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So I guess McNabb was right all along...

The Trashman

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I know ya'll will get mad about this but looks like McNabb ain't so crazy after all...


this is hillarious...and utterly predictable.


McNabb spewed out garbage like a b-movie zombie with its head cut off.... if you pic and choose some blurb here or there it might *look* like DintyMoore stew... but taken in context of the ovrall story it is clearly fetid rotten brain soup.







I wouldn't want to taste it.

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A month before the Redskins drafted Griffin in 2012, McNabb told ESPN that Griffin would not fit Shanahan’s offense and that Shanahan had a history of forcing quarterbacks into his system with poor results.


"A lot of times ego gets too involved when it comes to being in Washington,” McNabb said, adding: "If this doesn't work this year, if we don't see a splash like a Cam Newton splash, this could be it. How long does he have with RG3? The seat is hot right now.”



"That year" RG3 set multiple records and was ROY. He led his team to its first division title in over a decade. I'd say that was a "Cam Newton splash". McNabb was wrong.


When he got here McNabb was an old dog who didn't want to learn a new trick. Everyone forgets that he went on to get benched in favor of Christian Ponder the next year. There was a reason Philly got rid of him, he was done.


All you have to do is listen to him for 5 minutes on Fox Sports to see the guy is a buffoon. The next time he is right on something will be the first.  

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The fact that McNabb sucked while he was here does not absolve the fact that his critique of Shanny is absolutely spot on, as well as this circus show of a situation that has manifested. 


There is absolutely nothing wrong for McNabb telling it how it is. The truth hurts. 

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What a load of BS.  McNabb should never have been signed by the Skins.  Never ever ever should you force a QB on an offensive coordinator that doesn't want him.  McNabb couldn't play anymore and had a difficult time adjusting to a new system.  End of story. 


Shanahan changed the system A LOT to accomodate RG3 as a rookie.  If there's any criticism on these boards regarding Shanahan's play calling it's that its too similar to the "special offense" created last year for RG3.  And, RG3 can't run his old offense successfully anymore because of his injury.  RG3 is not ready for the "standard" Shanahan approach yet because he missed all of the offseason. 


This has nothing to do with McNabb's sour grapes. 

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"That year" RG3 set multiple records and was ROY. He led his team to its first division title in over a decade. I'd say that was a "Cam Newton splash". McNabb was wrong.


When he got here McNabb was an old dog who didn't want to learn a new trick. Everyone forgets that he went on to get benched in favor of Christian Ponder the next year. There was a reason Philly got rid of him, he was done.


All you have to do is listen to him for 5 minutes on Fox Sports to see the guy is a buffoon. The next time he is right on something will be the first.  

This is true. McNabb has been right about very little since he left Philly. He's upset and bitter that he can't play football anymore.

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I can't believe what I am reading.  McNabb was absolutely wrong.  He could no longer play and no system was going to change that.  Andy Reid knew it and hoodwinked the skins.  If you doubt me, ask any Vikings fan. 

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Shanahan changed the system A LOT to accomodate RG3 as a rookie.  If there's any criticism on these boards regarding Shanahan's play calling it's that its too similar to the "special offense" created last year for RG3.  And, RG3 can't run his old offense successfully anymore because of his injury.  RG3 is not ready for the "standard" Shanahan approach yet because he missed all of the offseason. 


The offense wasn't necessarily to accommodate Griffin as much as it was to take advantage of his threat as a runner. It's not like this was the offense he ran in college that the Shanahan's brought to make him comfortable. It's an offense they created that allowed for productivity with a weak OL and average WRs. His offense in college was much more like what Philly is running this year. The only reason I clarify this is because some people have attached the read option offense to Griffin, but really, the way run it is new to him as well. For arguments sake, you could say that we used the RO offense as a bandaid since the rest of our team wasn't up to par to run a more traditional offense. 

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I can't believe what I am reading.  McNabb was absolutely wrong.  He could no longer play and no system was going to change that.  Andy Reid knew it and hoodwinked the skins.  If you doubt me, ask any Vikings fan.

huh? what was he wrong about with regards to Shanahan and how he would treat RG3?

For arguments sake, you could say that we used the RO offense as a bandaid since the rest of our team wasn't up to par to run a more traditional offense.

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being that i started thinking shanahan was either nuts or doing his best politician impression when i heard him talk about how we were 'top 5 or 6 in offense, so we must be doing something right', this 5 year old comment from plummer caused my eyes to bug out of my head-


Plummer indicated Shanahan seemed to become increasingly obsessed with the Broncos' NFL rank in offense or defense instead of the win-loss record.

"It's hard on a team. We were 7-2 at one point my last year and we came out of a meeting with our heads bowed and we were all just sulking around like we had just been berated for not putting up 40 points, for not leading the league in offense, for not creating enough turnovers," Plummer said.

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It does appear that M. Shanahan is inflexible and lacks the managerial and inter personal skills of Gibbs. But if he truly pushed Haslett to shift to a 3-4 despite personnel conflicts then my patience is exhausted.. Because he don't know D. Dump him before he makes any significant personnel decisions.

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McNab was right. The truth hurts sometime.



McNabb was not right. He may look "smart" today but the way he publicly requested a chat with Griffin was nothing but a glory-grab. If he were really trying to help RG3 he'd have privately requested a meeting. Then he might have gotten it. To put Griffin on the spot like that was lame.

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Of course they're biased.


But with that being said, that doesn't make them necessarily wrong.

Well it does kinda...


They were the wrong players for the Redskins. Wrong the way they handled themselves then and wrong in the way they handle themselves now. Wrong, wrong, wrong.  Just like this thread.

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1)  McNabb is never right

2)  Bingo:

Put 49ers/Seahawks talent around Robert, then we'll see.


Swap Wilson and RG3....Redskins are worse, Seahawks probably don't lose a game.


3) Bingo:

nonsense ... put a young Elway on the Skins and it'd still be ugly ... even Manning/Brady/etc. usually require more than 2 seconds in the pocket


 NO ONE could be in this "pocket", with this playcalling and have success.  NO ONE.

(.....maybe Chuck Norris)

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