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China wages war on funeral strippers


China has launched its latest crackdown against a phenomenon which just won't seem to die in rural areas - funeral strippers.




The Ministry of Culture said last month that it was targeting "striptease" and other "obscene, pornographic, and vulgar performances" at funerals, weddings and traditional Chinese New Year public gatherings.


The war on strippers at funerals has been a long one for China. Authorities first began clamping down on "obscene" performances in 2006 and launched a second campaign in 2015.


The latest is focused on 19 cities across four provinces, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu and Hebei, a statement on the website of the Ministry of Culture said.




Some communities in rural China reportedly believe that bigger attendances at funerals help to honour the dead and bring them good fortune.


But some experts say the erotic shows pay tribute to fertility.


"According to the interpretation of cultural anthropology, the fete is originated from the worship of reproduction," media professor Kuang Haiyan said, according to The Global Times. "Therefore the erotic performance at the funeral is just a cultural atavism."


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Suspected drug dealer has now gone 34 days without taking a poo


Lamarr Chambers, 24, is nearing his sixth week in custody after Essex Police arrested and detained him on January 17.


His toilet strike made history on day 24 when Chambers broke the British record for spending the most days in police custody. Officers believe he swallowed some of the drugs before his arrest in Harlow, Essex, and they have been patiently waiting for him to finally go ever since.


But with this waiting game now in its second month, Essex Police had no choice but to request more time to detain him in court. Chambers appeared before magistrates yesterday, where police applied to keep him in custody for another five days. Ms Wilson said: ‘Mr Chambers has not properly been to the toilet for some 33 days.’

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Toy makers turn to the toilet for poop-inspired toys


NEW YORK (AP) — Toy makers have gone to the toilet for their latest creations.


Mattel, a company best known for its clean-cut Barbie dolls, is set to release a game called Flushin' Frenzy that sends a brown plastic poop flying into the air.

Rival Hasbro, whose water-squirting game Toilet Trouble was a hit last year, stuck with the potty humor this year and released Don't Step In It, a game where players are blindfolded and have to avoid stepping in poop that's molded out of a clay-like substance.


Toy analysts and experts say the potty-related toys are hitting stores now because of the popularity of the poop emoji, which has also made it more acceptable for parents to buy poop toys for their kids. At the New York Toy Fair this weekend, toy makers showed off poo-shaped action figures, squishy toys and other creatures from the toilet.




"Yeah, poop is a theme," says Juli Lennett, the toy analyst at market research company The NPD Group. "Kids think it's funny."


Sticky the Poo, a squishy likeness with eyes, clings to walls and ceilings when thrown. The company behind it, Hog Wild, also sells a rainbow version called Sticky Unicorn Poo. Its Sticky the Plunger is sold separately.


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This Guy Injected His Dick With Stem Cells to Try to Make It Bigger


Ben Greenfield is a cult figure among fitness fanatics, a guru to the sort of nerds who devote themselves to meticulously monitoring their own biometric data for insight into their personal health. He has more than 50,000 Twitter followers, 60,000 Facebook fans, and 30,000 YouTube subscribes. Now he may become known for something else entirely: Injecting himself with stem cells in hopes that it will make his dick bigger.



Syringe goes where?!


“I want to take care of my body in best way possible,” Greenfield said during a webinar earlier this month, in which he spoke to listeners while walking on a treadmill. Part of that, he said, means “having fun with using what science has given us to make the body better.”


Greenfield is something of a human science experiment, who’s willing to try almost anything in the name of getting ripped and some publicity. He has subjected himself to platelet-rich plasma injections, stem cell injections, and even sound wave therapy, all in search of bodily enhancement and better health.

“I live my life as an N=1,” he told Gizmodo, referencing research studies with just one subject.


In November, Greenfield visited U.S. Stem Cell, a controversial clinic in Florida, to have his penis injected with his own stem cells. If the name of the clinic seems familiar, that’s because it’s the same Florida clinic that last year unintentionally blinded three patients in a clinical trial of an unproven stem cell therapy. In August 2017, the Food and Drug Administration sent U.S. Stem Cell and its chief scientific officer Kristin Comella (who appears in the webinar video with Greenfield) a warning letter for “marketing stem cell products without FDA approval and for significant deviations from current good manufacturing practice requirements, including some that could impact the sterility of their products, putting patients at risk.” U.S. Stem Cell Clinic, the FDA said, even tried to interfere the FDA’s investigation by denying agency employees access to facilities. (U.S. Stem Cell did not respond to repeated requests for comment.)


