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Do we trade Alfred Morris after the 2013 season?


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A top cornerback (let alone a productive one) is more valuable and more difficult to find than a productive runningback... Corner + 2nd? I'd do it.

Not in today's NFL. Name a dominant, shut down corner that has helped a his team win a Super Bowl in the last five years.

The NFL has changed in so many ways. Most defenses are built to get after the passer and get turnovers. A RB that can move the chains and help keep his Defense fresh is a far more valuable commodity now.

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I think we've all learned a valuable lesson today class: NEVER piss off a girls lacrosse Coach. :nono:

Dudes adept in a World of biatch slapping and hair pulling you wouldn't even want to imagine stepping into. Continue pushing him at your peril!


Pfft. I don't even know how to hold a lacrosse stick let alone teach it. And I'm not sure I could coach females. They're vicious. Did 7th/8th grade softball once, and between the boy drama, the tears and the "like oh my gods!" I couldn't handle it. And don't cross them. I saw them do things to their "friends" that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Girls are too tough for me. I'll stick to football :ols:

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Should we order the turd flambe?, uh NO, so why you mad bro? He got the emphatic NO that the hypothetical question called for.

I'm not the least bit mad, it's just tiresome how a lot of these threads don't really get read but the thread police come in and mock or rate the topic. If you're going to actually comment in the thread, read it. You can't honestly tell me you have read the replies in this and can honestly say every actually read it. They just saw the title, and mocked it.

And it was a hypothetical, but very possible, scenario. Not a single question.

---------- Post added April-30th-2013 at 08:39 AM ----------

WTF? Is this a real thread?

another example.

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Well damn............... chips?

CHIPS!?!? CHIPS!?!?! You gave me a lame offer before and now you're talking about CHIPS!?!?!

I'll give you a singular chip, and not the great kettle cooked kind. You get those awful ones that break upon contact with your finger. And you only get a singular chip. One. Final offer.

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Well damn............... chips?

:slap: He already said no to chips Darn language butchering American thingie. Keep up. :slap:

---------- Post added April-30th-2013 at 07:43 AM ----------

Pfft. I don't even know how to hold a lacrosse stick let alone teach it. And I'm not sure I could coach females. They're vicious. Did 7th/8th grade softball once, and between the boy drama, the tears and the "like oh my gods!" I couldn't handle it. And don't cross them. I saw them do things to their "friends" that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Girls are too tough for me. I'll stick to football :ols:

So you're saying we can stop with this charade and you take back all the Landry slurs?

Apology accepted (football) Coach. :pfft:

Continue on.


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The skins were fleeced. We gave up a 2nd round pick and a shut down corner. Yes i know, Champ wasn't resigning back in DC, but we gave more than what was needed for a RB

Portis ended up being the franchises 2nd all time leading rusher ... it's not his fault he had Cerrato and Zorn to deal with, and a mad dog in Snyder.

Saying we were fleeced is a gross overstatement ... did Denver get the better of the trade maybe, were we fleeced. No ...jesus christ. how hard is that to see?

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WTF? Is this a real thread?

I know man ... scary how many posts it got. I know I'm not helping.

I wonder what will happen come contract time for Al .. if he sustains this crazy pace. I bet shanny or Junior don't pay him, but that is so far down the freaking road.

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Morris didn't run for 1000 yards like 'anyone' that 'could run for 1000' in this system. He ran for 1600 yards. In a system designed to churn out 1000 yds. What does that tell you? It tells me that he is 1.6 times better than the system is designed for him to be. He rushed for 1600 yards. His longest run was 39 yards. He consistently made defenses feel stupid, churning up the yards 5-6 at a time. No we don't trade him.

And yes, I read your thread. The above are my thoughts.



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Probably the same time they allowed Tony Romo sits to pee to comment on them?


Sorry if you think there is even a valid argument made in the OP, people have their fur up at the notion of throwing away all the value, on and off the field, of a young player that has already made an impact for pocketchange. It isn't that hard to see the simple truth in this.

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Shannahan didnt run Portis into the ground, he had his best years under Shannahan. Joe Gibbs ran Portis into the ground. We didnt get fleeced because at least we were able to get something at all for Bailey. he was going to leave either way. We basically traded a second rd pick for Portis, and threw in the rights to a player who was leaving anyways, to get a player who had come off multiple 1000 yard seasons coming into the league.

Alfred Morris is a runningback that falls forward upon contact, always gaining yards. He is durable, young, and cheap. He came into the league with RG3, and they won a division title together in their first year. Do you really want to mess with that chemistry?

