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Adam Schefter: Dan Snyder chose Malcolm(b) Kelly over Jamaal Charles


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This is a rational response.  :rolleyes:


For you:


Instead of the picture, why not explain how he didn't scam the NFL team that drafted him. I know you like to defend ex-players, and that's great, but damn, there should be limits. This guy did nothing but waste a valuable draft pick, which hurt the team. People saw it coming the second he was drafted. People like you rushed to his defense, when even he knew he wasn't going to make it.

The following are quotes from the man himself.


I knew it was a limited amount of time to how long my legs would hold on.

When I first got down (to Washington), I messed my knee up the very first training camp

I knew the end was coming. I knew I needed to save my money up.

[My knees were] all the reason I came out early. Even when I was younger, I used to have to take Motrin before playing little league games

I didn’t want to risk coming back and hurting me knee and blowing all of my chances to have some financial security.

At some point, I had to do what was best for me and my family.


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This is fluff reporting by Schefter IMO. Why bring this up years later? I understand that Schef and Shanny are close, but maybe they are closer than anybody realizes? Schefter is becoming a hack.

Do you think they are 'tatoos of each other' close? I think there might be a little Shanny, Schefter, and Slowik three way going on.

They have a club. You can join if you enjoy football and your last name begins with a 'S'. They call themselves the Super Duper Hut Hut Butt Butts. Bring your Pom Poms!

O.K. that was just stupid :)

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Snyder owns the team.  He's always going to be involved in the process one way or another. 



It doesn't seem like many actually have read what shefter said. He was asked what he thought of the new front office structure. His point was that there was a front office structure before that was supposed to have final say over personnel decisions. Some of the same gurus that were advising back then are here now. Vinny was supposed to have final say and he didn't. Shefter said he was skeptical that things are going to be different now. Why would people who didn't listen back then listen to the same guys now? He admitted he didn't have intimate knowledge about the internals of the organization but just left it at him being skeptical. That's where the relevance comes in.

I'm glad there are so many optimists on this board when it comes to the new front office structure but just saying "this happened 6 years ago so what" is not really a very objective stance either.



snyder got a reputation for meddling because there are times when he's played GM. 


but there are also times when hes stepped away and let professionals be in charge. he did it with marty (albeit for only one year cuz he wasnt having any fun). he did it with joe, he did it with shanny. and i think hes doing it now. 


clearly, dan steps away when he has people involved who he respects. i dont think dan is a jerry jones or mike brown who actually thinks he has some kind of skill at picking players. 


i think dan respects bruce. i also think dan looks at the past drafts and sees players he thought would be good who turned out to be poop. i think brown and campbell have a record of being able to pick players better, so i think dan is letting bruce and company do their thing.

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Do you think they are 'tatoos of each other' close? I think there might be a little Shanny, Schefter, and Slowik three way going on.



After graduating from Medill, Schefter did an internship for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer before moving to Denver in 1990, when he began writing for The Rocky Mountain News and then later, The Denver Post.[1]


  • Romo sits to pee: My Life on the Edge: Living Dreams and Slaying Dragons', ISBN 0-06-075863-5, with Bill Romanowski, 2005
  • Think Like A Champion: Building Success One Victory at a TimeISBN 0-06-662039-2, with Mike Shanahan, 9/1999
  • TD: Dreams in Motion: The Memoirs of the Denver Broncos' Terrell DavisISBN 0-06-019282-8, with Terrell Davis, 9/1998



The Washington Post recently wrote this glowing piece on Schefter, which included this quote about his relationship with new Redskins’ coach Mike Shanahan: “We’re friends, but in no way has that ever compromised my coverage of him.” We get an inordinate number of tips each week, and here’s one we’ve sat on for quite a while: The rumor that Schefter and Shanahan were so close that they once vacationed together in the late 1990′s. We emailed Schefter about it this morning, and later spoke with him about it.




they are so close, there was an article written about just how close they are. he made his name in denver and has written books with mike and 2 broncos. 


id say they are pretty close. 

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Instead of the picture, why not explain how he didn't scam the NFL team that drafted him. I know you like to defend ex-players, and that's great, but damn, there should be limits. This guy did nothing but waste a valuable draft pick, which hurt the team. People saw it coming the second he was drafted. People like you rushed to his defense, when even he knew he wasn't going to make it.

The following are quotes from the man himself.




Not defending his play, just pointing out the unnecessary, irrational vitriol you're using.


I don't blame Kelly for trying to keep pursuing his dream of playing in the NFL and get a pay day from what he dedicated his life to before it was too late, I blame the Redskins for drafting him so high despite the medical reports. He should have been a lower pick where the risk was more worth it. But given how you act like he personally scammed you, I'm not expecting this you to understand this at all. I might as well have posted in sanscrit.

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Am I the only one that remembers that Kelly's final "injury" had nothing to do with his knee?  The guy was on IR for nearly an entire season for a hamstring pull.  


It seemed more like the guy quit football and got paid, rather than that he was injured and couldn't play anymore.  


According to that article, his entire last year in, he already knew he was going to be running his company when the season was over (and his NFL career with it).


I'm not saying the guy didn't have a bum knee, he did, but that kept him out his rookie season.  After that, he played one year, then seemed like he faked the hamstring for a year, then he was gone.

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The main problem here isn't that Snyder chose the wrong player; it's that as recently as six years ago, Snyder was making draft picks. Dan Snyder should never be making draft picks. Dan Snyder is not qualified to coach a middle school football team, let alone make personnel decisions in the National Football League.

