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Budget Fight: Will The Clean Continuing Resolution See The House Floor?


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I am also a solid conservative, but they need to listen to the American people.



What if Democrats threatened to shutdown the government until Congress passed background checks for gun purchases? I mean, something like 80% of people support background checks.


Just as President Obama said - you can't threatened to shutdown the government just because you don't like a bill. It is insanity.



Where?  The majority of middle class Americans have healthcare and don't want it touched right now.  I don't get paid a excellent wage but I'm fine with that because my healthcare costs are very low.  Now....they will skyrocket which in essence means I'm going to pay more.  If I pay more, my take home pay becomes less.  And he ran with the Healthcare campaign because he promised the middle class that we won't pay ONE DIME more for already having healthcare.   Guess what? They are rising astronomically right now and I'm living proof of it.  Sounded awesome when he campaigned with it, not so awesome right now when my employer is letting us now our healthcare premiums are soon to be doubling if not more.  Like I said I consider myself middle of the pact and lean more toward who takes the common sense approach but its amazing to me the Democrats who just suck onto everything Obama does like he is the next coming of Jesus.  You can sway it however you want, but most of the middle class who did elect him for his 2nd term are coming to realization that this is not what they asked for.  He ran a great campaign, I'll give him that.  He made it sound like this law would be fantastic more middle class and we all are getting snubbed in the face.


Poll: Only 33 percent believe that the health law should be repealed, delayed, or defunded



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Like I said I consider myself middle of the pact and lean more toward who takes the common sense approach but its amazing to me the Democrats who just suck onto everything Obama does like he is the next coming of Jesus.


Sorry, but you can't claim you're "middle of the road" and then say something so inane that it confirms you suck at the teat of Fox News and get your marching orders straight from the Tea Party.





What if Democrats threatened to shutdown the government until Congress passed background checks for gun purchases? I mean, something like 80% of people support background checks.


Just as President Obama said - you can't threatened to shutdown the government just because you don't like a bill. It is insanity.




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What if Democrats threatened to shutdown the government until Congress passed background checks for gun purchases? I mean, something like 80% of people support background checks.


Just as President Obama said - you can't threatened to shutdown the government just because you don't like a bill. It is insanity.


Poll: Only 33 percent believe that the health law should be repealed, delayed, or defunded




Come on....post a poll that doesn't take into account that some people like myself would rather watch this law go into effect to see the consequences.  I originally stated in my first post that I'm on board to see it through.  26% swayed this way.  Look for a straight up poll on who opposes and who approves.

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I am also a solid conservative, but they need to listen to the American people.  We don't want Obamacare.

You are aware that this claim isn't true?

A small percentage of Americans want Obamacare repealed. (In fact, less than half of Republicans do.)

A larger percentage don't like it because they want it expanded.

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Sorry, but you can't claim you're "middle of the road" and then say something so inane that it confirms you suck at the teat of Fox News and get your marching orders straight from the Tea Party.









Yeah this is the usual response everyone gets when they don't agree with something from Democrats OR Republicans.  Politics is so ridiculous.  Nobody votes for what's right anymore and its for all partys.  It's nothing but "If you don't agree with me well then you suck and watch fox news".  This country will turn around when people stop pointing fingers like that and slandering people who have an opposition to a point of view.

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Come on....post a poll that doesn't take into account that some people like myself would rather watch this law go into effect to see the consequences. I originally stated in my first post that I'm on board to see it through. 26% swayed this way. Look for a straight up poll on who opposes and who approves.

You claim your paycheck is getting crushed because of skyrocketing healthcare costs, yet you'd rather watch the law go into effect to see (experience?) the consequences. Alrighty then.

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Yeah this is the usual response everyone gets when they don't agree with something from Democrats OR Republicans.  Politics is so ridiculous.  Nobody votes for what's right anymore and its for all partys.  It's nothing but "If you don't agree with me well then you suck and watch fox news".  This country will turn around when people stop pointing fingers like that and slandering people who have an opposition to a point of view.


Then don't make ridiculous claims that Democrats suck onto everything Obama does like he is the next coming of Jesus.


No one treats Obama that way. It's a fabricated mindset that the Fox News wonks like to potray.

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. . . its amazing to me the Democrats who just suck onto everything Obama does like he is the next coming of Jesus.

This country will turn around when people stop pointing fingers like that and slandering people who have an opposition to a point of view.

