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Budget Fight: Will The Clean Continuing Resolution See The House Floor?


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I wonder if Harry Reid could get enough Democrats behind a proposal to pass a CR, that extends funding for the government, but at FY13 nominal dollars.  (No automatic increases to discretionary spending for inflation and population growth.) 


That's a "budget cut", in Washington-speak.  But it's a really small one, and across the board.  It would put the Democrats out there as the ones proposing to slow the growth of government. 


And, since it would be a cap on discretionary spending, it would cap defense spending, but not entitlements.  It would then put the Republicans in the position of either adding in cuts to things like Social Security (and, the only way to keep nominal spending on Social Security constant, is to cut people's monthly checks.  Something they will notice right away.), or accepting defense cuts (and they've been trying to increase defense spending, since the day the sequester passed), or voting to remove language that caps federal spending. 


That would be some interesting political theater, there.


What you just described was the sequestration budget deal that was passed to raise the debt ceiling in August 2011. There are discretionary caps in place through 2021. Essentially this is the actual item that would be legitimate to argue about in a debt/budget debate. What the GOP/TEA party is doing is like a bunch of liberals coming in the House in 2006 and shutting down the govt over the Iraq War. It is also ironic that they aren't going after entitlements either or a larger deficit reduction replacement for sequestration. Also legitimate in the discussion.

I really hope you were already aware of the sequestration as being just about what you described.

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More from Ezra Klein: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/09/30/dont-forget-what-the-shutdown-is-really-about/


5) A few months ago, the conventional wisdom was that the negotiations over funding the government would hinge on how to replace sequestration, as the cuts are proving too deep for either Democratic or Republican appropriators. Instead, sequestration's cuts have been mostly left alone, and the argument has been entirely about Obamacare.

6) Boehner isn't really in control of his House conference, and he has no idea how to get out of this. Remember, Boehner's initial preference was to simply fund the government. His members forced him to accept Republican Sen. Ted Cruz's defunding plan. After the Senate rejected Cruz's plan, Boehner again wanted to simply fund the government. He lost again. As the National Review's Robert Costa reported, "For now, Boehner doesn't have a plan beyond passing this resolution and waiting to see what happens."

There might be an even more instructive analogy.

In May 2007, 140 Democrats in the House of Representatives voted to defund the Iraq war. In September of the same year, Congress voted to increase the debt limit. Imagine if Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats had threatened to breach the debt ceiling unless Republicans agreed to defund the war. At that time, approval of the Iraq war was polled at 33% in favor and 64% against.

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Considering the Debt Ceiling deadline is 10/17; the shut down could last until say the 20th.  Nothing is going to happen because that's the next fight. 




What needs to happen; the voters who vote in Presidential elections and provided Obama with the winning majority in 2008 and 2012 needs to rise up and vote in 2014.  They need to do what maybe impossible and defeat the Tea Party and the Republicans in 2014.

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Considering the Debt Ceiling deadline is 10/17; the shut down could lost until say the 20th. Nothing is going to happen because that's the next fight.

What needs to happen; the voters who vote in Presidential elections and provided Obama with the winning majority in 2008 and 2012 needs to rise up and vote in 2014. They need to do what maybe impossible and defeat the Tea Party and the Republicans in 2014.

The Republicans in the House were "defeated" by 1.2m votes in 2012. They won 53% of the seats with 48% of the votes. The Dems won't take back the House until after the 2020 census IF they control the state legislatures at that time. Republicans have gerrymandered the **** out of so many states that its virtually impossible for Dems to win the House.

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The Republicans in the House were "defeated" by 1.2m votes in 2012. They won 53% of the seats with 48% of the votes. The Dems won't take back the House until after the 2020 census IF they control the state legislatures at that time. Republicans have gerrymandered the **** out of so many states that its virtually impossible for Dems to win the House.

funny how that works when ya draw safe districts for Dems....it do tend to weaken them elsewhere.

It ain't just Reps gerrymandering.

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These guys are seriously pissing me off. They know the Senate is not going to accept anything but a clean bill. They shouldn't either. I hope they take a stand so we can stop playing politics with the Budget, CR and debt limits. The GOP has lost my vote, not that it is going to the Dems, I will either not vote or vote independent. Well looks like I get to go into the office tomorrow to sign my furlough letter....again. 

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The House Rules committee is meeting shortly on CSpan. One possibility  mentioned was the House is planning on voting to appoint conferess to a conference with the Senate.

There is nothing to go to conference about. Pass the clean CR and be done with it. 

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Senator Reid just refused to go to conference.

Good. The GOP just looks like a bunch of fools without a plan right now. Either vote the CR or just admit you don't care about funding the govt you just care about doing something/anything about Obamacare. Hell, they don't even know what they want to do with Obamacare. 

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Good. The GOP just looks like a bunch of fools without a plan right now. Either vote the CR or just admit you don't care about funding the govt you just care about doing something/anything about Obamacare. Hell, they don't even know what they want to do with Obamacare. 


Relax, you will get a couple days off and paid for it later.

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