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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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I think that the Dems are so scared of Trump because they know that he will attack at any instance.

I think anybody who isn't scared of the thought of PRESIDENT Trump should be committed.

I think "the Dems" think CANDIDATE Trump is the best entertainment they've seen, for years.

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I think anybody who isn't scared of the thought of PRESIDENT Trump should be committed.

I think "the Dems" think CANDIDATE Trump is the best entertainment they've seen, for years.


I don't think any Dems are excited or think Trump is entertainment other than those who don't get it.


Trump isn't any scarier than any liar like Hillary.  Liars never prosper.  Neither do bad candidates.

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I think that the Dems are so scared of Trump because they know that he will attack at any instance.


McCain and Romney were so afraid of attacking Obama and being called a racist that they ran and hid.  Trump is different, he won't hold anything back (see the way he's making Bill a liability instead of helping).

Right, because he has blared high racist crap far and wide. A bit late to start hiding from it now. 

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There is one reason and one reason only that privatization is off the table.  Privatization of any portion of SS would mean the Government would lose control of their SS accounting scam.  How would you replace these dollars to "loan" to the general fund?  They state "risky" investments but the privatization could dictate the investment types you could choose.  I don't care what the government says I could invest my money in, I just care that it is MY money not theirs.

The best solution is to put millennials to work.  But that would require an economy lol.  Maybe Hillary can do better at that then our current leader.




Hillary Clinton's Social Security Plan -- What You Need to Know Currently the Democratic Party frontrunner, Clinton's Social Security plan focuses on three key points.

As we drive headlong into a new year, the magnitude of 2016 is becoming readily apparent. This will be the first time in eight years that American voters will be electing a new president into the oval office. We could also witness a shake-up in Congress, which is currently controlled by the Republican Party in both the House and Senate.


While we'd each like to see our favorite candidate get elected, we, as Americans, taxpayers, and investors, need to be prepared for whatever economic changes might come our way in the coming years as a new president and Congress take office.


One issue that seems bound to dominate the 2016 presidential elections concerns what should be done with the Social Security Program.


Social Security's problems, unmasked
Social Security is best known for providing financial security to our nation's retired workers, but it also covers millions of disabled workers, as well as survivors of eligible workers who've passed away. It and Medicare are often viewed as two of the most important social programs designed to protect seniors as they age.


But Social Security is in trouble. Baby boomers are retiring, and as they leave the workforce the worker-to-beneficiary ratio falls. In other words, there are simply a growing number of retirees eligible to receive a Social Security benefit payments, and not enough workers to replace these boomers. Adding to the programs' woes, people are living longer than ever, meaning beneficiaries can expect to receive Social Security benefit payments for perhaps one-, two-, or even three-plus decades.


According to the latest Social Security Trustees' report, the Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Trust (OASDI) is likely going to burn through its cash reserves by 2034. To be crystal clear, this doesn't mean that the Social Security program is going bankrupt, but it does require that changes be made at the Congressional level that help raise revenue for the program, cut benefits, or use some combination of the two. If not, the Trustees' report suggests that a 21% benefits cut could be in order for beneficiaries in less than two decades in order to sustain the program until 2087.


What you need to know about Hillary Clinton's Social Security plan
How to fix Social Security has been a hotly debated topic for as long as I can recall, and presidential candidates from both parties have been tasked with finding a solution. Hillary Clinton, the current frontrunner in Democratic polling, is one such candidate.


Although we don't have a detailed Social Security plan as of yet from Clinton – normally leading candidates won't unveil specific plan components until later in the election cycle -- we can look back at previous debates to get a firm understanding of what key points she'd emphasize if she were elected President. Let's briefly examine those points, including the possible benefits and challenges, to get a better understanding of what Social Security could be like if Clinton is elected President.


1. Privatization is off the table
If there is a standout point to Clinton's stance on Social Security over the past two decades, it's that privatizing the program is not a viable option.


more at link....



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Interesting article that proposes that Trump's rise isn't due to his whiteness, or business success, but his ability to appeal to authoritarian sensibilities.