“I wanted to go from good to great, and to get a bigger dick,” he told Gizmodo. “I’m not going to lie, that’s why guys without erectile dysfunction would do this.”


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Kenneth Bachman, from Sewell, N.J., was visiting friends late last week near West Virginia University and had been drinking at a fraternity party. Many would argue that he did the responsible thing and ordered an Uber to take him home. The only problem? Home was a five-hour ride away.


No fear! His driver was up to the task — for the right price: a whopping $1,635.93.


“We went to a frat party and then went to the bar. I was getting drinks all night. I probably spent, like, $200 at the bar after already drinking all day,” Bachman told CBS Philly of his experience on Friday. “Basically, I kind of just blacked out. The last thing I remember was being at the bar, and then I just woke up in the Uber next to an older dude telling me I was an hour out from Jersey.”



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I laughed so ****ing hard at this.





You may know my husband, Jimmy Kimmel, at night. Late at night. He’s funny and smart and sometimes reflective. He works exceptionally hard to entertain.

But I know him in the morning, and he’s annoying. Really annoying. And not in a typical way. Oh no. Never typical. He’s annoying in a highly productive, quietly creative, intensely aggravating way.


Just when I think he’s spent all his energy on the previous night’s show, when I think he has nothing left to give, he rises shortly after the sun, crawls out of bed, down the stairs and into our kitchen, and with a quick squeeze of a squirt bottle, spurts cartoon characters onto a hot griddle.


He makes pancakes. And not your average pancakes. He makes art. With pancake batter. Like a lumberjack psychopath.


I don’t mean to sound negative, but I’m a working mother. I’m tired. I don’t have much tolerance for showoffs. I write full-time for “Jimmy Kimmel Live! and then come home to an even more demanding job raising our 10-month-old son, Billy, and 3-year-old daughter, Jane. And as working parents know, getting them fed, dressed, clean enough and out the door while frequently checking emails for work every morning is chaotic. If you don’t have kids, just imagine going through your daily morning routine in the monkey cage at a zoo.


So typically, I wake tired and guilt-ridden and resigned to sluggishly pouring my toddler a bowl of Cheerios, and magically, Dad marches down the stairs to make pancakes. That would make a mother happy, right? It does. The first half-dozen times.

Jimmy is an excellent cook. I do not take that for granted. He enjoys it, and I enjoy eating, and that makes for a happy home.

Until the pancakes showed up. And now I feel inadequate.

Jimmy first started making our daughter “normal” pancakes about a year ago. She enjoyed them, and we were delighted.


But that wasn’t good enough. He started to experiment. He ordered plastic squeeze bottles and organic food coloring. He bought food decorating pens (as every man does shortly after turning 50).


He started with red heart-shaped pancakes on Valentine’s Day. He did not use a cookie cutter. He freestyled. Jane loved them. I loved them. We ate them together, and I admired his thoughtfulness.


A couple days later, he made a delightful three-color clown. Again, by hand. And again, as someone who can barely draw a stick figure, I appreciated his handiwork.


Then he got aggressive. He made Dory. She was perfect. Next, a full-color Thomas the Tank Engine. He made Nemo and a Spider-Man who, I swear, rolled his eyes at me. He started mixing his batter before bed. He took requests and delighted our daughter, squirting Snoopy, Charlie Brown and even Lightning McQueen the morning after he hosted the Oscars. All realistic, totally edible portrayals. All done by hand over a hot griddle before Kathie Lee and Hoda had chugged their first quart of chardonnay.


I told you. He’s annoying.


And now his artistic ability has become my burden. When he isn’t home, our daughter sits at the kitchen table, glares at me and says, “I want a pancake. Peppa Pig.” She doesn’t even know that pancakes are round. I try to sell her on a bowl of oatmeal. I tell her it’s Wonder Woman food. She doesn’t buy it. She demands the edible art she is accustomed to. I cave and nervously promise her a pancake. “I’ll make you a ‘brown ball’!” She looks at me with confusion, followed by pity and then disgust. A tantrum follows.


One day my children will appreciate the fact that I gave birth to them and stayed up all night breast-feeding and rubbing growing pains out of their legs. One day they will remember that I always had a snack in my purse and a baby wipe in my glove compartment. They might even thank me for teaching them good manners if I did it successfully.


Until then, I’ll make waffles.


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Car Explodes After Man Uses Body Spray, Lights Cigarette


Police in Maryland say a car blew up when a man inside lit a cigarette after spritzing himself with an aerosol body spray. 


