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Annandale High Football Coach Screams At Band " Get Off The Field"

Dan T.

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With 4:30 left during the "Senior Night" halftime of Annandale High School's game against South County "the unthinkable" happened, according to an editorial in the school party written by a band member:




"Coach Mike Scott and a few other coaches as well as some players began yelling at the band and Band Director Adam Hilkert to “get the band off the field.” According to the game clock, we had about 4:30 left and halftime wasn’t over.


The screams from the fans and coaches became more intense, and Coach Scott resorted to his own measures by shaking the podium of junior Assistant Drum Major Douglas Nguyen, and then yelling at the other Assistant Drum Major, senior Noah Wolfenstein, to stop conducting and get off the field. Yells came from the stands and the coaches to the press box and the field."







Prior to the game, the game officials were informed that it was Senior Night and, with South County's concurrence, agreed that it would be okay if halftime ran a little long.  That wasn't enough to stop the Annandale coach from reprehensible conduct bordering on assault.

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My kid is in the Patuxent High band, and last week was Senior night.

I'm glad that our school and the other SMAC coaches had much more class than that.


the band works VERY hard. They start training the same time the football team does, they hold their minicamps. and they practice 4 days a week for 4+ hours solid from July through October, and more. They travel every weekend for competitions. When i pick my son up from band practice, the football team is long gone.


i know this coach is an extreme example, and 99% of coaches and fans never behave like this, but in reading it, it just makes me appreciate the faculty and overall atmosphere of Patuxent high school even more..   Pax football> 10-0 heading into the SMAC playoffs and looking for the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP this year.


(Last week during senior night after we parents did our walk with our kid.. they herded us off the field after the little presentation, but I .uh, exited: stage left, and stayed on the sidelines. Great view of the game, and a GREAT game,, Pax won on a fourth down 4 yard TD run that broke a tie with 5 seconds to go.)



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What?  A high school football coach being a arrogant self-entitled dickweed?


That NEVER happens.   :)


I always thought reprehensible conduct bordering on assault.was a standard coaching technique, with half of mine assault was 


band nerds  :P 

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That an adult would approach and threaten children means he should have been suspended on the spot, and if he actually shook the podium to intimidate the band leader, he deserves to be charged with assault.


The coach is a failure, both as a football coach and as a human being.

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As a high school official of another sport, we often deal with extended pregame and halftime ceremonies for events such as senior nights. Our association's policy is to grant much leeway in such instances. There was little - if any -  chance that the Annandale team would be penalized if the band caused a delay in the second half, especially since the officials and the South County visitors were told of the event before the game.  If that was the coach's primary concern, it was wildly misplaced.


One issue with this story, though, is that - so far - we've only seen this band member's account of the incident. 

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When I was a senior, my school (John Handley High) was playing to reach the state championship. I was in the stands as a band member and it was down to 1 last play (we were on offense). Our band director rose his baton to play the fight song. We started to play. The sideline was going nuts because they didn't want any loud noise distracting the team (I, myself, didn't play because I had an understanding of general football 'etiquette'.) I'd say the band was in the wrong in that instance :P


With the story in the OP, though, to the coach: "Lighten up Francis"

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So did anyone read the whole thing?




Under the direction of Coach Scott, the football team has won one game throughout their 2013 season while the band received Virginia State Champions and won a National award for their “III-Open” class, (which is the hardest competition division). And all the while, the band stands proud with the football team through every loss and through every win. Since when has administration asked the football team to support the band by going to a competition, whether we win or lose?


Oh, and they lost the game 55-14.




Freakin Annandale. 

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The article was apparently written by a high school student so I'm not entirely sure about the details that took place. I understood enough to think that the coach should not have been a jerk and that his team is terrible. Maybe he was just looking to get some of the frustration that comes with losing constantly out of his system. Sadly failure isn't as easily chased off as the marching bad.

On the bright side no one from Annandale HS was arrested for embezzling money as was the case with Poe Middle School this week.

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Do we know he shook the podium to intimidate? Or maybe he was just trying to get the guys attention.


Do we know the whole story? Or are we just stereotyping football coaches?


Yes, the guy probably could have handled this better, because no matter the full story, he could have done it differently. Once there's a full account of this, we'll have the information we need to really know what's up.


Would I have handled it like that? No. If I felt the band should get off the field (I wouldn't, it would give me more time with the team and my coaches to talk shop and figure stuff out) I would approach someone of authority and ask what's going on, and get an explanation from them. If I still felt action should be taken, I'd politely ask the authority figure I was speaking to to take it. So yeah, if this account is the full story, the coach handled it poorly.