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The most perplexing part of this thread is that I can't envision a scenario where we would ever get a great offer for a RB. I mean, sure, once in a while you come across a pigeon like the Broncos did when they got Champ from us, but more likely we'll just get draft picks. Which is laughable, since Morris is one of the best draft stories we've ever had. Yeah, keep Morris.

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The most perplexing part of this thread is that I can't envision a scenario where we would ever get a great offer for a RB. I mean, sure, once in a while you come across a pigeon like the Broncos did when they got Champ from us, but more likely we'll just get draft picks. Which is laughable, since Morris is one of the best draft stories we've ever had. Yeah, keep Morris.

Great point. With the premium the league has put on passing attacks I dont see us getting good value anymore for a RB. I also don't think it matters because I doubt Morris is going to be looking for Chris Johnson money when his contract is up. He will be very affordable IMO even if he does keep his production consistent for the most part.

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Should we order the turd flambe?, uh NO, so why you mad bro? He got the emphatic NO that the hypothetical question called for.
I read the thread that you wrote, thought it was a joke, but clearly you were serious. I read then were the idea came from, a radio show, it's a clown idea. Champ Bailey was not going to remain here, we got a great back for him, the Redskins are in no such position with Almo and you, 980 are crazy for floating the idea. Just be happy, The REDSKINS had the no. 2 back in the NFL. ENJOY>
Not sure whether it's good or bad that the OP didn't come up with this terrible idea himself.

What it really shows is who likes to start threads just to start threads.

WTF? Is this a real thread?
IDK, so far Shanahan has shown a propensity for being loyal to strong character guys who are productive.
I'm not the least bit mad, it's just tiresome how a lot of these threads don't really get read but the thread police come in and mock or rate the topic. If you're going to actually comment in the thread, read it. You can't honestly tell me you have read the replies in this and can honestly say every actually read it. They just saw the title, and mocked it.

And it was a hypothetical, but very possible, scenario. Not a single question.


I think Sanity was questioned several times, I quoted some of my favs though. When most think it is a bad idea, it pretty much is a bad idea/

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It's not like we're talking about Ladell Betts here, who could be productive from time to time. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'm sure we could bring in another back that would run for 1000+. But releasing a rookie who broke the Skins rushing record would be puzzling to me. Why bother? Let's keep the crew together for as long as possible.

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I'm not the least bit mad, it's just tiresome how a lot of these threads don't really get read but the thread police come in and mock or rate the topic. If you're going to actually comment in the thread, read it. You can't honestly tell me you have read the replies in this and can honestly say every actually read it. They just saw the title, and mocked it.

And it was a hypothetical, but very possible, scenario. Not a single question.

You could make a thread titled should we eat our own poop and I'm sure you can come up with some very valid reasons why we should eat our own poop. That doesn't make it less of a silly thread that I'm surprised has gotten to 10 pages.

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You could make a thread titled should we eat our own poop and I'm sure you can come up with some very valid reasons why we should eat our own poop. That doesn't make it less of a silly thread that I'm surprised has gotten to 10 pages.

I think we ate quite enough prior to Shanny's arrival thank you

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Shanahan didn't dump CP because he could...Portis was asking for big dollars and was threatening a holdout, the Broncos badly needed to bolster their secondary and the Redskins were willing to give up a 2nd rounder and an elite CB.

That deal was a once in a lifetime trade. I would be amazed if the OP could find another deal like it since....other than the one they fantasized with Morris. Regardless, there is no way the Skins would find a deal like that for Morris, even if he ran for another 1500 yards, in today's NFL.

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Just think about it. His days in Denver and his days in DC, MS rotates through runners like no other coach in nfl history. The scheme proves it that anyone could run for 1000 in this system. With RG3 being entrenched as our franchise signal caller, is Alfred Morris the first of many running backs that MS abuses into the ground and fleeces another team like he did with Clinton Portis?

The current CBA, no player is able to restructure until year 2 is complete on their deal. Are the current running backs Chris Thompson, Jamison, Helu and Royster allow MS to fleece another team and get a big return back to further solidify other needs for this football team. If Alfred Morris runs for 1500, it will be similar to the Clinton Portis situation where he runs for over 3000 yds in his first two seasons?

Would MS pay Alfred Morris in DC or allow him to be paid by someone else? What kind of return would he bring back? The value of running backs in the current NFL is the slowest it has ever been.

Do you think that Morris is different than other MS running backs and should be resigned?


Thoughts?.... I think you are way out in left field even thinking about this.

Shannahan may have a rep for finding RB gems in late rounds but it's not automatic. It took several years to find Morris. And you want to trade away good talent? HELL NO.

Come talk to me *if* we draft someone as good who can make Morris expendable. Until then it would be stupid to even think of trading him.

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