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Eagles Fan Spits On Saints Fan Moments After Losing


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While I don't condone spitting or fighting of any kind, instead of just celebrating with friends or being a good fan, he kind of taunted them as they were leaving. I've gone to away games where we have won and I never taunt the home fans. I just walk out happy and keep my mouth shut. But again, the Philly fan should have been better then spitting. I don't know how many times leaving FedEx, I've had to ignore the jeers from visiting fans in our own house.

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While I don't condone spitting or fighting of any kind, instead of just celebrating with friends or being a good fan, he kind of taunted them as they were leaving. I've gone to away games where we have won and I never taunt the home fans. I just walk out happy and keep my mouth shut. But again, the Philly fan should have been better then spitting. I don't know how many times leaving FedEx, I've had to ignore the jeers from visiting fans in our own house.

While I would behave as you, I don't think there's nothing wrong with celebrating the win as long as you're not in another person's face.

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Typical classless eagles fans. I wouldn't expect anything less.


But this guy shouldn't be complaining about it since he egged them on. If he doesn't know what philly fans are like, then he does now. I would have sympathy for him if he was sitting there just cheering or walked out excited. But he was rubbing it in a little bit. 


Again, he shouldn't have been spit on, but he has to know what those fans are like even without suffering a gut wrenching, last second, playoff loss.

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I didn't see the video, but if the Saints fan was taunting the Eagles fan, then he kind of had it coming. You don't disrespect a man in their own house.

Not saying I condone spitting though. I wouldn't have done it. Then again, I would have been at home watching it in HD.


If you can't handle someone ribbing you, it's time to re-evaluate your priorites in life. It's sports. It's not someone telling you they had relations with your mom.

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If you can't handle someone ribbing you, it's time to re-evaluate your priorites in life. It's sports. It's not someone telling you they had relations with your mom.


Agreed, I'll extend this thought, too:


When you rib someone who you don't know, it's time to re-evaluate your priorities in life. It's sports. You didn't play in the game, and neither did the person you're bragging towards. 

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Agreed, I'll extend this thought, too:


When you rib someone who you don't know, it's time to re-evaluate your priorities in life. It's sports. You didn't play in the game, and neither did the person you're bragging towards. 

I'll agree with this too. But hey, I'm just someone who doesn't try to provoke other people over, what is ultimately, useless nonsense.

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If you can't handle someone ribbing you, it's time to re-evaluate your priorites in life. It's sports. It's not someone telling you they had relations with your mom.

Again, I said "I" don't condone spitting. But at the same time, if you are dumb enough to taunt someone in their own house, then you shouldn't be surprised when they retaliate. Both guys were clearly in the wrong.
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