The truth about the Shanahan era is slowly trickling out, and more will come in a few years when Bruce Allen is fired. All you people who claim that Snyder has changed will look stupid, though you won't be able to admit it.

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The main problem here isn't that Snyder chose the wrong player; it's that as recently as six years ago, Snyder was making draft picks. Dan Snyder should never be making draft picks. Dan Snyder is not qualified to coach a middle school football team, let alone make personnel decisions in the National Football League.

The truth about the Shanahan era is slowly trickling out, and more will come in a few years when Bruce Allen is fired. All you people who claim that Snyder has changed will look stupid, though you won't be able to admit it.


I, for one, hope your predictions are false.  That would not be in the best interest of the franchise.

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The main problem here isn't that Snyder chose the wrong player; it's that as recently as six years ago, Snyder was making draft picks. Dan Snyder should never be making draft picks. Dan Snyder is not qualified to coach a middle school football team, let alone make personnel decisions in the National Football League.

The truth about the Shanahan era is slowly trickling out, and more will come in a few years when Bruce Allen is fired. All you people who claim that Snyder has changed will look stupid, though you won't be able to admit it.

There's a problem with your premise.  These picks were made during the Zorn era, not the Shanahan era.


Also, Jumbo gave a warning in one of the other threads for people calling others "idiots" or alluding to it.  You may want to tone down the remark.  Just a friendly nudge.

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Who really cares? Jamaal Charles was one of many RB's in that draft that have proven to be very good. If Snyder choose to go there he did so because we needed to upgrade that position more. If you look at that draft prospects of WR's there are not too many guys on that list were a sure thing. Hell Devon Thomas was number 3 on the list where Jordy Nelson was number 9. What is interesting is that Pierre Garcon was ranked number 44 in that draft. Everyone makes a big deal about who we got or didn't get. But ask yourself this question? If you were the owner, could you keep yourself from making the same decision? He is the owner of the team and he can make those decisions if he wants to just like if you were the owner.  

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But ask yourself this question? If you were the owner, could you keep yourself from making the same decision? He is the owner of the team and he can make those decisions if he wants to just like if you were the owner.  

I'd like to think I recognize that my decision should end with who I hire to make these decisions.


At my current position, I have a lot of people working under me and I recognize what I don't know; that is why I am assigned expert help.  I trust that they know their jobs; that's why they are there.


The bigger question I would ask is: Is what I've been doing working and if not, is there a better way to run things to be more successful?

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If you were the owner, could you keep yourself from making the same decision? He is the owner of the team and he can make those decisions if he wants to just like if you were the owner.  

I would go speak with the coaches and the scouts and see what their opinions on players were.  I'd be shocked if you didn't get more excited about the guys they were interested in at that point.  They can show you why they rank someone else over the guy you have in mind, if they can't they aren't doing their job and should be fired.  They should have some solid reasoning.


Most people have pretty convincing reasons for doing what they do, especially at that level.  Heck man, Gruden is convincing on his QB camp when he's covering film with guys.  I'd love to be an owner for a guy like that because he'd get you all pumped about the guys you have.

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The only thing that annoys me a bit in this thread is how half of the replies seem to be "this was in 2008 who cares".

Why would that annoy you? It could've been worse, we could be the Browns who blew two first round picks recently. Or hell, the Vikings did the same thing when they had two firsts after the Randy Moss trade....

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The main problem here isn't that Snyder chose the wrong player; it's that as recently as six years ago, Snyder was making draft picks. Dan Snyder should never be making draft picks. Dan Snyder is not qualified to coach a middle school football team, let alone make personnel decisions in the National Football League.

The truth about the Shanahan era is slowly trickling out, and more will come in a few years when Bruce Allen is fired. All you people who claim that Snyder has changed will look stupid, though you won't be able to admit it.


Except it was actually in Shanny's contract that Snyder could not interfere. But all you people who claim Snyder still interferes will never be able to admit he hasn't since Cerrato was fired.

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Except it was actually in Shanny's contract that Snyder could not interfere. But all you people who claim Snyder still interferes will never be able to admit he hasn't since Cerrato was fired.

I don't know what happened, but for those who keep saying this I have to ask: what would have happened if Snyder broke that part of the contract?  Wouldn't it just ensured that Shanahan got all the money in the contract?  Isn't that what happened?


What else would have happened had Snyder broke that part of the contract and would it have been any different than what actually happened, i.e. Shanahan getting the remainder of the money and free to leave/get fired?

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Am I looking at this too simplistically when I say every team has a story of passing up on great players? I know this is unique because the owner allegedly made the call, but what is the difference,  how many qualified GM and personal guys dropped the ball and picked the wrong player? 


I'm sure Brees got passed up by a few teams ... so did Cooley, so did Russell Wison, so did etc. etc. etc. 


Jamaal Charles is great, maybe elite, so this stings, but he was drafted 73rd overall. 


Steelers picked Mendenhall over him. 


Lions picked Keven Smith 64th overall 


Saints picked Sedrick Ellis over Charles ... he's retired now. 


Hell, the Chiefs themselves picked Glenn Dorsey fifth overall over Charles!!! He's not even with the team! 

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Except it was actually in Shanny's contract that Snyder could not interfere. But all you people who claim Snyder still interferes will never be able to admit he hasn't since Cerrato was fired.

How about that ?

"Shanahan hoped to acquire Marc Bulger, then the St. Louis Rams quarterback, according to two people familiar with the situation, but Snyder pushed hard for the higher profile and more marketable McNabb. The owner cut short a family vacation in the Turks and Caicos Islands to meet his new quarterback." WP

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