The cigarette-and-spray combination caused "a sudden and violent expansion of the air molecules'' in the car Thursday, creating a boom that pushed the roof up, shattered the front window and blew the doors open, Baltimore County police spokeswoman Jennifer Peach told The Baltimore Sun. 




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America's dumbest criminal? Thief struggles to steal


A bungling thief in California struggled to steal a gumball machine from an animal shelter.


He attempted to take it front the front door at the Front Street Animal Shelter but he did not realise the machine was bigger than the space on other.

To make things worse for the haphazard thief, he missed out on a more profitable loot by failing to spot a donations box full of cash on the desk next to him.


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So Alabama is a literal ****hole...


New York City stops sewage train to Alabama after residents complain of ‘horrific’ smell


New York City wastewater treatment plants will reportedly stop sending trains filled with partially treated sewage to Alabama after Yellowhammer State residents complained about the “horrific” smell and sludge-driven health issues.



What a trainload of **** may look like


“On a hot day, the odor and flies are horrific,” West Jefferson Mayor Charles Nix, who resides near the landfill, told The Guardian. “It’s better in winter time but if the wind blows in the wrong direction you get the smell. It’s like dead, rotting animals."


Nix said people were “miserable” being around the sewage. He added people would get sewage water splattered onto their vehicles when they drove too close. People in Walker county also reported fly infestations and a rotten stench.


“If you get close to the trucks the liquid would blow off on to your windshield and fill your car with a stink. It spilled out on to the road,” Nix said.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Lifetime ban from Empress for pepperoni seagull fiasco has been lifted


It all happened 17 years ago when Nick Burchill booked a room at the Empress for a work conference. Burchill was also in the Canadian Naval Reserve and his Navy buddies asked that he bring some Brother’s pepperoni, a Halifax delicacy.


“Because this was the Navy we were talking about, I brought enough for a ship,” Burchill wrote in a March 28 Facebook post about the ordeal, which has gone viral.

His pepperoni-packed suitcase was misplaced by the airline, so it arrived in Victoria a day late.


Burchill knew the pepperoni was likely still edible but he thought the most food-safe thing to do would be to keep it cool until he turned over the goods.

His fourth-floor room facing the Inner Harbour was large but lacking a refrigerator.


“It was April, the air was chilly. An easy way to keep all of this food cool would be just to keep it next to an open window,” Burchill wrote.


He spread the packages of pepperoni out on a table and along the window sill, then went for a leisurely four or five hour walk.


“I remember walking down the long hall and opening the door to my room to find an entire flock of seagulls in my room,” Burchill wrote. “I didn’t have time to count, but there must have been 40 of them and they had been in my room, eating pepperoni for a long time.”


Burchill discovered that spicy pepperoni does not agree with a seagull’s digestive system. The room was covered in guano.


Burchill’s unexpected entry startled the birds.


“They immediately started flying around and crashing into things as they desperately tried to leave the room through the small opening by which they had entered,” he wrote. “Less composed seagulls are attempting to leave through the other closed windows. The result was a tornado of seagull excrement, feathers, pepperoni chunks and fairly large birds whipping around the room.”


Lamps tumbled to the floor, the curtains were trashed, the coffee tray was disgusting, he described.


Burchill waded through the flock and opened the remaining windows to let the gulls escape.


“One tried to re-enter the room to grab another piece of pepperoni and in my agitated state, I took off one of my shoes and threw it at him,” he said.

Burchill then chased the last gull standing through the room as it held a “big hunk of pepperoni in its gob.”


He grabbed a towel, captured the bird and in his haste, threw the package out the window, too.


Unbeknownst to Burchill, the shoe and the towel-trapped seagull had plummeted to the Empress’s front lawn, striking a group of tourists who were walking toward the tea room.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Government accidentally sends file on "remote mind control" methods to journalist


When journalist Curtis Waltman filed a Freedom of Information Act request with Washington State Fusion Center (which is partnered with Department of Homeland Security) to obtain information about Antifa and white supremacist groups, he got more than the information he was looking for – he also accidentally received a mysterious file on "psycho-electric weapons" with the label “EM effects on human body.zip.” The file included methods of "remote mind control."


Creepy images like these were included:







One diagram lists the various forms of torment supposedly made possible by using remote mind-control methods, from “forced memory blanking” and “sudden violent itching inside eyelids” to “wild flailing” followed by “rigor mortis” and a remotely induced “forced orgasm.” It was not immediately clear how the documents wound up in the agency’s response to a standard FOIA request, but there was reportedly no indication the “remote mind control” files stemmed from any government program.