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I wonder if Harry Reid could get enough Democrats behind a proposal to pass a CR, that extends funding for the government, but at FY13 nominal dollars.  (No automatic increases to discretionary spending for inflation and population growth.) 


That's a "budget cut", in Washington-speak.  But it's a really small one, and across the board.  It would put the Democrats out there as the ones proposing to slow the growth of government. 


And, since it would be a cap on discretionary spending, it would cap defense spending, but not entitlements.  It would then put the Republicans in the position of either adding in cuts to things like Social Security (and, the only way to keep nominal spending on Social Security constant, is to cut people's monthly checks.  Something they will notice right away.), or accepting defense cuts (and they've been trying to increase defense spending, since the day the sequester passed), or voting to remove language that caps federal spending. 


That would be some interesting political theater, there.

Ordinarily, this is an approach I'd support. However in this case I think compromise would set a dangerous precedent. So let's say the Dems give the Tea Party morons a carrot so they can have a "win" to take back to their constituents. The very next time funding the government or the debt ceiling comes up for a vote again, the precedent would be set that if we just threaten to blow everything up we'll get something again. Likewise, it would provide an incentive for the Dems to do the same thing when the shoe is on the other foot. Basically it's the same concept as not negotiating with terrorists. You just can't do it.

Personally, the deal I'd push for is basically this. If you guys want to negotiate in good faith, pass a clean CR AND debt limit bill then we'll talk. Start with the medical device tax in exchange for GOP approval of some tweaks that fix loopholes in Obamacare like the 30 hour rule. If we can come up with more tradeoffs, then everybody wins. If not, then no harm no foul.

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. . . its amazing to me the Democrats who just suck onto everything Obama does like he is the next coming of Jesus.

This country will turn around when people stop pointing fingers like that and slandering people who have an opposition to a point of view.



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"You don't get to extract a ransom for doing your job, for doing what you're supposed to be doing anyway, or just because there's a law there that you don't like." - President Obama



or you could just ignore or subvert it like Obama...and fund raise off it



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Moderate House Republicans working to line up votes on their own plan


Washington (CNN) - Moderate House Republicans who want to fund the government with no strings attached are working to line up votes against a House GOP plan to renew federal coffers while chipping away at Obamacare, multiple GOP sources involved in the effort tell CNN.

Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pennsylvania, Rep. Peter King, R-New York, and others are feverishly making calls to stage what would effectively be a revolt.

They say they are hoping there are enough GOP members like them who are fed up with the tactics of the leadership that they can find enough votes to defeat the first procedural measure, known as the rule.

That would prevent the House GOP leadership from even bringing their plan up at all.

Given the makeup of the GOP caucus, these House Republican moderates would need in the ballpark of 20 Republicans to agree to defy their leadership, and be willing to face what will undoubtedly be the wrath of the conservative grassroots.




More from link.

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He said they would be paid, eventually.

As in, not as usual.

As in, not when their mortgage/car payment/student loan/electric bill/phone bill/car insurance/water bill/credit card payment/gas bill/cable bill/HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM...would normally be paid.


That's what he said.  Eventually. 

As in, maybe after people (*government employees*) get their **** turned off.

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He said they would be paid, eventually.

As in, not as usual.

As in, not when their mortgage/car payment/student loan/electric bill/phone bill/car insurance/water bill/credit card payment/gas bill/cable bill/HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM...would normally be paid.


That's what he said.  Eventually. 

As in, maybe after people (*government employees*) get their **** turned off.


Yup. Blake Blake Farenthold is a ****ing idiot.  Him and Louie Gohmert are just making Texas proud.

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Well, the Congress critters, both House and Senate will continue to get paid, so what the heck do they care about the rest of Government?


All I know is that the sequester has been very detrimental to my income this year, and if the Government shuts down, so do the procurement shops, which means the RFPs I'm waiting on to come out will be further delayed.  I'm hoping I can make to the end of the year, and I don't know what I'll do after that.  At least my tax rate will be low this year, like poverty level.

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I'd love to see RM as host of MTP.  DG is just a prop, asking "questions" and allowing the guest to just play out their talking points.  No follow up from DG.

I had high hopes in the beginning. I believe Tim was the very best at almost everything...my world stopped when he passed. 

But you know Rachel will NEVER get that gig.  She might even be smarter than the POTUS. :P

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