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Budget Fight: Will The Clean Continuing Resolution See The House Floor?


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So this is my big question of the day regarding the budget fight.  We know the Senate won't defund the Affordable Care Act.  We suspect and will see later today whether they will delay all or part of the Affordable Care Act, and it will be interesting to see if the Senate GOP does anything to slow that part of the process down.


My big question is will the "Clean" (as in, nothing attached to it) Continuing Resolution to fund the government see the House floor.  So the way I understand it, is that the House will have passed two bills that the Senate voted on and couldn't pass. The only logical thing (to me) would be for the House to vote on the bill that actually made it through the Senate (the clean CR).  Otherwise, the House can't claim to have "passed a bill to keep the government running."  What they've actually passed so far are "bills that de-fund or delay Obamacare". 


I swear I'm going to start a non-partisan PAC and of every candidate in Congress intend to send them a questionaaire, "Is there a policy that you believe in so badly that you will pursue that to the detriment of running the remaining 95% of the government?". 


*edit because auto caps in title is annoying (I can't write "Will the 'Clean' CR..."?)

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How is Obama playing politics?


I'm not saying he's "wrong" per se. I think the GOP is stupid to believe that folks aren't going to blame them for it. But if Obama has a tool to save the economy from the GOP, maybe he should consider it. I said over the weekend he should be using the Bully Pulpit big time to simply say "We need a clean bill that does X". Nothing attached. Nothing unrelated. Just X. As others have pointed out, the GOP wants something in return for us paying our bills. That's a simple message people will understand. We have a debt. We have a debt ceiling. One that Reagan was part of raising over a dozen times. If being a deadbeat is part of the GOP platform. Then they shouldn't hurl claims at those on welfare. Weathfare is just as bad.

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Actually, I'm not 100% certain of the details, but I believe that the "clean CR" you're referring to HAS seen the House floor.

I think that what's happened is:

1) House passed a bill CR that extends the government for two months, but specifically strips out funding for Obamacare.

2) Senate received that bill, removed the "defund Obamacare" portion, and passed it.

3) House received this "clean" CR, added some different "poison pills", and sent it back.

In short, I think that what we've seen, so far, is all one bill, simply with different amendments to it.


Now, I'm assuming that your question is "Will the House ever call a vote to pass a CR that doesn't have poison pills attached to it?"


I really doubt it.  Voting to pass a CR without any strings attached at all would probably be as toxic to the Republicans as voting to defund Obamacare would be to the Democrats. 


I think it's a pretty safe bet that whatever passes (before or after a shutdown) will have some crumbs so that people can say "well, we got something".  This is not only political reality, IMO it's the moral thing to do. 


I wonder if Harry Reid could get enough Democrats behind a proposal to pass a CR, that extends funding for the government, but at FY13 nominal dollars.  (No automatic increases to discretionary spending for inflation and population growth.) 


That's a "budget cut", in Washington-speak.  But it's a really small one, and across the board.  It would put the Democrats out there as the ones proposing to slow the growth of government. 


And, since it would be a cap on discretionary spending, it would cap defense spending, but not entitlements.  It would then put the Republicans in the position of either adding in cuts to things like Social Security (and, the only way to keep nominal spending on Social Security constant, is to cut people's monthly checks.  Something they will notice right away.), or accepting defense cuts (and they've been trying to increase defense spending, since the day the sequester passed), or voting to remove language that caps federal spending. 


That would be some interesting political theater, there. 

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I am a solid conservative. I blame the republicans and they have lost my vote until they show me they are changing and coming to the center. I don't like Obama care, nor do I think it should be policy, but it is law. The basic function of congress is to fund the government. Fund the government and fight your policy battles later. The dems put forth a clean CR, the republicans want to play politics. I detest whomever thought it was a good idea to play politics with the budget and the debt limit. This is the worst idea, but thanks to pathetic excuse for house leadership and the GOP kowtowing to an extremist faction, the GOP really has no identity. Looks like I will be voting independent.

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CSpan and CSpan 2 said that the Senate unanimously approved the House Bill to pay the Military in case of a shutdown.


Looks like we've transitioned from "claiming to try to prevent a shutdown" to "making sure that the shutdown doesn't affect my favorite part of the government". 

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Isn't this an oxymoron?


