or get a trade or letting him walk which op would be his preference.

At worst, he's cut at this years end with nothing to show for it

Likely it's something in between. We trade him for a late round pick this off season, or we keep him and he competes and it's just more of the same from this year.

But I'd say it's something like a 5% at best chance he's a long term player here going forward, and I'd say 5 is generous.

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Man, I don't know what to think. I've been trending toward pessimistic regarding RG3's play and capability, but I wanted him to at least finish out this lost season before the club made any moves. The kid still does have talent. He just can't seem to put it all together. I have no idea who's fault it is, if it's anyone's. I do hope that he goes on to have success though, wherever he plays.


RG3, for all his faults as a QB, does genuinely seem like a very nice kid.

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This organization's main blame was two fold.. 

Marketing the **** out of him like no other after 2012.

Not setting him down and making him watch film and insisting that he learn the fundamentals of being a pocket Quarterback, especially after his camp came out saying that is what HE wanted..


So in the words of a famous mouth piece

Come on Man.. 


Multiple team sources said they believe the father’s influence and interference have made this season more difficult.

Or as a team source put it: “Robert is not a bad kid. That’s not it at all. But he doesn’t listen right now. You can be Tom Brady or Peyton Manning or the greatest athlete in the world, whoever. But if your footwork isn’t right, you’re going to miss. The ball is going to sail or you’re going to throw it in the ground or whatever. It just doesn’t work.”

That same team source agreed that Griffin has the kind of athletic confidence/arrogance that causes him to ignore the rules of physics.


“You could see this coming in the offseason with the way he was working,” a team source said this week. “It’s not that he wasn’t working hard. He was. He was working to come back as quickly as he could. But he wasn’t working on the things to become a better (pocket) quarterback. ... Now, we’ve gotten this deep in the season, and he’s still doing things wrong, like his footwork.”



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Sure, I think so. People need to relax with the knee-jerk Florio reactions and realize that an offseason can make a world of difference. He'll come back and fight for starting job next year. We're not getting rid of him yet.


I don't disagree, but knee-jerk reaction or not he hasn't displayed any promise that he can operate as a traditional pocket passer nor has he shown post injuries that he has the athletic ability to make pocket passing secondary.  He either learns good fundamentals and learns how to read and react to a defense or it's moot that he's on the roster next year.  Can't make the guy something he isn't no matter how much film study and qb drilling.  


He's a 3rd grader that needs to be graduating from high school next year.  It's going to take quite a bit of work to make that much progress in such a short time.  Just can't see it happening.  

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You know, whether you blame him or not, RG3 for what he put his body through for the fans, for the organization, deserves a LOT better than how he's being treated not just here but the entire Redskins nation.


Many of you act like buying his jersey means you did as much for the organization as he. 


Good or bad, he came to play... came to win. Unfortunately for some reason it makes a lot of you feel better to dump water on his head as he walks out the door.


Shameful but not surprising. 

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Of course you don't. It's true.


Really, RG3 obviously isn't faultless, but lets be honest, he's one of the few on that Redskins offense who has actually shown themselves capable of thriving in the NFL. RG3 has become the scapegoat because Gruden, the media, the fans all need a scapegoat to be distracted from the fact that this team all around just isn't that good.


It is way more comforting to blame a single player than the system at large because you can't change the entire system with one move. It's comforting for fans and even those in the locker room to think things will change now that RG3 is no longer behind center. 


The fact that players weren't able to "get themselves" up for playing to their capabilities because they lost faith in RG3 is as much a statement on the mental attitude of the stars we brought in as it does RG3. 


I appreciate your viewpoint and somewhat agree. But you can also look at it another way; that the "thriving" RG3 in 2012 was a mirage built on a great scheme by Kyle. I do agree we should be trying to mimic that offense more now, but it's also possible that defenses have smartened up after 2012 on that scheme. Be honest, even in 2012, how good was RG3 as a passer when he wasn't throwing the ball on the middle post on play action? Because that's pretty much what he threw 70% of the time. He had a few good deep balls, but he was never throwing with authority back then. He wasn't a great pocket passer in 2012, it's just that he's worse now for some reason. 


But yes, we could have done a better job creating an offensive scheme around his skillset. We didn't do that.

Robert has played his last down here. He'll never play for this team or owner again. From 2012 to this lol. Only the Redskins.


Don't agree.

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I do but not all of this is his fault. He didn't ask to have Snyder kissing his feet in 2012 or have the Shanahans cut corners with some stupid gimmick offense.


His dad went so far as to tell Snyder he wanted Baylors coach hired to replace Shanny.


What offense do you think that dude would want to run?

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With this move, bold, nonetheless; good bye Coach Jay. I really liked the coach actually. Real fire in the belly. However, he is not going to last after December. Bruce and Dan will be off to another coaching hire. I would have loved to see what he could do with another off-season under his belt but owner and president is in love with Robert and Robert is not going anywhere. He will be our starter in 2015.

Are we going to try to recruit Jim Harbaugh as our next coach for next season or Art Briles away from Baylor? That is the interesting topic of conversation.


This is a really clueless post.

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You know, whether you blame him or not, RG3 for what he put his body through for the fans, for the organization, deserves a LOT better than how he's being treated not just here but the entire Redskins nation.


Many of you act like buying his jersey means you did as much for the organization as he. 


Good or bad, he came to play... came to win. Unfortunately for some reason it makes a lot of you feel better to dump water on his head as he walks out the door.


Shameful but not surprising. 

Quarterback Robert Griffin III signs four-year, $21 million contract with Redskins. Quarterback Robert Griffin III has signed a contract with the Washington Redskins, the team announced Wednesday


This is what he played for.

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