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I don't care for the new Muppets show at this point. Doesn't feel very Muppets-like. There's no subtlety to it; do we need them overtly talking about getting Piggy laid? Also seems to be done as yet another generic mockumentary. Feels like their ripping off a bunch of contemporary shows and not so much like they're being The Muppets. Heck, you could probably remove the Muppets all together and replace them with random people and it the show wouldn't change a bit.

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Thoughts on Heroes: Reborn? I thought it was...okay. But they bounced around a little too much for the pilot, and some of the super power seemed kinda lame.

Haven't seen it yet, but your description of it bouncing around too much is a dark omen. That's pretty much what killed the original: way too many storylines going on at once and we'd end up with maybe 5 minutes of a storyline per episode.
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Haven't seen it yet, but your description of it bouncing around too much is a dark omen. That's pretty much what killed the original: way too many storylines going on at once and we'd end up with maybe 5 minutes of a storyline per episode.

Well Season 1 was awesome, and it did bounce around a bit, but I think the characters were just better/more interesting from the start so you could live with it.

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Well Season 1 was awesome, and it did bounce around a bit, but I think the characters were just better/more interesting from the start so you could live with it.

Season 1 definitely started strong. It told a lot more coherent of a story without bouncing around too much. Yeah, it had a lot of characters to focus on, but they were all converging upon a climactic point. Afterwords, though, they all diverged out on such separate partitioned off story lines. If it were comic books, I'd imagine season one to be like a Justice League type thing where they're telling a story together, though maybe from different points until convergence. But then further into the series, it was like each character had their own comic series... except instead of presenting it like such, they just ripped random pages out of each character's comic book and pasted them jumbled together in a singular comic book.
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Back to Kimmy...if you try it, stick with it. It is of the over the top/absurd type of comedy plotting. By the time you get to ep. 10, you can see Titus (great acting) has become one of TV's most fun comedy characters imo. The daugher--Xanthippe (pronounced "zan thippy") Lannister Voorhees--- :P and her friends are hilarious cliches, and guest stars pop up as the writing gets even better. 

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Yeah, I put Homeland on the DVR. I didn't even know it started up again until I happened to see it on the guide.


I saw there is a new season of The Leftovers also. Honestly though, I did enjoy it somewhat, but I got so frustrated that nothing seemed to be happening, so I don't think I'm going to watch this every week. I'll probably just binge watch when the season is over, or netflix it or something. I don't have the patience to sit there and frustrate myself week in and week out again.


The Walking Dead comes back next week. Excited for that one. The Knick season 2 also starts up. I just finished watching S1 and I'm hooked. Pretty damn good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know some of you good people are watching The Leftovers on HBO.  Wtf is going on?!


not a damn clue


I like the show's style, and I don't necessarily "need" answers, but I wish the characters were more compelling. Could be the actors, but I just don't particularly care about most the main acts on the show. 

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Last night's Leftovers was awful. Of the 3 episodes this season, everything but the last 5 minutes of the first 2 shows has been just boring.

Anyone still watch Continuum and if so, what did you think of that series finale?

I'm conflicted. I absolutely love that they gave us an ending. But it was painful.

Was there a new season? I saw the first 3 seasons.

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not a damn clue


I like the show's style, and I don't necessarily "need" answers, but I wish the characters were more compelling. Could be the actors, but I just don't particularly care about most the main acts on the show. 


Yeah, i find myself caring more about what's happening and not so much the characters.  I do like Nora, though.  


Good to at least find out what the GR actually believe, that the world ended on that day.  So i guess they feel like the second part of the rapture is imminent?!  Leaving that gal a note "any day now," which drove her to kill her son and hubby :(


and that Liv Tyler rape scene....what the hell?!  Now that Tom has the black dude's healing power, does Liv want his little magic offspring?  weird ass chick

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Last night's Leftovers was awful. Of the 3 episodes this season, everything but the last 5 minutes of the first 2 shows has been just boring.



yeah, they managed to drag out how the girls disappeared and how dude ended up in the lake for three weeks :(

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My girl Gillian Anderson has been on fire with her TV roles the last two years. Her work on Hannibal (a show with many strengths) was spectacular. She's looking absolutely scrumptious, too.  :D


There's a lot of talked about shows I haven't even started yet, and I already feel like the "older guy watching a lot more tv" has been going on the last couple years...

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Anyone still watch Continuum and if so, what did you think of that series finale?


I'm conflicted. I absolutely love that they gave us an ending. But it was painful.

The final season was too rushed, but what do you expect when you only get 6 episodes.


I though the ending was appropriate. There is always a price, when you time travel and alter time.

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My girl Gillian Anderson has been on fire with her TV roles the last two years. Her work on Hannibal (a show with many strengths) was spectacular. She's looking absolutely scrumptious, too.  :D


There's a lot of talked about shows I haven't even started yet, and I already feel like the "older guy watching a lot more tv" has been going on the last couple years...


Scully is like fine wine, jumbo. 



Continuum had it flaws..but this wasn't one of them.



The final season was too rushed, but what do you expect when you only get 6 episodes.


I though the ending was appropriate. There is always a price, when you time travel and alter time.


Agreed. I still don't get the point of the Traveler.

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