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Meteorologist Brad Anderson arrested... for stealing spring


LINCOLN, Neb. (KOLN) -- On April 18, Meteorologist Kaj O'Mara, at our sister station KCRG, was arrested for snowy weather in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.




Upon hearing this news, on April 19 the Lincoln Police Department obtained a warrant to search 10/11 NOW Meteorologist Brad Anderson for more information on his involvement.


Interstate Meteorological Commerce Theft Warrant


In conjunction with the Marion Police Department, the Lincoln Police Department is here to serve an Interstate Meteorological Commerce Theft Warrant on Brad Anderson.


Anderson has been a person of interest with the Lincoln Police Department for some time -- including incidents related to the desecration of autumn, the misrepresentation of summer, and falsification of winter.


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Woman Takes Out Her Own Breast Implants Using a Cutter


A mother-of-three from the UK reportedly performed the world’s first DIY breast implant removal at home, because she couldn’t stand her F-cup breasts anymore and wouldn’t get on the health service’s waiting list.


14 years ago, Tonia Rossington, from Skegness, Lincolnshire, underwent a breast-enlargement procedure in Brussels, which increased her bust size from 36B to 36F. At the time, she felt her large breast looked natural, but a few years later, she lost a lot of weight and she began to hate them. She thought they looked ridiculous and couldn’t bare the thought that she was stuck with them for the rest of her life. So she started weighing her options, and somehow eventually decided that the best thing to do was to remove the implants herself.



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Manure message: Local farmer gives residents whiff of what could happen if land deal fails


LORDSTOWN, Ohio -- A local farmer is going to extreme measures to show he's not happy with some Trumbull County residents. Harvey Lutz planned to sell property to the company that owns TJ Maxx.


But, the people in Lordstown aren't happy about the idea of the traffic and put the deal in jeopardy.


Lutz said, "Fine. I'll raise chickens for Kentucky Fried Chicken instead." And, to give his neighbors an idea of what they would be in for, he dumped chicken manure on the land. "Guess what? I'm allowed to build a chicken barn if I want, and that's my statement so I'm working with two barns, 650 feet long, 55-thousand birds per barn." "Wake up, smell the roses, maybe; hopefully instead of manure," he said.


Lutz says he's hopeful he proved his point and the original land deal will be given the green light. But, he says he's prepared to make good on his threat to become a mega chicken farmer.

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Bison headbutts woman in Yellowstone


A bison tossed a woman off a trail Tuesday afternoon near Old Faithful, marking the year’s first incident between a bison and a visitor at Yellowstone National Park. 


Park officials said in a press release Wednesday morning that 72-year-old Virginia Junk was walking around a bend in a trail near Old Faithful and didn’t see the bison. 


The release said the bison dropped its head and butted her in the thigh. The animal pushed her off the trail. 


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Nose-Picking Masturbator Nabbed Months After Terrorizing NYC Subway Riders in Separate Attacks: NYPD


The alleged nose-picking masturbator who terrorized subway riders in two separate attacks has been caught after months on the lam, police say. 


Dennis Patrick, 59, is believed to be the man seen in a photo from one of the cases apparently picking his nose on a train. He has been charged with public lewdness in the attacks -- one on an E train at 53rd Street Sept. 29 and one two weeks later on an A train at the 14th Street station, police say. 


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Mother, 19, stabbed boyfriend during sex after telling him men should only be used for 'human sacrifice'



Zoe Adams, 19, had dressed up as a clown and put a pillow over Kieran Bewick's head to make their encounter more exhilarating on July 29 last year, Carlisle Crown Court heard. 

In what she described as an "overreaction", she whispered, "Trust me", to the then 17-year-old Bewick before stabbing him five times in the chest, arm and thigh with a 10-inch knife



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zoony, is that you?


Police: Tenn. man arrested after search yields super glue-huffing stash




KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) -- A Knoxville man faces charges after an incident in downtown Knoxville on Wednesday.


Just before 4:30 p.m., multiple people flagged down an officer in Market Square to report "odd behavior" by a man.


According to police, Brian Zielinski refused to stop walking away when he was approached by officers. The reporting officer noted that Zielinski was "talking incoherently and appeared to be under the influence of some type of inhalant."


Authorities said a search yielded two bottles of super glue in Zielinski's front pants pocket and a sunglasses case containing small light bulbs with a straw attached to the end of the bulb. Zielinski allegedly told investigators the stash of supplies was for huffing glue.


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