No I  just believe they are believing much of the tea party crap. Here is how I view the conservative/liberal relationship. We need both. Liberals push society to change, however many of their ideas are too far out there or are to soon for society. Conservatives hold back the change so that it can be managed at a pace acceptable for society as a whole and when its more economically viable. If we were all conservative, there would be no change and things would stagnate, if we were all liberal, we would be chasing the good idea fairy all over the place and governing would be impractical and lead to anarchy and unpaid bills. Both are needed for society to progress at a reasonable pace. You have to negotiate on things and everything should  be on the table,  you give a little they give a little. But things like running the govt should be off limits period. Trust me I am not saying dems are blameless, but the GOP is very wrong on this.

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I am a solid conservative. I blame the republicans and they have lost my vote until they show me they are changing and coming to the center. I don't like Obama care, nor do I think it should be policy, but it is law. The basic function of congress is to fund the government. Fund the government and fight your policy battles later. The dems put forth a clean CR, the republicans want to play politics. I detest whomever thought it was a good idea to play politics with the budget and the debt limit. This is the worst idea, but thanks to pathetic excuse for house leadership and the GOP kowtowing to an extremist faction, the GOP really has no identity. Looks like I will be voting independent.


I am also a solid conservative, but they need to listen to the American people.  We don't want Obamacare.  Republicans are looking to take the tactic of "We are saving America before this destroys us".  IMO its difficult to swallow the way they are going about it.  If it were me, I would let the bill go through and fail.  The Affordable Care Act will destroy an already teeter tottered US Economy and put this Country near bankruptcy.  POTUS keeps claiming all his policies are to help the middle class but so far he is absolutely destroying everything about the middle class.  I am run of the mill middle class and my health insurance premiums are going to skyrocket because of this.  Everything/Everyone is raising costs of everything, but our income is shrinking either by extra taxes or just the stagnant economy.  Democrats can keep bashing Republicans for everything including saying hello to someone, but I consider myself having a very moderate/common sense approach and we keep getting smashed (middle class) over the head little by little with a sledgehammer.  I just don't trust congress no matter Democrat or Republican.

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I am also a solid conservative, but they need to listen to the American people.  We don't want Obamacare.  Republicans are looking to take the tactic of "We are saving America before this destroys us".  IMO its difficult to swallow the way they are going about it.  If it were me, I would let the bill go through and fail.  The Affordable Care Act will destroy an already teeter tottered US Economy and put this Country near bankruptcy.  POTUS keeps claiming all his policies are to help the middle class but so far he is absolutely destroying everything about the middle class.  I am run of the mill middle class and my health insurance premiums are going to skyrocket because of this.  Everything/Everyone is raising costs of everything, but our income is shrinking either by extra taxes or just the stagnant economy.  Democrats can keep bashing Republicans for everything including saying hello to someone, but I consider myself having a very moderate/common sense approach and we keep getting smashed (middle class) over the head little by little with a sledgehammer.  I just don't trust congress no matter Democrat or Republican.



I'm not sure I follow.  Listening to the people would mean leaving Obamacare alone for the time being.  The guy won an election less than a year ago with Obamacare being a major part of his platform.  The fact is most Americans want healthcare reform and the GOP is taking a really poor approach at showing their dissatisfaction with the plan going through.

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I'm not sure I follow.  Listening to the people would mean leaving Obamacare alone for the time being.  The guy won an election less than a year ago with Obamacare being a major part of his platform.  The fact is most Americans want healthcare reform and the GOP is taking a really poor approach at showing their dissatisfaction with the plan going through.





Where?  The majority of middle class Americans have healthcare and don't want it touched right now.  I don't get paid a excellent wage but I'm fine with that because my healthcare costs are very low.  Now....they will skyrocket which in essence means I'm going to pay more.  If I pay more, my take home pay becomes less.  And he ran with the Healthcare campaign because he promised the middle class that we won't pay ONE DIME more for already having healthcare.   Guess what? They are rising astronomically right now and I'm living proof of it.  Sounded awesome when he campaigned with it, not so awesome right now when my employer is letting us now our healthcare premiums are soon to be doubling if not more.  Like I said I consider myself middle of the pact and lean more toward who takes the common sense approach but its amazing to me the Democrats who just suck onto everything Obama does like he is the next coming of Jesus.  You can sway it however you want, but most of the middle class who did elect him for his 2nd term are coming to realization that this is not what they asked for.  He ran a great campaign, I'll give him that.  He made it sound like this law would be fantastic more middle class and we all are getting snubbed in the face.

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