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How often do football teams insert themselves into the middle of a band competition?


Are you insinuating that the band had no business being on the field?

Do we know he shook the podium to intimidate? Or maybe he was just trying to get the guys attention.


Do we know the whole story? Or are we just stereotyping football coaches?


Yes, the guy probably could have handled this better, because no matter the full story, he could have done it differently. Once there's a full account of this, we'll have the information we need to really know what's up.


What information do you think your missing that would make this less egregious?

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Are you insinuating that the band had no business being on the field?


What information do you think your missing that would make this less egregious?

No, just that it should not be too much to ask them not to disrupt the team that is in the middle of their actual competition.  Not saying that it gives the right a coach to be an ass if that is indeed what happened. 

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What information do you think your missing that would make this less egregious?


How about a simple verification that this report is factual? And not exaggerated for effect?


As with 97% of media stories/internet accounts, I usually am skeptical of these kinds of things.

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No, just that it should not be too much to ask them not to disrupt the team that is in the middle of their actual competition.  Not saying that it gives the right a coach to be an ass if that is indeed what happened. 



There were 4 minutes and 30 seconds left on the halftime clock.  Halftime. You know, the time when the marching band performs on the field.

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There were 4 minutes and 30 seconds left on the halftime clock.  Halftime. You know, the time when the marching band performs on the field.

Okay.  At what point are they supposed to be off the field?  It is the football teams "competition"...the band has theirs every Saturday apparently. It would be wrong for the football team to force the band to arrange their competition around what the football team wants. 


Doesn't give the coach an excuse to be an ass.  

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Okay.  At what point are they supposed to be off the field?  It is the football teams "competition"...the band has theirs every Saturday apparently. It would be wrong for the football team to force the band to arrange their competition around what the football team wants. 


Doesn't give the coach an excuse to be an ass.  


As a football official, I've never seen a football coach get bothered by a band performance that might go a minute or two long. I would guess it's because they appreciate the support of the band and the band parents. If the band is a little late getting off the field, the teams normally warm up somewhere between the end line of the end zone and the 10 yard line while kickers are somewhere behind the band or kicking into a net.


The only event that really runs long during the football season is homecoming. It's expected by both the officials and the coaches and no one really cares even if we **** about it to each other.

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Do we know he shook the podium to intimidate? Or maybe he was just trying to get the guys attention.




Shouldn't he deal with the supervising adult and not some kid?


Or as halftime approaches should the Band Director wander onto the field into the huddle and ask the QB how much time is left.   :P


And it was Senior Night. Lighten the **** up and let them have their time. 


Officials and both teams know that Senior Night is a long, drawn out affair.




The Principal has sent a letter:


I want to provide you an update regarding the incident that occurred at last Friday night’s football game. Annandale High School honored its senior football players, cheerleaders, dance team and marching band members at the game. My office this week has been investigating the series of events that occurred while the marching band performed at halftime. I am extremely concerned and dismayed with how this situation was handled by the participants. We have been following up with all of the parties involved and will take whatever appropriate action is deemed necessary. Coach Scott has offered to apologize to the band members for his actions, which I believe is a necessary first step. I did meet with our Marching Atoms following the game and told them how proud the entire Annandale community is of their accomplishments this year and how they embody all that is great about Annandale High School. At that time, I apologized to the students for the interruption of their halftime performance honoring their seniors.

I want to take this opportunity to again apologize to our band members, band parents and the entire community for this incident. What happened shouldn’t have happened and I regret that it has tarnished what should have been a night of celebration for our seniors.

We learn from our mistakes and we will move past this episode with a better understanding of the importance that mutual respect plays in our interactions with each other – students and staff members. I am very proud to be the principal of a school that has such talented students supported by a staff that is truly dedicated to helping our students achieve their full potential.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support of Annandale High School.


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Shouldn't he deal with the supervising adult and not some kid?


Or as halftime approaches should the Band Director wander onto the field into the huddle and ask the QB how much time is left.   :P



Just for the record, did you stop reading my post after what you quoted? Because here's the rest of it:


Yes, the guy probably could have handled this better, because no matter the full story, he could have done it differently. Once there's a full account of this, we'll have the information we need to really know what's up.


Would I have handled it like that? No. If I felt the band should get off the field (I wouldn't, it would give me more time with the team and my coaches to talk shop and figure stuff out) I would approach someone of authority and ask what's going on, and get an explanation from them. If I still felt action should be taken, I'd politely ask the authority figure I was speaking to to take it. So yeah, if this account is the full story, the coach handled it poorly.




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