It's based only on this one guy's research, so lots of salt to it, but it's a relatively untested question.  I would not be surprised if further research found his data point carried water.

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read that earlier, it does make sense.(not near as fun as just dismissing them as racist idiots though :P )

Fortunately my authoritarian side is subject to common sense


this one had some interesting points as well...as well as a cool map  ;)



a significant portion of Trump’s support comes from “a certain kind of Democrat,” and he currently stands ready to pull up to 20 percent of Democratic support from Hillary Clinton.


The GOP underestimated Trump in part because it overestimated the conservatism of its own southern, rural northern, and Midwestern base.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/429853/donald-trump-voters-conservatism

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read that earlier, it does make sense.(not near as fun as just dismissing them as racist idiots though :P )

Fortunately my authoritarian side is subject to common sense


this one had some interesting points as well...as well as a cool map  ;)



a significant portion of Trump’s support comes from “a certain kind of Democrat,” and he currently stands ready to pull up to 20 percent of Democratic support from Hillary Clinton.


The GOP underestimated Trump in part because it overestimated the conservatism of its own southern, rural northern, and Midwestern base.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/429853/donald-trump-voters-conservatism


That poll smells and was paid for by Trump.


How do 20% of Democrats leave to vote for Hillary and only 14% Republicans come the other way and Hillary still leads in the poll?


I'm willing to bet they went out of their way to poll people that are registered as Democrat, but haven't voted Democrat in a national election in a long time.

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That poll smells and was paid for by Trump.


How do 20% of Democrats leave to vote for Hillary and only 14% Republicans come the other way and Hillary still leads in the poll?


I'm willing to bet they went out of their way to poll people that are registered as Democrat, but haven't voted Democrat in a national election in a long time.


well online polls are certainly suspect :lol: , but it does seem he is drawing Dem supporters in many polls.


the type of conservatives is more my interest, ie: what drives them.

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I do think that Trump (and similar candidates, who are, essentially, independent, like Ron Paul and Ross Perot and Bernie Sanders) have.

They don't actually think they've got a chance.

This allows them to say a lot of things outright, that politicians who are actually trying to win have to hint at or imply.


And this freedom to speak without worrying about voter retaliation does cause the candidate to appear to be vastly more honest and sincere. 


I suspect that this freedom is also quite liberating to the candidate, which also lends itself to making him appear much more confident and honest. 

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Cruz is a phenomenal speaker. Today was no different. He killed it. It felt like one of those mega church sermons - and I think that is exactly what he was going for. The right is going to eat it up.

Opponents of Cruz constantly underestimate him. He is not stupid. He is actually extremely smart. He is a political sociopath and narcissist - but not stupid.

It will be interesting.


I told y'all last March that Cruz was for real. Cruz is going to win this nomination. He is an unbelievable campaigner. 


If he wins, Democrats better not underestimate him. We do at our own risk. People have been doing that for years, he just keeps winning and winning. 

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I told y'all last March that Cruz was for real. Cruz is going to win this nomination. He is an unbelievable campaigner. 


If he wins, Democrats better not underestimate him. We do at our own risk. People have been doing that for years, he just keeps winning and winning. 


I must admit he has impressed me, I thought Dewhurst would teach him some humility .....or crush him with money. :P

So the Democrats have racists too. Who knew?


apparently they prefer being called authoritarians  ;)

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Sanders gets a look at Clinton’s South Carolina firewall


Bernie Sanders got a taste here Saturday night of what could await him when the Democratic presidential campaign comes to South Carolina.


The senator from Vermont delivered a forceful speech and appealed to a predominantly African-American audience with calls to overhaul the nation’s criminal justice system and cure chronic minority unemployment.


But it was Hillary Clinton who owned the room at a South Carolina Democratic Party dinner. In contrast to her two opponents, Clinton received boisterous,

standing ovations at the start and finish of her speech. She offered herself as a steely protector of President Obama’s legacy who would preserve and extending his policies.


The dinner was held on the eve of Sunday’s NBC debate and kicked off a weekend of political festivities in Charleston timed around Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Following the dinner, the candidates went across town to Rep. James E. Clyburn’s famous fish fry, where they rallied hundreds of Democratic activists over fried fish, libations, music and dance.


