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***2021-2022 NBA Season Thread***


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Durant stayed with OKC (and Seattle) for 9 seasons. I suspect he put in the work. I bet he leaves the league within 6 years (why stay 20 years into your late 30's when you can get out after 15 and actually be healthy and young).


Hard to fault someone probably looking at their career being more than half over and wanting to actually significantly better their chances for winning a ring. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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No. I have more pride in my work and profession. Do you respect the person who married into their riches, or the one who worked their ass off for it

And herein lies the disconnect that I was referring to, where because you see a player make a decision you don't like in joining an immensely talented team, you assume that Kevin Durant didn't work harder than you ever worked in your life, living in conditions you can't fathom, and overcoming various obstacles to even make it to college/the NBA, then joining an upstart franchise and transforming it into a perennialpowerhouse. You appear to make the assumption that he worked for none of this, and had everything come easy,or get handed to him, while you, and you alone (or any other average joe) understands the true value of having pride in what you do a d working hard for what you get.

That is the modern disconnect, right there.

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History says otherwise. Thats what the NBA was built on, thenI s what made it popular, thats what elevated it to a global brand, and most recently, during the Heat Big III era, our Finals appearances drew some of the highest ratings in years.

I'm assuming the NBA wants to grow beyond having great ratings for the finals. The owners undoubtedly want to get more from the first 82 games, especially those 26 or so owners with no real title hopes.

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Everybody complaining about KD, ain't nobody talking about this...


Curry was injured for years and GS got lucky with his injury discounted contract. Additionally, the NBA cap rose around 20+ mil in one year, and is guaranteed to rise again in the coming years. (especially once the jersey ads start rolling). Theres no point in talking about that. Its been talked to death and isnt all that hard to understand.

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Don't mind him. Keeping festivities in mind, if he were alive during the American Revolution, he'd most certainly be a closet loyalist, sipping tea at a social gathering on Evacuation Day, appearing to celebrate but at the same casually mention that the only reason we won is because the redbacks were too busy quarreling with the French, and could've crushed us easily.

And that while a decent leader, General Washington is no Michael Jordan...

There is no way that is going to happen, come on now. If it does Steve Kerr should be fired. Durant will likely be the 1st or 2nd scoring option, depending on how Curry adjusts his game. Klay is good, really good, but he is not in Durants stratosphere


I'm done with the other arguing plus I think this is the most interesting part about the move. Klay and Curry have that chemistry and given how Clay played against the Thunder, will he be ok if his shots and point totals go down. Would Durant be ok with that? Curry will have the ball the most which KD is used to with Westbrook so that shouldn't be a problem. I know it won't happen, but what if KD came off the bench as the 6th man. Now you have him scoring against second units but still playing the entire 4th quarter.

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Report that there's no chance Westbrook signs an extension.  It was obvious, but now it's all the more clear that OKC needs to move him pronto.  Current OKC is finished, if not this year, then next, OKC FO should be smart enough to realize this.  Get something, start the re-build.  Gotta do it.

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I have a theory about what just happened.   I can't prove it, but I suspect it.  


I think it was just as much about Russ Westbrook as it was about Durant.   I think Russ doesn't like playing in OKC, and wants to get back to the nightlife and beaches of LA where he is from.   Those rumors have been flying about Russ for years.   I think Russ told Durant that he wasn't going to resign with OKC when he hits free agency next year.


So Durant had to decide what to do now.   If he stayed in OKC without Russ longterm, he probably never would win a ring.   If he stayed one more year in OKC, there would be a lot fewer teams out there with the cap space to sign him.  The Warriors definitely would not be one of them, because Harrison Barnes was going to take up all of the remaining cap space in GS.  


So Durant said, screw it, Ill jump now and see if I can be part of something truly special and get a shot at some rings, on a team with friends that I genuinely like, that fits my playing style, that has a lot of fun, in a nice place to live.  I'll sign a one and one contract, and if it doesn't work out, I can move on next year to a new team just the same as I would if I stayed with OKC on a one-and-one.  But If I don't join GS now, I never will get a chance to do that.  


Does this make sense to anyone else?   

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And herein lies the disconnect that I was referring to, where because you see a player make a decision you don't like in joining an immensely talented team, you assume that Kevin Durant didn't work harder than you ever worked in your life...


You disregarded the hypothetical and yet answered the elephant in the room that is a problem that permeates just about everything in the modern world. Instant Gratification is both celebrated and desired above all else. Success is measured by how much you won rather than how much it took to win. Branding and merchandising deals are valued above all else, and nothing increases branding and merchandising profit like winning an easy chip or two. And make no doubts about it. It will be easy.

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Everybody complaining about KD, ain't nobody talking about this...







