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Nearly Beat On Similar Plays Two Weeks In A Row.....need To Find Adjustment


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Is it just me or have seen the defense be exploited in the middle two weeks in a row on virtually the same exact play/route, all game long with zero adjustment to stop it?


Today it was Danny Woodhead, the way he kind of waits around at the line of scrimmage when the ball i is snapped, waits for the defense to vacate the area, then runs out about 2 yards, catches the throw with an easy 5-7 yards in front of him.  I swear this same exact play happened at least 10 times today, the way it happened against Denver last week.  I believe Denver used a couple different folks, Welker being one of them.


It just hurts to see it happen over and over, basically conceding those yards which sets up 2nd & Short.

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Yeah short turn around, against a team that blew it against the Cowboys.   For a 5 minute window I thought we were winning and Cowboys were losing, then they won, our defense fell down for a drive and I thought the worst.  Then the 'Skins pull it out....


Emotions running ALL OVER today.


Also, I'm not really bashing the defense overall, just wondering why they seem to keep allowing this play to happen over and over.  Are they spending all their resources trying to take away the big plays?


Are they conceding this, knowing the potential is there for a short completion, but hoping someone will be there to make a tackle at the point of the catch?

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I think it has to do with personnel, namely London Fletcher. I love the guy but he isn't exactly playing lights out.

Other possibilities, sub par safety play or too much cushion on the corners.

I'm not too worried about the D though. They have been playing remarkably well since the first couple of weeks of the season.

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A game won in OT by a team, who overcame almost insurmountable odds, leaves me feeling we might turn this thing around at 3-5. Nothing negative you can post will pierce the joy I feel about a team that played today with tenacity and incredible passion.

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I think it has to do with personnel, namely London Fletcher. I love the guy but he isn't exactly playing lights out.

Other possibilities, sub par safety play or too much cushion on the corners.

I'm not too worried about the D though. They have been playing remarkably well since the first couple of weeks of the season.


Fletcher has been pretty terrible for going on two years now.  Something lit a fire weeks 15-18 last year, but other than that, he needs to hang it up and pick up a headset.

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I think it has to do with personnel, namely London Fletcher. I love the guy but he isn't exactly playing lights out.

Other possibilities, sub par safety play or too much cushion on the corners.

I'm not too worried about the D though. They have been playing remarkably well since the first couple of weeks of the season.

I was concerned with several of our blitzes where it looked like the guy blitzing just wanted to see how many yards behind the QB he could get before the play ended.

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We just don't seem to be very good in space. It's why we shouldn't play zone. We do so much better playing man. If they make a play they make a play but overall we can play well in man. When we play zone there are always these huuuge gaps and the opposing QB and skill players are always exploiting them.

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I'm not too worried about the D though. They have been playing remarkably well since the first couple of weeks of the season.



I felt better about the D after last week's game. They just played a little too "Bend, Don't Break" for my taste today. They bent at the wrong time today and almost cost us the game. Had the refs not actually gotten ONE IR correct today, we would be crying in our 2-6 beers right now. I'd like to see them not concede so many plays from here out. They have assuredly improved since the Philthy debacle, but they still have a way to go. I think that they could be a top 10 defense if they get it worked out though. That Amerson kid is occasionally showing sign s of being a great draft pick!

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It's because Haz is notorious for not making adjustments.

That may be but I do think that there is a personnel problem.

There were several plays when it seemed like Fletcher was just standing there, overwhelmed or two steps behind his man. Or the times when Amerson got lost.

I do think that the defense is mostly doing enough as a whole especially when it comes to forcing turnovers and stopping momentum changing plays.

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it happens so often, it must be by design. In part. to help entice the QB to not go deep. Knocking on wood we have not been burned deep much??


It seems like a staple of the bend don't break. I am almost certain Haslet thinks we will come up and force a fumble etc.


The best defense we have for it, appears the drop.  Or our offense, the 2013 way to adjust.


I don't pin it on one player. For if it were repeatedly a players fault, its up the Haslet to yank them.

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Perhaps mis-tackling amplifies the concern.  With the Vikings & Eagles coming up, I see AP & McCoy going for 45 yards when they should probably only get 2-3 yards.  It scares me to death, especially at a point where the team seems to be on the verge of making a realistic attempt at getting back into the division race.

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This is 50/50 on coverage and pass rush.  Unfortunately we don't have the players for it right now.  Keenan would be the guy who could help with this... or a legit NT/DE who can push the pocket.


Basically whoever has coverage on the HB (usually an LB) reads the halfback... when the halfback shows that they stay in to block, the LB reads that and starts after the quarterback.  When the HB sees his guy go after the QB, he takes off on his route.  This is a 3 to 4 second process when run very well... so if the pass rush doesn't get home you lose the down. 


FWIW, we have adjusted, we'll leave one or two LBs spying on that route.... what that does is it takes a guy or two out of coverage and takes one or two guys out of the pass rush.  So... in effect it doesn't work.  It actually works against us.


We don't have the players right now.  It's that symple.  Woodhead is a tough matchup for a lot of guys anyways.

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