This is a critical time in the race as polls show Sanders gaining on Clinton in the kick-off caucus state of Iowa. Clinton told the South Carolina crowd that she takes nothing for granted and vowed to earn every vote and outwork every competitor.


Clinton raised the stakes of electability, saying that she, Sanders and former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley share many of the same policy priorities. She said voters should evaluate the candidates as well on who could prevent a Republican victory that she warned would “rip away all the progress we have worked so hard to achieve.”


Some of Clinton’s loudest applause came when she offered a taste of how she might take on the Republicans in a general election.


Watching the GOP debates, she said, “really was kind of like a reality TV show, but as it goes on it’s become clear that these characters have actually no connection to reality.” And Clinton condemned the Republican field for demonizing and demeaning Obama.


“Both [Texas Sen.] Ted Cruz and [New Jersey Gov.] Chris Christie called him a ‘child’ the other night,” Clinton said. “Too often we hear Republicans talking in coded racial language about ‘free stuff,’ ‘takers’ and ‘losers.’ That has absolutely no place in our democracy and in our politics.”


Clinton played up her deep ties to the African-American community, noting her work with Obama in the administration and recalling sitting next to Clyburn, South Carolina’s top Democrat, at last year’s memorial service for the Charleston church massacre. Praising Obama’s remarks, she said, “My goodness, when he started singing ‘Amazing Grace’ I thought I was going to fall on the floor.”



Trump brands Cruz a 'nasty guy'


The fracas between the Republican presidential front-runners escalated Sunday as Donald Trump went after Ted Cruz’s likability, calling the Texas senator a “nasty guy.”


“Nobody likes him, nobody in Congress likes him, nobody likes him anywhere once they get to know him,” Trump said in an interview airing on ABC’s “This Week.”

And Trump said he’ll consider filing his own lawsuit challenging Cruz’s eligibility to be president based on his birth.


“Maybe I’ll talk to them about it,” Trump said. “I’d like to talk to Ted about it, see how he’d feel about it — ’cause you know, when I file suits, I file real suits."

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Her husband gave us the crime bill that locked up black folk in record numbers, I guess she is gonna distance herself now from her cronies like Rahm Emanuel.

Not really sure why Democrats put up with the likes of Rahm.  I am sure Hillary would do better if elected.




Hillary Clinton Walks Back Support for Rahm Emanuel, Repeats Call for Reform

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday morning, talking at length with Chuck Todd about topics spanning from the Iran deal to the film "13 Hours" about the attack on Benghazi. 

One topic was Mayor Rahm Emanuel's leadership, with Todd asking if Emanuel has the "credibility to heal the wounds in Chicago between the African-American community and law enforcement."


Clinton responded by reiterating her "outrage" at the fatal shooting of Laquan McDonald, and repeating her support for the Department of Justice investigation into the Chicago Police Department. 

"This is not a problem that is unique to Chicago unfortunately," she continued, "and we’ve got to do a lot more to deal with the systemic racism and the problems that policing have demonstrated."


When pressed specifically on Emanuel, she said, "Mayor Emanuel has said that he is committed to complete and total reform and I think he should be held to that standard," adding that it's "going to be up to him and up to the people of Chicago" to prove his credibility.


This statement comes as a far less enthusiastic version of the support she voiced for Emanuel last month.


Just two days after calling for an independent DOJ inquiry into the CPD after being "deeply troubled" by the shooting of Laquan McDonald, Clinton told voters in Iowa on Dec. 4 that she was supportive of Emanuel.

"He loves Chicago, and I'm confident that he's going to do everything he can to get to the bottom of these issues and take whatever measures are necessary to remedy them," she said. 


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So excited to hear Martin O'Malley, he single handedly almost destroyed MD. Maybe I could watch him play guitar in downtown annapolis as president instead of gubenor. Oh wait, he hasn't got a chance in hell.

Be honest, you're just watching because you have developed an undeniable attraction to Hillary. When obsession goes wrong... ;-)

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