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So I guess McNabb was right all along...

The Trashman

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I know ya'll will get mad about this but looks like McNabb ain't so crazy after all...

A month before the Redskins drafted Griffin in 2012, McNabb told ESPN that Griffin would not fit Shanahan’s offense and that Shanahan had a history of forcing quarterbacks into his system with poor results.


"A lot of times ego gets too involved when it comes to being in Washington,” McNabb said, adding: "If this doesn't work this year, if we don't see a splash like a Cam Newton splash, this could be it. How long does he have with RG3? The seat is hot right now.”

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I know ya'll will get mad about this but looks like McNabb ain't so crazy after all...


I don't think the read option is Shanahan's system ... don't recall Elway running options

McNabb is certainly appearing to be vindicated.

nonsense ... put a young Elway on the Skins and it'd still be ugly ... even Manning/Brady/etc. usually require more than 2 seconds in the pocket

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Put 49ers/Seahawks talent around Robert, then we'll see.


you mean, like, a good defense? not happening in this regime.  Offense better adapt. I've been a strong supporter of Kyle and this offense, but it hasn't produced. Defense actually showed up tonight. 


In summation, i have no idea. i suppose the players kind of suck. But then again, the same players carved out a 10-6 season last year, with a playoff appearance. Too much parity in football. 

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As "crazy" as McNabb sounded, his words have some merit. The fear of RG3 is no longer there. The threat is mythical so teams stack the box and overrun a very small and talentless O-line. Result = a QB who is getting killed every week.


Did any of you watch the game? or the game last week? Our D-line did not pressure the opposing QB or even lay a hand on them. No pressure whatsoever.


So our O-line is small and talentless.


Our defensive front is ineffective and non-opportunistic.


Our secondary is lackluster and cover deficient.


Our Specials teams is non-existent and toothless.


Our receivers can't separate from their defenders and generally can't be trusted to get anything done


The coaches lack imagination, don't adjust schemes when necessary and are outplayed in every game.


It's time to rest and properly rehab RG3. The season is officially over. Put Cousins in there to evaluate and market him for future use.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's official. We have fan bas of idiots.

I agree ... And to you mcnubb supporting ****** bags

Mcnabb sucked and then got benched for ponder in Minnesota ... But yeah go ahead and support him hahahaha do you even watch football?? Or are you looking at the dirt where mcnubbs passes go??

Taco cat spelled backwards is taco cat .. Mind blown

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No one wants to believe McNabb because everyone believed every media leak back then.

People didn't think for a second that those reports were leaked on purpose to damage his repuation.


I wouldn't trust a Shanahan further than I could kick them. I feel betrayed and disgusted that I didn't see through their bull**** 3 years ago.

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This calamity isn't because RG3 doesn't fit the system. Just because the team sucks doesn't mean every person who predicted it is right. You can get a prediction right and be completely off on your reasoning.


Lots of good, credible stuff to quote and look at. A bitter former QB with his own ego problems isn't one of them.

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