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Does Mlb Need To Expand Replay?


How far should MLB expand replay?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. How far should MLB expand replay?

    • Calls on the bases
    • Home runs and foul balls
    • Only calls at home plate
    • Everything including balls and strikes
    • Everything but balls and strikes

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It's painfully clear baseball is stuck in the past, so in an ideal world, how much should instant replay be used in baseball?

Man, I was thinking about this yesterday. The reason the NFL is so popular over baseball is because the NFL is adopting to the times while MLB is trying to hold on to the past. They need to wake up and realize that technology will only help the game get better.


I voted that they should only use replay on Home Runs and Foul Balls. Everything else is fine.

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I know this has been the same forever, its just HD TV and slow-mo replay that is showing us how many calls they miss. But I think the issue is the Umps are rarely held accountable for their mistakes. Sometimes they push it the other way and let their egos just run all over the place.


I voted for calls on bases. But what I would like is replay for scoring plays, and the managers getting 2 challenges a game that are reviewed by somebody in the booth. Not a field ump. If they manager wins both, they keep getting challenges until they lose one. But you can challenge anything from a guy making it to 1st safe. To a stolen base call. Not using them on balls and strikes. That would suck. Eventually pitch track WILL replace those calls. I believe that.


Guys like HIrshbeck and Angel Hernandez need to be let go from Umping all together.

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The "human element" baseball likes to tout, is going to cost somebody a world series title. Its not a matter of if, only when.

The technology is readily available, just have a dedicated ump in a booth somewhere who's job would be to watch replays and make corrections when necessary.


I would prefer replay everywhere, but I can live with a homeplate umpire calling balls and strikes. I don't think there is a good enough reason not to have replay everywhere else by now.

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Do you mean a literal interpretation of "instant replay" where you retroactively look to correct a call? Or are you including using technology to get calls right immediately. I agree that somehow balls and strikes should be more consistent...I'm not sure how you do it, but if we can see on TV that a pitch is a strike, so should those officiating the game.


I think using replay for home runs, close plays in the field, etc. is fine. Those come up so infrequently that they could correct them in a matter of minutes.

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I chose on the bases, and am including home in that option.


From stuff like what happened yesterday (Red Sox score the tying run, but the ump called the runner out, ended up losing) to the lost perfect game last year, they need to be able to use replay to get those calls right.

I dont know how you could use technology to determine a play like the one in last nights Rays/Sox game.  I think using it to determine HRs is the perfect use.  I dont see how it can applied to any other aspect. 


Easy. You can do a frame by frame to see if the runner reached the base before the ball/tag.

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I dont know how you could use technology to determine a play like the one in last nights Rays/Sox game. I think using it to determine HRs is the perfect use. I dont see how it can applied to any other aspect.

Shouldn't the ump have positioned himself better on that play. He's directly behind the catcher, shielded from the runners foot, the tag and everything having to do with the call.

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I chose on the bases, and am including home in that option.


From stuff like what happened yesterday (Red Sox score the tying run, but the ump called the runner out, ended up losing) to the lost perfect game last year, they need to be able to use replay to get those calls right.

I dont know how you could use technology to determine a play like the one in last nights Rays/Sox game.  I think using it to determine HRs is the perfect use.  I dont see how it can applied to any other aspect. 


Easy. You can do a frame by frame to see if the runner reached the base before the ball/tag.

IF there is an angle.  Last nights camera angle didnt show the front of Molina with the glove.  It certainly looked like the runner got his foot in, but the camera didnt show where the ball and glove was when his foot touched.


And plays at first (or anywhere with a force) the umpires use sound as well and sight to determine bangbang plays.  Video shows a ball entering a mitt, but when is that considered caught?  When it crosses the threshold or when it hits the pocket?  How can video show that?  The problem is that replay can easily help with obvious mistakes, but unlike football, I dont think it can help with the really really close ones.

I dont know how you could use technology to determine a play like the one in last nights Rays/Sox game. I think using it to determine HRs is the perfect use. I dont see how it can applied to any other aspect.

Shouldn't the ump have positioned himself better on that play. He's directly behind the catcher, shielded from the runners foot, the tag and everything having to do with the call.

He even said so after the game.

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I dont know how you could use technology to determine a play like the one in last nights Rays/Sox game.  I think using it to determine HRs is the perfect use.  I dont see how it can applied to any other aspect. 


???  A simple replay would've overturned that easy call.

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Poll needs to allow for multiple choices.  None of those really captures it for me.  Anyway, I'd have as reviewable:


Homeruns, fair/foul, safe/out, catch/trap.


No balls and strikes or check swings

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I'd like to see replay for most of the fast-action, hard-angle-to-see type plays (HRs vs. top of wall, fair vs. foul, safe/out, etc).  I don't think replay for balls/strikes is feasible, but some type of electronic automated system so that the strike zone is uniform and unbiased would be very welcome.  I can't stand how variable the strike zone is, even within a game with a single umpire.  I imagine that a system similar to the one used for in/out calls in tennis could work well, with equally fast calls on balls/strikes as a human umpire, with increased accuracy and consistency. 

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Poll needs to allow for multiple choices.  None of those really captures it for me.  Anyway, I'd have as reviewable:







No balls and strikes, check swings, etc.

I think if it does expand to balls and strikes, it should only be for called strike 3's and ball 4's.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have no problem with this at all. Too often, umpires made mistakes and the manager went out there to argue, to no avail. There have been a lot of bad calls, and this had to happen.

It might take longer, but not much longer. And a correctly called game is better than a game where errors are just ignored because "it's a human game played by people".

Umpires are people. People make mistakes. Those mistakes should not go uncorrected. The Tigers should have been able to challenge the Jim Joyce call. The Braves should have been able to challenge the play last year in the playoffs. This replay will hopefully provide a proper channel to review and fix mistakes, even at the cost of extending the game.

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FP brought up a good point on the Nats broadcast. Are you going to see challenges over "in the area" plays at 2nd base on double plays? If so then get ready for more injuries on these plays because infielders won't be able to get out of the way.

If its late in a game and managers have challenges to burn, they're just going to use them- frequently. There's nothing that I've read to penalize them for getting one wrong, like the loss of a timeout in football. This will fundamentally change the game. TERRIBLE execution on this idea, and I hope it fails when it comes to vote.

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