Exactly.   The Warriors were going to use up all their cap space this year keeping Barnes, if they didn't land Durant.   Either way, their depth was going to be destroyed.   Was it better to pay 26 million to Kevin Freaking Durant, or pay 22 million to Harrison Barnes?

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I'm not talking about marryin into money or getting a promotion because of a friend you know and it wasn't earned. That's a terrible example

but sure, you'd turn down the same job but at a better company where you can realize all you goals when you weren't sure you could at your current job. I'm sure you also agree to pay for all expenses on business trips out of pocket without reimbursement, turned down the corner office with a great view, volunteered to work with the guy that smells and nobody likes, etc etc you do all of this and more I'm sure just because you don't want to "take the easy way out" and want things to be as hard as possible. So honorable


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This move combined with that absolutely vomit inducing NYTimes article is why I will be actively rooting for GSW to fail at EVERYTHING. they are the new evil empire of pro sports. Have a seat Bellicheck

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I'm done with the other arguing plus I think this is the most interesting part about the move. Klay and Curry have that chemistry and given how Clay played against the Thunder, will he be ok if his shots and point totals go down. Would Durant be ok with that? Curry will have the ball the most which KD is used to with Westbrook so that shouldn't be a problem. I know it won't happen, but what if KD came off the bench as the 6th man. Now you have him scoring against second units but still playing the entire 4th quarter.

If KD is anything less than a 2nd scoring option there is a problem. Both Curry and Klay are great players. Draymond is one heck of a player. The way I see it, KD basically becomes Harrison Barnes with a SS4 power upgrade. GS top two shooters get their more devastating shots thru screens and cutting.

Teams in the playoffs beat the hell out of them on those off ball motion cuts that they executed like Shaolin during the regular season. Where KD would fit in is as your iso master, that can score at will, and, along with Draymond, find Steph and Klay off of those cuts for wide open looks, or keep the ball, take it to the rim and finish or kick it out to either Steph, Klay or Draymond for a triple.

They will probably resemble an Avengers action seauence.

You disregarded the hypothetical and yet answered the elephant in the room that is a problem that permeates just about everything in the modern world. Instant Gratification is both celebrated and desired above all else. Success is measured by how much you won rather than how much it took to win. Branding and merchandising deals are valued above all else, and nothing increases branding and merchandising profit like winning an easy chip or two. And make no doubts about it. It will be easy.

Okay, bud. You win. Im moving on.

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This move combined with that absolutely vomit inducing NYTimes article is why I will be actively rooting for GSW to fail at EVERYTHING. they are the new evil empire of pro sports. Have a seat Bellicheck


darkside.jpgimg host

Edited by Predicto
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No worries, Im done with this thread. You all can enjoy watching GS stomp the life out of the league next year and lie to yourselves that its not just as interesting as watching team USA stomp the bejeezus out of Belarus at some international friendly or that Durant joined a super team for any other reason than to win an easy chip.

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I'm not talking about marryin into money or getting a promotion because of a friend you know and it wasn't earned. That's a terrible example

but sure, you'd turn down the same job but at a better company where you can realize all you goals when you weren't sure you could at your current job. I'm sure you also agree to pay for all expenses on business trips out of pocket without reimbursement, turned down the corner office with a great view, volunteered to work with the guy that smells and nobody likes, etc etc you do all of this and more I'm sure just because you don't want to "take the easy way out" and want things to be as hard as possible. So honorable



Can we stop pretending our 9 to 5s are the same as an NBA player? Thanks.

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To be clear KD has a right to do whatever the hell he wants. It's his life. Like Hendrix said, when it's his time to die it will be him that has to do it, not everyone else. Let him make his own decisions

That said, I also have a right to actively cheer for the entire GSW to fail.

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No worries, Im done with this thread. You all can enjoy watching GS stomp the life out of the league next year and lie to yourselves that its not just as interesting as watching team USA stomp the bejeezus out of Belarus at some international friendly or that Durant joined a super team for any other reason than to win an easy chip.

I won't enjoy it. But I have to watch. We'll see how they play together before any true proclamations are set in stone.

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No worries, Im done with this thread. You all can enjoy watching GS stomp the life out of the league next year and lie to yourselves that its not just as interesting as watching team USA stomp the bejeezus out of Belarus at some international friendly or that Durant joined a super team for any other reason than to win an easy chip.

I'm going to enjoy it with a smile on my face...



Well, except when they play the Wizards... I think we can hang though. :(

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To be clear KD has a right to do whatever the hell he wants. It's his life. Like Hendrix said, when it's his time to die it will be him that has to do it, not everyone else. Let him make his own decisions

That said, I also have a right to actively cheer for the entire GSW to fail.

Now this is some level headed disdain I can get on board with.

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