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Super Bowl XLVIII Thread (Post Mortem )

Mr. Sinister

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I have DT. Before the snap of DT's 78 yd td I said to my friends DT is going to get a 78 yd td right. Once he got free we all went wild because I predicted it perfectly.


I have DT on my fantasy team as well. Sadly I also have the Ravens defense and am playing against Peyton Manning so, you know, some good some bad ....


As for the real football very impressive from Denver on both sides of the ball and not very good from the Ravens on either side. On offense the Ravens look very thin at receiver and their scheme looks very vanilla. Always dangerous to draw too many conclusions from one game but it could be a long year for the Ravens.

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I have DT on my fantasy team as well. Sadly I also have the Ravens defense and am playing against Peyton Manning so, you know, some good some bad ....

Same here, DT and Ravens D. I thought about benching and putting in Skins D but couldnt find anyone I could justifiy dropping for another defense. So I just went ahead and accepted the fact that they're probably going to get torched, and they did.

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Somewhere Oldfan is mentally posting arguments as to how everyone remains delusional about Peyton being anything all that special and the scheme just covers his awful mechanics.


You can't judge a player on intangibles, like doing things that nobody in the modern NFL has ever done.

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you east coasters are gonna be hurtin if you watch the whole game ;)

I was a little sluggish this morning. Went to sleep at 1 and got my wife up at 5, went back to sleep until 6. But I'm usually a 5 hours of sleep a night guy anyway.

What's with all the damn lightning delays in football lately. I think it's over cautious when the storm is over 10 miles away.

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It's hard to truly get a read on things until week four or so, but man, that was the kind of beatdown you rarely see in the NFL anymore. Especially when the losing team just won the Super Bowl.


The Denver D was missing their two best players. Then again, I think I could cover Brandon Stokley and Dallas Clark at this point. How are they focal points of the Baltimore passing game? Stokley got cut by the Skins when we had nothing at receiver. Clark is done, done, done. I have so much respect for Ozzie Newsome, and know Baltimore has suffered some bad injuries at TE, but there have to be better options out there than Stokley and Clark.


Manning is just awesome. No news there. And so damn aggressive even though his arm ain't nearly what it used to be. The guy just processes stuff so fast. 

Oh my god. 7 touchdowns? That's 14 toppings for a large 10$ pizza at Papa John's. Now it all makes sense why he bought Papa John's, especially where weed is legal. Legit genius.

LOL. Genius.

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Somewhere Oldfan is mentally posting arguments as to how everyone remains delusional about Peyton being anything all that special and the scheme just covers his awful mechanics.

If Tebow were swapped with Peyton, he'd have done the same thing. The qb has very little influence on things.

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Somewhere Oldfan is mentally posting arguments as to how everyone remains delusional about Peyton being anything all that special and the scheme just covers his awful mechanics.

The below quote was in Oldfan's QBTG (QB Talent Grade) thread: 

To my eyes, Sam Bradford is a better pocket passer than Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. So, he would get a higher score from me. I have it like this:


Bradford 8 X 4.7 = 37.6

Brady 8 X 4.5 = 36

Manning 8 X 4.0 = 32


In other words, if all three were given the same brand new scheme and an equal supporting cast. Bradford's performance would be the best of the three.

To which Manning would respond by dropping 7 TDs on the defending SB champions, and throw for 305 yards and 5 TDs in a half.

But, he's a less talented pocket passer than Bradford. :)


My favorite tweet of the night came from God. Literally.



Peyton Manning is much better at his job than I am at Mine.


HAHAHAHA.  Somewhat sacrilegious, but hysterical nonetheless. Also funny that the only person that God follows is Justin Bieber. 

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Didn't go through the entire thread (assuming it was pretty much all about Thursday night's game), but now we have the rest of the slate starting tomorrow. GB-SF is probably the biggest game Sunday, and the Cowboys-Giants night game will be of great interest from the divisional perspective.


What about the 10 games that start at 1 pm?  Which one is of highest interest to you?  Falcons at Saints would appear to be the top one, but wouldn't it be fun to see the sudden media darling Seahawks lose at Carolina tomorrow? 

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Falcons/Saints is always a good game. I will laugh my ass off if Seattle loses to Carolina. There'a always 3-4 upsets every opening week. That's normally where teams are the most even. October-November is normally where teams start to separate themselves. I'd love for anyone to beat Seattle, and beat them badly, so they can shut the **** up, and be welcomed to reality, which is where you earn the opportunity to play in a SB by how you play, not by what some analysts think of you on paper

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Carolina over Seattle could happen. Away from Seattle who knows. Carolina has good LBs who will be disciplined against the run. Dunno about Newton beating their defense though.

Cam Newton is a heck of a QB - he still reminds me of a younger Big Ben but a better runner. On his day he can move it against any defense but I'm not sure that the Panthers have the supporting cast around him on offense to beat the Hawks. Like many on ES I'd love to see the Panthers get the win though.

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Starting Week 1 on Monday blows. Especially since there's like one watchable game total for each time slot tomorrow.

I'm in Chicago this weekend and next week - we have the Benglas and Bears on the early game on CBS and then Packers against 49ers on Fox for the late game. Not too bad ....

Looking forward to Dallas and Giants tonight as well if the jet lag has not kicked in by then!

It is a long time to Monday night though ....

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Geno Smith in regards to watching/studying for Revis - "No I won't be studying him."


Revis on Geno's comments - "I'm not sure why he wouldn't study me, but I'll be studying him."


This is why people shouldn't get confused when they try to compare Geno to the "Gang Of Four" that busted out last year. Dude is all bravado. He's raw as hell, missed valuable practice time due to injury, plays on a team devoid of offensive talent, and plays for a joke of an organization, and on top of all of that, isn't anywhere close to being as talented as Kaepernick, Wilson, Luck, and Griffin. I'd be studying what kind of coffee Revis likes. Dude needs to eat, sleep, breathe, and **** football.


Even before he was drafted, he immediately struck me as a guy who felt like he's owed something, and that he would be able to start balling out immediately. You earn your keep, every step of the way. I think Geno is going to get a valuable education today. 


Side note... Everyone keeps mentioning how Payton coming back to New Orleans, and coaching the first game in the Superdome will be comparable to the Katrina Game, in terms of emotion. However, like last year (When RGIII shredded them), emotion doesn't suit up, and cover WR's, TE's, and stop the run. I want the Saints to be successful (to a point), and they're one of the teams that I generally root for whenever they're on, but their defense is a mess, and they'e switching to a 3-4. Not good. 

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I'm interested in the Seattle-Carolina game, wish we were getting that one on TV here. Will Cam step up this year? Can Seattle win a road game on the East Coast against a decent team? Hope not. :)


Atlanta-New Orleans should be good. Winner gets an early jump on the division race.


Some people seem to like Detroit. Can they dispatch the Vikings? If they can't there will be many broken ankles as people flee that bandwagon.

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